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  1. Cheung, S. H. (2007). A grammar of Cantonese spoken in Hong Kong (Revised Edition). The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  2. Lin, Y.-H. (2007). The sounds of Chinese. Cambridge University Press.
  3. Liu, Y., Yao, D., & Bi, N.-P. (2017). Integrated Chinese. Simplified characters. 1 (4th edition.). Cheng & Tsui.
  4. Liu, X., & Shi, J. (Eds.). (2015). New practical Chinese reader: Textbook, annotated in English (H. X. Wu & J. E. Stowe, Trans.; 3rd ed.). Beijing Yu Yan Da Xue Chu Ban She.
  5. 黄伯荣與廖序东(主編)(2017),《現代漢語》(增订6版),北京,高等教育出版社。
  6. 邵敬敏(2007),《現代漢語通論》 (第二版),上海,上海教育出版社。


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