President’s Overview 校長報告
The past year has been a significant one for PolyU. We carried out a comprehensive strategic planning exercise that sets our priorities for the next six years. In the “Strategic Plan 2019/20 – 2024/25” that came out of this exercise, we have outlined all aspects of PolyU’s endeavours that are crucial for us to achieve success as a world-class university. I am confident that with our new strategic objectives, PolyU is heading in the right direction for the future. |
過去一年是理大重要的一年,為了擬定未來六年的工作重點, 我們進行了全面的策略規劃,然後制訂了「策略發展計劃2019/20– 2024/25」,就理大成為一所世界級學府的各個關鍵範疇作出部署。我深信新的策略目標,將可引領理大朝著正確的方向邁向未來。 |
Shaping tomorrow’s socially responsible leaders
One distinguishing feature of PolyU education is the emphasis on fulfilling social responsibility. Our curriculum requires all undergraduate students to engage in Service-Learning – an experiential journey that connects professional education with the needs of society. Service-Learning gives students the courage to achieve more than they might have believed possible and makes them stronger and smarter than they might have otherwise thought. Most importantly, it gives them the practical opportunity to become global citizens.
The caring mindset of our students is not only showcased when they are engaged in Service-Learning programmes, but also in their innovations. A team of occupational therapy students, knowing the physical constraints of the wheelchair users and elderly people, has designed a “Roller-Clother”, a rollable clothing organiser with height-adjustable pockets for them to store and take clothes easily. Another graduate team from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, in view of the congested living condition in Hong Kong, came up with a creative solution to the problem of co-living in small apartments. Their design allows customised private rooms of individuals to be easily converted and connected to form a more spacious common zone. These two innovations have brought home honours at international competitions. |
理大學生關懷社群的心志不僅在參與服務學習計劃中展現,更可見於他們的創新發明。一個職業治療學生團隊知道輪椅使用者和長者身體有所限制,因而發明了可滾動服裝收納袋「360收納袋」,它設有多個可調校高度的口袋,讓用者可輕易儲存和取出衣物。有見香港擠迫的居住環境,另一機械工程學系畢業生團隊為蝸居共享居住空間難題提供了嶄新解決方案。他們的設計讓度身訂造的私人空間在需要時輕易轉換及連接成一個更寬敞的共用區域。這兩項創新發明均在國際比賽中獲獎。 |
Making a positive impact on the world
With designated University Research Facilities and the PolyU Base on Commercialisation, Training and Research in Shenzhen as an extended campus for research, PolyU is well-positioned to benefit from opportunities arising from the Central Government’s new initiative that gives Hong Kong institutions access to national research funding.
Another example is the development of a bone scaffold that can be used to repair bone fractures, a growing health problem among our ageing population. Made with shape memory polyurethane foam, the bone scaffold can be implanted into the human body via a minimally invasive operation to fill the irregular boundaries of a bone defect and induce regeneration.
The focus of our ground-breaking research ranges from health solutions for human needs to ingenious gadgets for exploring space. PolyU is currently developing a sophisticated surveillance camera in collaboration with the China Academy of Space Technology to support the world’s first attempt to conduct an orbital and surface exploration of Mars in a single mission. The camera will be fitted on the outside top surface of the Mars Lander, where it will monitor the solar panel, surrounding environment and movements of the Mars Rover. |
理大進行的研究開天闢地,範疇涵蓋造福人類的健康項目以至探索太空的精巧儀器。理大現正與中國空間技術研究院合作研發精密的監控相機,以支援國家進行全球首次在火星同時進行軌道和地面探測的嘗試。該相機將安裝在火星著陸器表面的頂部,以監察太陽翼的狀況、周圍環境及火星巡視器的移動情況。 |
Supporting the Belt and Road Initiative
Since the launch of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, PolyU has been playing its part by developing talent, carrying out relevant research and seeking alliances with institutions along the Belt and Road.
We have been very proactive in recruiting students from Belt and Road countries, both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, to study at PolyU. As of March 2018, we have welcomed over 700 students from nearly 30 Belt and Road countries. In 2017/18 alone, some 130 undergraduate students were recruited from these countries. We have also been working closely with partner Belt and Road institutions with the aim of encouraging bilateral student exchanges, and organising internship training and Service-Learning programmes. |
全力支持「 一帶一路 」倡議
我們積極招收來自「一帶一路」國家的本科生及研究生到理大就讀。截至2018年3月,我們共迎來了近三十個「一帶一路」國家的七百多名學生。僅在2017/18學年,就有來自這些國家的近一百三十名本科生入讀理大。我們亦一直與「一帶一路」沿線的夥伴院校緊密合作,旨在鼓勵雙方學生交流和組織實習培訓與服務學習項目。 |
Front row from left 前排左起 Ir Prof. Alex Wai Vice President (Research Development) 副校長(科研發展)衞炳江教授工程師
Deputy President and Provost 常務及學務副校長陳正豪教授
Executive Vice President 行政副校長盧麗華博士 Back row from left 後排左起 Prof. Geoffrey Q.P. Shen Interim Vice President (Student Affairs) 暫任副校長(學生事務)沈岐平教授
President 校長唐偉章教授
Vice President (Campus Development and Facilities) 副校長(校園發展及設施管理)唐仕恒先生 |
The way ahead
As we venture beyond our past achievements, we are adopting a new mindset and approach to help realise our refined Vision and Mission. Yet, we have not lost sight of our traditions of rigorous financial planning, prudent management, budget control based on value analysis, diversified income and efficient use of resources.
I will be retiring at the end of 2018 after a decade of rewarding service to PolyU. I am honoured to have had the opportunity to lead this aspiring University over the past 10 years and to work with our dedicated Council and Court Members, committed staff, striving students, devoted alumni and trusted partners. I would like to extend a special thank-you to everyone who has supported my work throughout the years. I wish PolyU many successes in its future endeavours.
Timothy W. Tong, Ph.D. President December 2018 |
校長 唐偉章 2018年12月 |