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Dr Shaorun Lin

Dr Lin Shaorun

Research Assistant Professor


Dr Shaorun Lin currently serves as a Research Assistant Professor (2024-) in the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University where he received his PhD in 2021. Before re-joining PolyU, Dr Lin was a Postdoctoral Fellow (2022-2024) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, where he explored the wind-driven building-to-building fire spread at the wildland-urban interface with the Insurance Institute for Building & Home Safety (IBHS). Dr Lin’s primary research areas are Combustion Science and Fire Safety Engineering, specifically Smoldering Combustion and Wildfire Dynamics. He has published over 40 journal articles (e.g., Combustion and Flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Science of the Total Environment, Fire Safety Journal) and reviewed over 20 journals (e.g., Nature Climate Change). He is an editorial member of Fire Technology, an editor of the IAFSS official website and former president of the SFPE Hong Kong Student Chapter. He is the recipient of the Bernard Lewis Fellowship from the Combustion Institute, the SFPE Student Research Grant (the first recipient from Asia), the Great Bay Area STEM Excellence Award, the Tree Grant from the AFE, the CFPA Excellent PhD Thesis Award, and the Top Award in the Student Essay Competition from the HKIE.

林少润博士是香港理工大学建筑环境及能源工程系研究助理教授(2024-);香港理工大学消防安全工程研究中心博士(2021)。在担任研究助理教授前,林博士在美国加州大学伯克利分校担任博士后研究员(2022-2024),并与美国商业与家庭安全保险协会合作研究林-城交界域内建筑-建筑火蔓延机理。主要研究领域涉及基础燃烧科学和火灾安全应用,特别是阴燃燃烧和林火动力学。目前在Combustion and Flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Science of the Total Environment, Fire Safety Journal等期刊发表了40多篇论文。担任国家重点研发项目境外负责人、SCI期刊 Fire Technology 编委、国际火灾安全学会 IAFSS 官网编辑、国际消防工程师学会(SFPE)香港学生分会主席(2020-2021)和Nature Climate Change等20本期刊的审稿人。获得国际燃烧学会伯纳德-刘易斯学者奖、国际消防工程师协会学生研究奖(亚洲首位),大湾区STEM卓越奖、中国消防协会优秀博士论文和火灾生态学协会(AFE)Tree grant等。

Selected Publication lists:

1. Y. Qin, Y. Chen, Y. Zhang, S. Lin*, X. Huang* (2024) Modelling Smothering Limit of Smoldering Combustion: Oxygen Supply, Fuel Density, and Moisture Content. Combustion and Flame, 269: 113683.

2. S. Wang, B. Bathras, W. Cui, P. Garg, S. Lin*, M. Gollner* (2024) Flaming vs. smoldering emissions of pine needles under limited oxygen and fuel moisture conditions. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 105616.

3. S. Lin*, C. Li, M. Conkling, X. Huang, S. Quarles, M. Gollner* (2024) Smoldering Ignition and Transition to Flaming in Wooden Mulch Beds Exposed to Firebrands under Wind. Fire Safety Journal, 104226.

4. S. Lin*, T. Zhang, X. Huang, M. Gollner* (2024) The initiation of smoldering peat fires by a glowing firebrand. International Journal of Wildland Fire.

5. Y. Zhang1, Y. Su1, Y. Qin, Y. Chen, S. Lin*, X. Huang*, M. Zhou (2024) Resurfacing of Underground Peat Fire: Smoldering Transition to Flaming Wildfire on Litter Surface. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 33.

6. Y, Qin, Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, S. Lin*, X. Huang* (2024) Minimum Oxygen Supply for Smouldering Combustion: Influence of Fuel Size and Bulk Density. Combustion and Flame, 261: 113292.

7. S. Lin, Y. Qin, X. Huang*, M. Gollner (2023) Use of Pre-Charred Surfaces to Improve Fire Performance of Wood. Fire Safety Journal, 136: 103745.

8. Y. Qin, Y. Chen, S. Lin*, X. Huang* (2022) Limiting Oxygen Supply Limits of Self-sustained Smoldering Propagation. Combustion and Flame, 245: 112380.

9. Y. Qin, D. Musa, S. Lin*, X. Huang* (2022) Deep Peat Fire Persistently Smouldering for Weeks: A Laboratory Demonstration. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 32(1): 86-98.

10. S. Lin, S. Wang, X. Huang* (2022) Modelling smoldering ignition by an irradiation spot. Fire Safety Journal, 134: 103708.

11. Z. Liang, S. Lin (co-first author), X. Huang* (2022) Smoldering Ignition and Emission Dynamics of Wood under Low Irradiation. Fire and Materials, 47 (4): 514-524.

12. S. Lin, X. Huang* (2022) Extinction of wood fire: modelling smoldering and near-limit flame under irradiation. Fire Technology.

13. Y. Chen, S. Lin*, Z. Liang, X. Huang* (2022) Clean smoldering biowaste process: Effect of burning direction on smoke purification by self-sustained flame. Fuel Processing Technology, 237: 107453.

14. S. Lin, H. Yuan*, X. Huang* (2022) A Computational Study on the Quenching and Near-Extinction Spread of Smoldering. Combustion and Flame, 238: 111937.

15. Y. Chen, Z. Liang, S. Lin*, X. Huang* (2021) Limits of Sustaining a Flame above Smoldering Biomass. Combustion Science and Technology, 195 (12): 2801-2819.

16. S. Wang, S. Lin (co-first author), Y. Liu, X. Huang*, M. Gollner (2021) Smoldering Ignition using a Concentrated Solar Irradiation Spot. Fire Safety Journal, 129, 103549.

17. S. Lin, T. H. Chow, X. Huang* (2021) Smoldering Propagation and Blow-off on Consolidated Fuel under External Airflow. Combustion and Flame, 234: 111685.

18. S. Lin, Y. Liu, X. Huang* (2021) Climate-induced Arctic-Boreal Peatland Fire and Carbon Loss in the 21st Century. Science of the Total Environment, 796: 148924.

19. S. Lin, X. Huang*, J. Gao*, J. Ji (2021) Extinction of wood fire: A near-limit blue flame above hot smoldering surface. Fire Technology, 58: 415-434.

20. S. Wang, P. Ding, S. Lin*, J. Gong, X. Huang* (2021) Smoldering and flaming of disc wood particles under external radiation: Auto-ignition and size effect. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 65.

21. S. Lin, Y. Liu, X. Huang* (2021) How to build a firebreak to stop smouldering peat fire: insights from laboratory-scale study. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 30 (6): 454-461.

22. A. Khan, S. Lin*, X. Huang*, A. Usmani (2021) Facade Fire Hazards of Bench-Scale Aluminum Composite Panel with Flame-Retardant Core. Fire Technology, 59: 5-28.

23. S. Lin and X. Huang* (2021) Quenching of Smoldering: Effect of Wall Cooling on Extinction. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38(3): 5015-5022.

24. S. Lin and X. Huang* (2020) An Experimental Method to Investigate the Water-based Suppression of Smoldering Peat Fire. MethodsX, 7: 100934.

25. S. Lin, Y. K. Cheung, Y. Xiao and X. Huang* (2020) Can rain suppress smoldering peat fire? Science of the Total Environment, 727:138468.

26. Q. Xie*, Z. Zhang, S. Lin*, Y. Qu and X. Huang* (2020) Smoldering of high-density cotton bale under concurrent airflow. Fire Technology, 56: 2241-2256.

27. S. Lin, X. Huang*, J. Urban, S. McAllister, C. Fernandez-Pello (2019) Piloted Ignition of Cylindrical Wildland Fuels under Irradiation. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 5:54.

28. S. Lin, P. Sun, X. Huang* (2019) Can Peat Soil Support a Flaming Wildfire? International Journal of Wildland Fire 28(8) 601-613.

Education and Academic Qualifications

  • Bachelor of Engineering, Shenzhen University
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Research Interests

  • Dynamics of large outdoor fires
  • Wildland fire dynamics and fire ecology
  • Smoldering combustion
  • Material Flammability
  • Fire safety in novel energy technology

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