COMP Research Teams Won in the 2018 Creative Software System Contest
On 25 - 26 July, two COMP research teams under the supervision of Dr Shuai Li participated in the 2018 Creative Software System Contest in Taiwan and won the First Prize and Merit Award based on the innovativeness, functionality and application, feasibility and interface of their projects.
Mr Guohao Fu and Mr Xiangyuan Jiang won the First Prize with the project titled “Source Seeking of a Mobile Robot with Manipulator for Chemical Leakage”. In view of the Mexico oil spill incident few years ago and its hazardous impact to the environment, the team designed a more effective estimation-based control for source exploration in olfactory propagation fields by explicitly using random exploration strategy and employing mobile robot manipulator.
Another project “A Solution for Automatic Physical Parameter Measurement of Industrial Manipulators” proposed by Mr Aquil Mirza Mohammed and Mr Yinyan Zhang received the Merit Award. The solution involves an online learning and control algorithm that could allow users to control the end-effector position of an industrial manipulator while learning its physical parameters. The expected product consists of a motion controller with some sensors for end-effector detection.
The competition was hosted by the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering of Tamkang University and it covered topics related to smart computing, unmanned vehicle applications, smart agriculture, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and smart medical care, attracting more than 200 participants from Taiwan, China and Hong Kong.