Distinguished Chair Professors, Honorary, Adjunct and Visiting Professors

Mr CHEUNG Kwok Chuen Simon
Adjunct Associate Professor
Fellow, MBA, FInst MC, Sr. MISA, C Eng
Mr. Simon Cheung received his Fellow from The Institute of Measurement & Control, UK and Asian College of Knowledge Management. He is the Vetting Member of HK Environmental Protection Department for Cleaner Production Partnership Program (CP3) and Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF). He is also the Vice Chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Industry (Group 26), Director and Deputy Chairman of Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association, Founding Member and Honorary Treasurer for the steering committee of Hong Kong Association of Energy Service Companies (HAESCO), Executive Committee Member of Hong Kong E-Vehicles Business General Association Ltd, Hong Kong Green Strategy Alliance and Hong Kong Waste Management Association.
Mr. Cheung actively participates in industrial and governmental conferences, roadshows, seminars and exhibitions to build new business opportunities from cross-industrial meetings and factory visits. He frequently initiates meetings between top government officials and key industrial players to bridge and strengthen the cooperation and collaboration with various parties in government, educational and private sectors and academies.
Mr. Cheung has over 40 years’ experience in leadership, management, engineering, China trade and manufacturing.
In 1981-1993, he was Project and Divisional Manager at Hutchison-Boag Engineering Ltd in Process Control & Instrumentation business. As the main contractor, he leads a team of over 40 people in Hong Kong and across China focusing on multiple projects related to HAVC systems, temperature control and building automation systems.
In 1994-2001, he was Director of Innocom Ltd where he initiated the design and launch of the unique and unparalleled Personal Emergency Link Service which benefits hundreds of thousands of people with chronic illness and senior citizens who live alone.
In 2001-2006, as Director & Chief Technical Officer at Uticom Ltd (a subsidiary of Towngas), he lead the Automated Meter Reading (AMR) system project that won the Federation of Hong Kong Industries’ Consumer Product Design Award in the 2002 Hong Kong Awards for Industry.
In 2006-2013, as CEO of Focus Energy Asia Ltd, Mr. Cheung initiated the Energy Management Contract (EMC) which signed performance contracts with customers to provide energy-saving solutions and Pollution Prevention & Energy Efficiency (P2E2) solutions which provided energy audits, energy-saving proposals, negotiation and contract signing, procurement of raw materials and equipment, execution and regular system maintenance. Multi-million dollar contracts were signed with investment banks to further enhance the technology to combat increasing pollution that resulted from mainland China’s industrialization with projects including Waste Heat Recovery that utilized wasted heat from cement plants to power up steel mills.
Since 2013, Mr. Cheung is the Project Development Director of China Dynamics (Holdings) Limited. With over 15 years’ experience focusing on high quality and strategic impetus of green energy development and environmental protection, he oversees the company’s innovative development of electric vehicles, boats and various related products. Under his leadership, the development of the innovative Vehicle Network Monitoring System was awarded 2018 Asia International Innovative Invention Gold Award.