Award Requirements
Each subject consists of one class a week over a 13-week semester. In general, each subject takes place once a week in the evening
over a 13-week semester. Students are normally enrolled in 4-5 subjects in a
semester. Some subjects might be offered during the summer to provide students
with greater flexibility in designing their study pattern.
For 2024/25 intake and onwards, students are required to complete 31 credits for MSc in
Metaverse Technology. All subjects are worth 3 credits unless otherwise
specified. Each student needs to complete the following subjects:
12 credits of Metaverse Programme core (including Metaverse
Project I and II)
6 credits of Metaverse Technology core
6 credits of Metaverse Design & Ecology core
6 credits of Electives
1 credit of AIE subject (No credit fee will be charged for the AIE subject
"EEE5T03 Engineering Ethics and Academic Integrity")
All subjects are offered at the discretion of subject offering
departments, depending on students’ demand and resources available.
Please also visit for other details of the programme and admission.