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CX Hackathon 2022_2-01

COMP Student Won Best UI/UX Award at Cathay Hackathon 2022

Our Year 3 student, YU Man-Fai Daniel, won the Best UI/UX Award at Cathay Hackathon 2022 with a project called “Tripify”. As the team leader, Daniel joined hands with three teammates from The University of Hong Kong in creating an app extension for the “Cathay Learn” application. The concept of Tripify is building an ecosystem that not only motivates continuous learning activities by implementing a reward system, but also connects the airline to everyday life of the users. Daniel’s team stood out from a hundred teams and reached the final round. In 24 hours, finalists needed to develop a creative application that could address travel and environmental topics. The organiser, Cathay Pacific, prepared a behind-the-scenes tour for the finalists to deepen their understanding of aviation operations, helping finalists develop the application that fits best in real practice. “Before the competition, we know a little about how technology can be applied to real life. With the instructions and mentoring phase, we learnt to adapt innovative ideas and emerging technologies to building real-life solutions,” Daniel said. Despite the achievement in the end, the team had a bumpy start. Their first project idea was considered unworkable at the beginning of the final. Therefore, they decided to start all over again, but there was only half a day left for the development when their ultimate idea came out. Daniel shared that they cherished every second, clearly divided the tasks and work shifts, and most importantly, worked as a team. The result turns out to be encouraging, all the hard work worthwhile. Cathay Hackathon 2022 was organised on 19 and 20 November 2022 at Cathay City. Local university students who want to disrupt the status quo and drive everlasting impacts gathered at the event and created pioneering technology solutions. A series of activities and mentoring sessions were arranged to boost young techs up.

19 Jan, 2023

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The 28th Congregation of PolyU

Congratulations to all COMP graduates! The graduation ceremonies of bachelor and master degrees students were successfully concluded on 8 November 2022 at the Jockey Club Auditorium of PolyU. Families and friends of graduates were also invited to join the celebration to share the joy at this memorable moment. In 2022, Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award (OPAA) was introduced to publicly give public recognition to outstanding PolyU graduates for their professional achievements and significant contributions to the community and their alma mater. On the same celebrating occasion, The OPAA Awardees of Faculty who graduated from COMP received their awards from Ir Prof. H.C. MAN, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, accompanied by Prof. LI Qing, Chair Professor and Department Head. The awardees are Dr Abraham LAM and Mr Darron SUN respectively. Dr Lam was also the representative of the OPAA awardees and delivered an inspirational speech to the new graduates. Details of OPAA and the introduction of the awardees can be found from our past news. More photos are available on COMP Facebook page and COMP Instagram.

19 Jan, 2023

Best Paper ICWL2022_1-01

COMP Scholars won Best Paper Award at ICWL 2022

Knowledge graph (KG) is a knowledge base that uses a graph-structured data model or topology to integrate data. A number of studies in this area use KGs as peripheral sources of educational materials. A COMP research team proposed a novel framework which employs KGs as a primary tool for instructional design in the paper entitled “Intelligent Instructional Design via Interactive Knowledge Graph Editing”. This paper won the Best Paper Award at the 21st International Conference on Web Based Learning (ICWL 2022). Authors of this paper include CHAN Cheuk Kin Jerry (Research Assistant), WANG Yaowei (PhD Student), Prof. LI Qing, Prof. BACIU George, Prof. CAO Jiannong, Dr HUANG Xiao, Dr LI Chen Richard and Dr NG Hiu Fung Peter. The team see the potential of KG technologies in instructional design and education. They believe that it could be utilized for course planning, teaching performance prediction and study plan personalization. Unfortunately, research on KGs for educational application is at a preliminary stage. To expedite the development of KG technologies for instructional design, an application framework that encourages reciprocal collocation between educators and KG research is proposed in this paper. An included design tool would ease instructors to express their ideas in the form of KG when they are preparing their courses. The provided web platform allows users to manage, share and browse KGs of course design. ICWL is an annual International Conference on Web-based Learning, founded by the Hong Kong Web Society. The 21st ICWL was held from 21 to 23 November 2022 at University of La Laguna,T enerife, Spain. It featured a technical program of refereed papers selected by the international program committee, and keynote addresses offered by eminent scholars.

13 Jan, 2023

Best Paper MoMm 2022_Zac Sin_1-01

COMP PhD Candidate received the Best Paper Award at MoMM2022

We are proud to announce that the paper entitled “Curvable Image Markers: Towards a Trackable Marker for Every Surface” won the Best Paper Award at the 20th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia Intelligence (MoMM2022). The first author of the paper is our PhD Candidate, Mr Zackary Ping Tat SIN, and his supervisors are Dr Hong Va LEONG (Associate Professor) and Dr Peter NG (Assistant Professor). This paper proposed adapting fiducial markers for curved surfaces, which aims at enhancing the interaction in Augmented reality (AR). AR possesses great potential for productivity, entertainment and communication, inclusive of the mobile context. Although the strength of AR is the blending of physical and virtual environments, current mobile applications seem to focus only on overlaying the virtual part upon the physical one. It is argued that an important direction to explore is how to enhance the interaction in AR such that physical elements can act upon the virtual ones. ArUco is a popular choice in academia for tracking due to its relatively cheap processing cost and requiring only RGB input, making it also suitable for mobile devices. A fiducial marker like ArUco, however, is flat. To move towards enabling it for uneven surfaces, this paper proposed adapting the markers for curved surfaces to be suitable on bandages for warping around objects for tracking. The process involves curve modeling and content extraction. It also presents an image marker making use of neighborhood features to improve its appeal for AR purposes. MoMM is a leading international conference for researchers and industry practitioners to share their new ideas, original research results and practical development experiences from all mobile computing and multimedia related areas.

11 Jan, 2023

TPG Info Day 2023_2-01

PolyU Info Day for Taught Postgraduate Programmes 2023

COMP will broaden the Master of Science (MSc) programme spectrum in the academic year 2023/24. In addition to the evergreen MSc in Information Technology (MScIT) programme and Hong Kong’s first MSc in Blockchain Technology (MScBT) programme, two new members specialising emerging technology trends are introduced: MSc in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Computing (MScAIBD) and MSc in Metaverse Technology (MScMT). On 7 January 2023, our MSc scheme leader and programme leaders unveiled the latest application information and more details on the programme features, study pattern and admission criteria in the info seminar for Taught Postgraduate Programmes. The videos have been uploaded to our website that can be accessed from each programme’s introduction page. Prospective students must not miss this chance to take a closer look at these first-hand information.

9 Jan, 2023

TALE 2022_1-01

IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE) 2022

Hosted by COMP, IEEE TALE 2022 was successfully held between 4 to 7 December 2022 under the theme “Transforming Educational Technologies and Pedagogies for the Next Decade”. This hybrid conference received 200 registrations from local and overseas. On 5 December, Prof. WONG Kwok-yin, Vice President (Education) delivered a welcome speech in the Opening Ceremony of the conference. Dr Edmundo TOVAR, President of IEEE Education Society also virtually greeted the participants. Prof. LI Qing, and Dr Henry CHAN, General Co-Chair and Technical Programme Co-Chair respectively, then addressed the participants on behalf of the organising committee. A series of keynote presentations and parallel sessions were arranged throughout the conference period, and it was delightful to meet and interact with international peers face-to-face at PolyU.The keynote presentations were given by Prof. Harry LEWIS (Harvard University), Prof. Barbara OAKLEY (Oakland University) and Dr Jonathon RICHTER (Immersive Learning Research Network). The conference also included three workshops, two panels and an interdisciplinary postgraduate student forum.   TALE is one of the flagship Asia-Pacific conferences of the IEEE Education Society, one of the major education societies in the world. Celebrating IEEE TALE’s 10 anniversary, the conference was sponsorsed by the Croucher Foundation and co-organised with the IEEE Education Society.The conference caters to researchers and practitioners with an interest in engineering, technology, and integrated STEM education as well as those interested in the innovative use of digital technologies for learning, teaching, and assessment in any discipline. The organisation committee comprises colleagues from COMP and other universities (see the acknowledgement below).   Selected papers were presented by international conference participants through the following sessions: 1. Community Engagement, Service Learning and Learning for the Future 2. Computing & IT Education 3. Education Metaverse and Immersive Learning 4. Engineering Education 5. Hyflex and Online Teaching 6. Learning Analytics 7. Next-Stage Virtual Teaching 8. Open, Flexible & Distance Learning 9. Reform of Industrial Design Specialty for New Engineering Education 10. STEM Education 11. Technology-Enhanced Learning   Acknowledgement TALE Organising Committee: General Co-Chairs: Prof. Qing LI, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Prof. Susan LORD, University of San Diego Technical Programme Co-Chairs: Dr Henry CHAN, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Dr Leon LEI, University of Hong Kong and Prof. Minjuan WANG, San Diego State University Publication Chair: Dr Jeff TANG, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Publicity Co-Chairs: Dr KP MARK, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Dr Gary Wong, University of Hong Kong Local Arrangement Co-Chairs: Dr Kevin YUEN, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Dr Walter FUNG, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Postgraduate Student Forum Chair and Sponsorship Chair: Dr Amelia LI, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Webmaster: Dr Peter NG and Dr Godfrey HO, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Virtual Arrangement Chair: Ms Crystal LUO, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Secretary: Ms Christy AU, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Treasurer: Ms Angie FAN, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Technical Manager: Mr Grandy FU, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

29 Dec, 2022

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COMP x CAA Academic-Industry Seminar Series – FinTech (Nov 2022)

On 23rd Nov 2022, the final seminar featuring “FinTech” (i.e. Financial Technology) in the Academic-Industry Seminar series ended on a high note. Dr Henry CHAN, our Associate Professor and Associate Head of Partnership and Collaboration, joined hands with Mr Darron SUN, the Vice Chairman of The Institute of Financial Technologists of Asia, to discuss the trend and development of FinTech, especially in the post-pandemic era, and beacon participants what kinds of skills and knowledge were necessary for FinTech professionals. Mr SUN first brought up the changes in the FinTech landscape under the new normal and new economy, followed by the outlook for the local market. He predicted that Big Data and AI, and Regtech, would burgeon in the short future. He believed that the “FinTech 2025” strategy is conducive to the talent market and urged participants to obtain a professional FinTech credential. In Dr CHAN’s talk, he introduced an ITF-funded PRP project entitled: “An Innovative Hybrid Intelligence Web System for the Hong Kong Stock Market”, an analytic system powered by the combination of human intelligence and machine intelligence. Various resources such as open-source natural language processing libraries, useful models and research methods were introduced by Dr CHAN, demonstrating how to analyse the Hong Kong stock market from different perspectives. Attended by more than 140 participants in this final seminar, the first series of the Academic-Industry Seminar series was concluded with great success. The seminar series aims to enhance the connection between COMP and alumni, encourage life-long learning, as well as foster possible collaboration between COMP and industry.

22 Dec, 2022

Prof CAO JiannongPresidents award 202201

Prof. CAO Jiannong has been selected for the President’s Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2021/22

PolyU recognises the distinguished accomplishments and contributions of staff members through the President’s Awards for Outstanding Achievement. We are delighted to congratulate Prof. CAO Jiannong (Dean of Graduate School, Otto Poon Charitable Foundation Professor in Data Science and Chair Professor of Distributed and Mobile Computing of COMP), for receiving this prestigious award in the category of Research and Scholarly Activities (Outstanding Researcher), in academic year 2021/22. This year, only six individual staff members and two teams school-wide, who have demonstrated unparalleled achievements, are crowned with this glory and honour. The award presentation ceremony will be held early next year. Prof. CAO is the director, co-director and/ or the founder of several research institutes, including Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Things (RIAIoT), Internet and Mobile Computing Lab (IMCL), University's Research Facility in Big Data Analytics (UBDA). He served as the department head from 2011 to 2017. Prof. CAO is currently member of Academia Europaea, a fellow of IEEE, a fellow of China Computer Federation (CCF), and an ACM distinguished member. His research interests include distributed systems and blockchain, wireless sensing and networking, big data and machine learning, and mobile cloud and edge computing. He published 5 co-authored and 9 co-edited books, and over 500 papers in major international journals and conference proceedings. He also obtained 16 patents. Back in 2009, The President’s Award for Excellent Performance/Achievement in Research and Scholarly Activities 2008/09 was conferred on him as well.

5 Dec, 2022

Highly Cited Researcher 2022_2-01

COMP academics named Highly Cited Researchers 2022

Two academic members of our Department are named Highly Cited Researchers (HCR) in 2022, as announced by Clarivate. Since 2015, Prof. ZHANG Lei, Chair Professor of Computer Vision and Image Analysis, has been named HCR in the field of Engineering seven times. This demonstrates a lasting and significant influence on engineering. According to Clarivate, Prof. ZHANG’s research works have been cited more than 27,000 times in Web of Science and his H-index is 79. His research interests include image and video processing, computer vision, pattern recognition and biometrics, etc. Prof. GUO Song, our Professor, is one of the only three scholars in Hong Kong who are recognised as HCR in the field of Computer Science this year. He has contributed more than 540 publications in Web of Science and has generated remarkable impact in the field. His research interests are mainly in edge AI, big data and machine learning, mobile computing, and distributed systems. The 2022 list of HCR is released by Clarivate Plc, a global leader in providing trusted information and insights to accelerate the pace of innovation. The list focuses on contemporary research achievement: only highly cited papers in the sciences and social sciences journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection™ during the 11-year period 2011 to 2021 were surveyed. Highly cited papers are defined as those that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and publication year.

17 Nov, 2022

GUO Song MAE 2022-01

Prof. GUO Song elected Member of Academia Europaea

Prof. GUO Song, Professor of our Department, has been elected as the Member of Academia Europaea under the Informatics Section in 2022. Prof. GUO’s research interests are mainly in edge AI, 6G, big data and machine learning, mobile computing, and distributed systems. His research has been sponsored by RGC, NSFC, ITF, MOST, NRC, JSPS, MIC, JST, industry, etc. He published many papers in top venues with wide impact in these areas and was recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher (Clarivate Web of Science). He is the recipient of the 2020 Best Paper Award for IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2019 IEEE TCBD Best Conference Paper Award, 2018 IEEE TCGCC Best Magazine Paper Award, 2019 & 2017 IEEE Systems Journal Annual Best Paper Award, and other 8 Best Paper Awards from IEEE/ACM conferences. He also received the Faculty Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research and Scholarly Activities twice. The Academia Europaea was established in 1988 and is the Pan-European Academy of Sciences Humanities and Letters. Their members are scientists and scholars who collectively aim to promote learning, education and research. Their membership invitations are made only after peer group nomination, scrutiny and confirmation as to the scholarship and eminence of the individual in their chosen field. Election is confirmed by the Council of the Academia. Congratulations to Prof. GUO.

16 Nov, 2022

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