COMP 50 Digital Time Capsule 數碼時光膠囊

History Library 歷史回憶庫
Time Capsule 時光膠囊

1. Account Registration 用戶登記
On the homepage, click the "Register" button in the top right corner.
在首頁上,點擊右上角的 "Register" 按鈕

- Fill in your personal information
輸入個人資料 - After clicking "CONTINUE," you will receive a verification code at the email address you provided
點擊 "CONTINUE" 後,您將通過電郵收到一個驗證碼 - Once you enter the verification code, your registration will be successfully completed
*We highly recommend that you register for an account using your personal email address. This is because when the hidden message is decrypted and revealed in 2029, an automatic email will be sent to your email address. This email will bring you the message from your past self.

2. Entry Submission 投交稿件
Click on the "Submission" button located in the navigation bar
點擊在導覽列上的 "Submission" 按鈕

Please select whether you would like to submit an entry for the "History Library" or the "Time Capsule".
*You are welcome to submit multiple entries

Submit to "History Library" 投稿至「歷史回憶庫」
- Select the year of moment/event
選擇時刻/事件的年份 - Describe the memorable moment/event (Who, When, What, and Where)
描述這個令人難忘的時刻/事件(何人、何時、何事、何地) - Upload related picture(s) (optional) - only JPG, JEPG and PNG files are allowed. You can upload a maximum of 3 files within 5mb for each entry
上傳相關圖片(選填)- 只接受 JPG、JPEG 和 PNG 格式的文件。每個投稿最多可上傳3個不超過5mb的檔案
Suggested Themes 建議內容:
- Your memories of studying or working at COMP and PolyU
- Example: Congregation, Annual Dinner, International Learning Programme, Competition
Remarks 備註:
- Content will be publicly accessible
投稿內容會被公開展示 - Stories will be displayed on the history library based on the year the event occurred
故事將根據事件發生的年份在歷史回憶庫中展示 - Submissions written in English or Chinese are acceptable
接受以英文或中文撰寫的投稿。 - Submissions that contain foul language, offensive content, sensitive information, political content, content irrelevant to COMP and PolyU, and any content considered inappropriate by the organiser will not be accepted

Submit to "Time Capsule" 投稿至「時光膠囊」
- Write the message you would like to put into the time capsule
請寫下您想存入時光膠囊的訊息 - Upload related picture(s) (optional) - only JPG, JEPG and PNG files are allowed. You can upload a maximum of 3 files within 5mb for each entry
上傳相關圖片(選填)- 只接受 JPG、JPEG 和 PNG 格式的文件。每個投稿最多可上傳3個不超過5mb的文件
Suggested Themes 建議內容:
- Your outlook and aspirations for the industry's development in the next 5 years
您對未來五年業界發展的展望與期許 - What would you like to say to PolyU/COMP five years from now
向五年後的電子計算學系/香港理工大學留下訊息 - What would you like to say to your future self in 5 years
Remarks 備註:
- Content will be hidden and revealed on this website in November 2029
你將於2029年11月在這網頁再次看到投稿內容 - Submissions written in English or Chinese are acceptable
接受以英文或中文撰寫的投稿。 - Submissions that contain foul language, offensive content, sensitive information, political content, content irrelevant to COMP and PolyU, and any content considered inappropriate by the organiser will not be accepted
主辦方將不接受包含粗言穢語、冒犯性內容、敏感信息、政治內容、與 電子計算學系和香港理工大學無關的內容,以及任何被認為不恰當的投稿
Successful Submission - Get COMP Anniversary Souvenir 成功投稿 - 獲贈五十周年限量記念品
The provided images are intended for reference purposes only.The final product will be revealed later.

2024-25 Schedule Book 行事曆
Task 1 任務一 :
Extra Souvenir for First 50 successful submissions 限定首50個成功投稿額外記念品
Requirement 獲得條件:
Successfully submitted an entry for History Library or Time Capsule 成功投稿至歷史回憶庫或數碼時光膠囊
Deadline 截止日期:
31/ 5/ 2024

PU Leather Card Holder 仿皮掛頸卡套
Task 2 任務二:
Any successful submission 任何成功投稿
Requirement 獲得條件:
Successfully submitted an entry for History Library or Time Capsule 成功投稿至歷史回憶庫或數碼時光膠囊
Quota 名額:300

Mini LED Light Power Bank
Task 3 任務三:
Entry Accepted 成功獲選
Requirement 獲得條件:
Submitted entry for the History Library is accepted 歷史回憶庫投稿成功獲選
Quota 名額:100
*Each participant can either choose a power bank or a foldable wireless keyboard 每位參加者只能從行動電源或藍牙折疊鍵盤選擇一款

Foldable Wireless Keyboard
Task 3 任務三:
Entry Accepted 成功獲選
Requirement 獲得條件:
Submitted entry for the History Library is accepted 歷史回憶庫投稿成功獲選
Quota 名額:100
*Each participant can either choose a power bank or a foldable wireless keyboard 每位參加者只能從行動電源或藍牙折疊鍵盤選擇一款
聯絡我們 Contact Us
Department of Computing
- PQ806
- +852 3400 3145