Distinguished Chair Professors, Honorary, Adjunct and Visiting Professors

Dr LO Wai-chau Edward
Adjunct Associate Professor
- CF616
- +852 2766 6144
- w.c.lo@polyu.edu.hk
Dr. Edward Lo received his Higher Diploma award in Electronic Engineering from Hong Kong Polytechnic, and then he obtained his BSc(Eng) (First Class Honor), MPhil, and PhD degrees, all from the Department of Electrical Engineering in The University of Hong Kong.
In January 2000, Dr. Lo joined the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Now he is the Associate Head and an Associate Professor of the Department.
Before joining the Department, Dr. Lo worked, on and off, for a number of tertiary institutes in Hong Kong and accumulated 10 years of teaching experience. In between, he worked as a R&D Engineer in a private electronic firm for a year (83-84), he was a visiting scholar in University of Tokyo for a year (87-88), and he also served as a Professional Scientist in the Device & Energy Section of the Telecom Research Lab. of Telecom Australia for three years (91-93).
Currently, Dr Lo's main areas of research interests are renewable energy, electrical services of buildings, building automation systems, power quality, and power electronics, drives & traction.
In recent years, he has undertaken a number of consultancy projects for the Airport Authority (HK), railway corporations, HKSAR Government, MACAU SAR Government and other private firms.
Dr. Lo has been a member of the Grade C Licensing Examination Committee for electrical workers since 1996. Dr. Lo is a Member of HKIE. He also serves in a number of committees in HKIE and departments of HKSAR Government.