Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Computer Science

1. What is BSc (Hons) Scheme in Computing & AI?
All students admitted to the BSc (Hons) Scheme in Computing and AI will embark on a Common Year One curriculum in the Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences*. From the 2nd year, students can select their study paths and flexibly choose one of the Honours degree awards, namely the BSc (Hons) in Computer Science and the BSc (Hons) in Enterprise Information Systems. There is no quota limit on the number of students admitted into any of student-preferred programmes.
*The faculty will be established by January 2025.
The Computer Science programme can also be understood as "Computing + Science". It emphasizes on applying computing theories and programming methodologies to design and develop fast and smart computing systems and software.
The Enterprise Information Systems programme can also be understood as "Computing + Business". It emphasizes on applying computing technologies and analysing enterprise data/ information to develop and manage business solutions.
3. What are the general admission requirements?
Students must satisfy the minimum University's General Entrance Requirements:
- Level 3 - English Language, Chinese Language and two elective subjects (Extended Modules of Mathematics M1/M2 are also considered as electives);
- Level 2 - Mathematics; and
- Attained - Citizenship and Social Development.
The BSc (Hons) Scheme in Computing & AI will look at the "best" 5 HKDSE subjects for calculating the admission score for initial prioritization of applicants. Starting from 2020/21 admission cohorts, HKDSE level attainments have been converted to level points as follows:
HKDSE Category A: Core and Elective Subjects Level Attainments | Converted Level Points for Score Calculation |
5** | 8.5 |
5* | 7 |
5 | 5.5 |
4 | 4 |
3 | 3 |
2 | 2 |
1 | 1 |
Unclassified | 0 |
There is no compulsory subject requirement. Preferred subjects for the programme include:
- English Language;
- Mathematics;
- Extended Modules of Mathematics (M1/M2);
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT);
- Physics/Biology/Chemistry (Single or Combined Science);
- Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS); and
- Economics.
4. What is your average HKDSE admission score and where can I find the average admission scores in recent years?
Our average HKDSE admission scores for recent admission exercises can be found here. In addition to the admission score, we also encourage applicants to consider their own personal interests, career prospects and internship opportunities when making a choice. A significant number of our recent graduates have secured employment with attractive starting salaries. Our internship option allows students to gain up to 32 weeks of working experience while still graduating in 4 years. In summary, studying computing prepares you for a good career.
5. What is the intake quota?
The intake quota of this programme for 2025/26 admission is 74. This includes both JUPAS and non-JUPAS admission and the split of quotas for JUPAS and non-JUPAS is not yet decided.
6. Is there any interview? When is it? What does the interview do?
Band A applicants will usually be invited to attend an interview, which will be held either in June or July. Students performing well in the interview will get a bonus score which will be added to their admission score to move ahead in the JUPAS list.
7. Credit transfer for Discipline-Specific Requirements (DSR) subject?
Entry Credit Transfer?
The Department of Computing (COMP) will consider to grant entry credit transfer of Discipline-Specific Requirements (DSR) credits to GCE/HKALE students as follows:
Exam- Subject |
Min. Grade |
GCEAL- Computing | B |
COMP1002 Computational Thinking and Problem Solving |
GCEAL – Information and Communications Technology (Applied) |
B |
General Guidelines for granting Credit Transfer of DSR subjects
i. Granting of credit transfer is mainly based on the subject contents and the learning outcomes attained.
ii. In general, COMP only considers subjects with a minimum grade of B (or equivalent) for credit transfers.
1. What can I do after I graduate? How much do I make?
A computing degree opens the door to a wide range of careers in IT companies and in those involving the use of computers and systems in industry, commerce, government service, health care service and universities. Our graduates are enthusiastically sought after by employers and have successful careers. In PolyU 2023 Graduate Employment Survey, the average starting salary of our graduates reached HK$22,821 which is the 2nd highest in the Faculty of Engineering
2. What are the careers that graduates usually look for?
Our graduates are employed in a wide range of careers, including system analysts, project managers, software architects, business analysts, management executives, game developers, IT security analysts, etc. A significant number of our graduates work in leading companies like Microsoft, Google, HP, Société Générale, Cathay Pacific Airways, etc. Many others have careers in the government and public sector like Hospital Authority, OGCIO, Hong Kong Jockey Club, etc. Some others start their own businesses or pursue further studies.
1. After being admitted to the BSc (Hons) Scheme in Computing & AI programme, when should I decide which major to choose?
Normally, students should declare their major degree at the end of the common first year of studies. After the selection, students' requests to change programme major may still be considered on a case-by-case basis and will only be supported under exceptional circumstances.
2. How many credits do I need to obtain to have a major?
120 credits are required. For the BSc (Hons) Scheme in Computing & AI, all awards require only 78 credits of Discipline Specific Requirement (DSR). The addition of 27-30 credits of General University Requirement (GUR) will amount to only 105-108 credits. Students may take subjects adding up to 12-15 credits offered by any department in the university, inclusive of subjects offered by Computing, as well as additional language subjects. It would be wise to plan your studies in such a way as to end up also getting a minor (requiring 18 credits) by making use of those 12 credits and shared minor subjects in Cluster Area Requirements (CAR) under GUR.
3. What is a minor?
A minor programme is an additional course of study that is taken either to complement your major discipline of study, or out of interest. At PolyU, the requirements for a minor are 18 credits (usually 6 subjects). Two of those subjects may be CAR subjects under GUR.
4. When can I enroll to take up a minor and what are the requirements?
You can apply for a minor in the first semester of your second study year. To be eligible for enrolment in a Minor, a student must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above at the time of application for Minor enrolment. The Minor Department may set a quota and additional admission requirements apart from the above GPA requirement.
5. I want to take up a minor offered by another department. Where can I get more information?
You could get the information from the minor-offering department.
1. What is Work Integrated Education (WIE)?
Work-Integrated Education (WIE) is "work-based learning experiences (e.g., internship) which take place in an organizational context relevant to a student's future profession, or the development of generic skills that will be valuable in that profession". All full-time undergraduate students of COMP are required to complete a mandatory WIE component (at least 312 working hours) as part of their curriculum. Our students have gained valuable working experiences at international companies as well as government and related organizations, e.g. Microsoft, Disneyland, IBM, HSBC, BNP Paribas, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Hong Kong Observatory and Hospital Authority.
2. Is WIE graded?
WIE is graded either as pass or fail. The WIE component will NOT be counted in the calculation of the GPA.
3. What is the Internship option?
To fulfil the WIE requirement, our 4-year curriculum provides an internship option. Students can gain up to 32 weeks of full-time working experience (Semester 2 of Year 3 plus summer) while still graduate in 4 years. Students should also take evening classes during the internship period. This internship option can greatly enhance your employability.
4. Is there an opportunity for me to complete my WIE overseas?
Yes, a lot of students do their WIE overseas. In the last several years, we have had students do their WIE in US, Canada, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Denmark, Japan, Spain, Slovakia, Singapore, Switzerland etc.
1. Is there any entrance scholarship?
There are entrance scholarships offered by the University for students. Students with outstanding academic records may be awarded attractive scholarship on admission.
2. Is there any other scholarship?
There are lots of other post entry academic scholarships. Whenever applicable, details will be circulated to students by email.
1. Where can I find computing facilities?
We have a wide range of computing facilities available in the departmental Computing Laboratories, which are located at 6/F of PQ Wing and 5/F of P Wing.
2. Are there any labs for teaching and learning?
Yes, we also have specialised labs. For example, we have labs for teaching virtual reality and embedded system.
1. Why do I need advising?
With the new academic structure, students are given the utmost flexibility to choose a subject mix and study awards that best matches their interests. We have academic advisors to help you plan your academic path so that you can make the most of your time and experience at PolyU.
2. Who is my academic advisor?
All full-time Bachelor’s degree students pursuing a 4-year or new curriculum will be assigned to one full-time academic staff who will act as his/her academic advisor throughout his/her course of study. You may find out your academic advisor via eStudent.
3. How do I make an appointment to meet my advisor? Should I approach the General Office?
You should always make an appointment with your advisor. You can either email or call him/her. If you have trouble contacting your advisor, feel free to send an email to
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