Moving Forward 邁步向前
At PolyU, we have developed an ecosystem of innovation. 在理大,我們已經建立了一個創新生態系統。
PolyU is an institution where innovation has long been the norm. This proud tradition is supported by our forward-thinking approach to education, research and knowledge transfer. We enrich students’ university lives and instil in them the innovative capabilities that are essential to achieving success in their careers. The University also imbues them with the entrepreneurial skills required to start new businesses that will thrive in today’s competitive environment. At PolyU, we have developed an ecosystem of innovation. We achieve research excellence by focusing on interdisciplinary collaboration, supported by our world-class research facilities. Our researchers take into consideration community, business and industry needs to ensure their work has a meaningful social and industrial impact. |
理大向來力求創新,無論教育﹑ 科研及知識轉移均極具前瞻性 , 因此成就了這個值得引以為傲的創新傳統。 我們致力豐盛學生的大學生活,並協助他們培養創新能力,他們要在事業上取得成功,這些能力至關重要。此外,大學亦向學生灌輸創業所需的技能,以助他們建立自己的事業,在現今競爭激烈的環境中茁壯成長。 在理大,我們已經建立了一個創新生態系統,我們的研究工作成績卓越,在世界級的研究設施支援下,專注發展跨學科協作。我們的研究人員關顧社區和工商界別的需要,確保他們的工作為社會和業界帶來具意義的影響。 |