Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Building Sciences and Engineering

Entrance Year Sept 2025
Programme Code JS3211
Mode of Study Full-time
Normal Duration
4 years
Programme Intake 327 (Combined intake for programmes JS3004 [around 33], JS3211 [around 38], JS3791 [around 22], JS3789 [around 65], JS3214 [around 27], JS3739 [around 87], JS3375 [around 20] and JS3130 [around 35]) (JUPAS and Non-JUPAS) (Subject to approval)
Fund Type Government-Funded
Credits Required for Graduation
122 (plus 12 training credits)
Programme Leader(s)
Dr Cao Sunliang
D.Sc (Tech), MSc, BEng
- The credit requirements of this programme are indicative only and subject to review.
- Students will be awarded the following degree upon completing the graduation requirements:
- BEng (Hons) in Building Sciences and Engineering [建築科學及工程學(榮譽)工學士]
- BEng (Hons) in Building Sciences and Engineering [建築科學及工程學(榮譽)工學士]
- Students in the BEng (Hons) in Building Sciences and Engineering programme have the option to pursue a Secondary Major programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IE) or Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA). Admission to a Secondary Major programme is competitive and subject to different credit requirements for graduation. Please see the Secondary Major Details for further information.
Entry Scholarship
- To recognise high academic attainment, the Department will grant entry scholarships to eligible students with outstanding HKDSE scores who are admitted via JUPAS. Details of this scholarship will be announced on the BEEE website in due course.
Aims and Characteristics
All admitted students will embark on a Common Year One curriculum. Towards the end of year one, students can decide whether to continue with their initial choice or switch to another choice within the Faculty. Those who wish to change to another choice need to join a competitive process through a ranking assessment, which considers a combination of entrance qualification score, Year One GPA, and interview performance.
Programme Aims & Learning Outcomes
We equip graduates with the technical and academic competence to excel in the areas of building sciences and engineering and building services engineering.
This programme is designed to meet the demand for locally trained building and building services engineers with expertise in consultancy, contracting, building management, and research and development.
Our graduates have a broad range of personal skills, such as effective communication, critical thinking, independent learning, and innovative problem-solving skills.
Programme Characteristics
Students learn the art and science of providing safe, healthy, and energy-efficient built environments with minimal adverse ecological impacts. They also have the opportunity to tackle intellectual challenges that will prepare them to become managers in the industry.
Our students have opportunities to work in teams, lead small projects, work independently, and interact with highly qualified and professional staff. They also have access to various types of design software and laboratory facilities equipped for the latest building science and engineering applications, such as artificial intelligence and big data for smart buildings.
Local and overseas summer placement opportunities are available.
Students who join the Student Exchange Programme can study for a semester at universities in the United States, Europe, Australia, Russia, Southeast Asia, or Mainland China.
Our students are regularly awarded scholarships from professional bodies and major organisations in Hong Kong.