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Your experience or research findings will provide valuable insight to inspire other participants. We sincerely invite you to submit your abstracts on the following domains:

  • Basic science of spinal deformities
  • Clinical assessment and diagnoses of spinal deformities
  • Management of spinal deformities

Abstracts must contain sufficient details for evaluation. Clearly indicate the aims and conclusions supported by data. Results stated in the abstracts must be complete and final.

The abstract title must be in initial CAPITAL LETTERS, not exceeding 200 characters, including spaces.

The body of the abstracts should be organized as follows:

  • Introduction- state the problem and the purpose of the study
  • Methods- describe what was actually done
  • Results- summarize findings of the study
  • Discussion and Conclusion- based on what were found and related to the stated purpose and existing knowledge

Content (excluding title, names and institutes) of the abstract should not exceed 400 words.

Abstracts must be typed in Black ink single-line spacing with 12-point Times New Roman font.

Simple tables and graphs may also be included.

Mode of presentation: The organizing committee reserves the right to select and assign the abstracts for podium (oral) or poster presentations.

Important Dates
15 Feb 2024     Abstract Submission Deadline
15 Mar 2024     Announcement of Abstract Submission Result