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Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2024

13 Aug 2024

We are proud to announce that two of our professors, Prof. LUO Xiapu and Prof. XIAO Bin, have been honoured with the Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2024 in the category of Research and Scholarly Activities: Outstanding Researcher.

Prof. LUO Xiapu has received the Outstanding Award. His pioneering research spans across Mobile/IoT/System Security and Privacy, Blockchain/Smart Contract, Software Engineering, Network Security and Privacy, and Internet Measurement. Prof. Luo's exceptional contributions to the field were also recognised with the prestigious BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prize 2023 in FinTech last year.

Prof. XIAO Bin has been awarded the Merit Award. His significant research focuses on AI Security, Data Privacy, Web3 and Blockchain Systems. Prof. Xiao's dedication to advancing these fields earned him the Faculty of Engineering (FENG) Research Grant Achievement Award for 2022, and he was elected as an IEEE Fellow for 2024.

The winners of the Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievement are chosen by a Faculty Assessment Panel, comprising the Heads (or their delegates) and chaired by the Dean of Faculty of Engineering (FENG), from amongst a pool of well-qualified nominees put forward by individual departments under FENG. The selection is made with reference to the indicative criteria for assessment as laid down by the University for the exercise.

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