Workshop of HKGCNT



Training workshops

In order to be a certified user to administer the test, s/he must be one of the following professionals:

  1. Speech Therapist/Pathologist,
  2. Educational Psychologist,
  3. Clinical Psychologist,
  4. Registered Research Psychologist,
  5. Researcher with a PhD degree,

and must complete a training workshop. Each user will receive a HKGCNT Certification after the training workshop.

The Speech Therapy Unit will organize training workshop every year. Interested professional may read the information posted on “Latest News” or join us at Facebook.


Certified User


Purchase HKGCNT

Certified users of the HKGCNT can purchase the test after the training workshop. Please bring along a copy of your user certificate, together with a crossed cheque with the amount of HK$1200 made payable to “The Hong Kong Polytechnic University”, to our Speech Therapy Clinic at EF701 of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.