We are proud to announce that two of our talented students have excelled in the 10th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, organised by the Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association.
Second Prize (Information Technology)
Project: Cloud Nursing Wise Home BioRadar-based Smart Elderly Eco Service Platform for the Elderly
Team Members: XIANG Muze (COMP Year 3 students), HE Boyan, QIAN Junbo, GUO Boyu, and WU Yutin
This innovative project addresses the challenges posed by China's ageing population. The team developed a non-contact millimeter-wave radar system aimed at enhancing elderly care. Key features include sleep monitoring, fall detection, and activity tracking, all designed to improve safety, privacy, and the quality of care in home-based settings.
Third Prize (Information Technology)
Project: Present AR
Team Members: MA Po Hin (COMP Alumnus) and WONG Chik On
PresentAR is an innovative solution that leverages Augmented Reality (AR) to elevate presentations. By integrating AR elements, the tool makes presentations more engaging, promoting active listening among audiences. Our research indicates that presentations delivered with PresentAR significantly enhance presentation skills and increase the effective use of body language.