Designing AI-Engaged Assignments to Teach Disciplinary Knowledge
In this workshop, Dr. Basgier will introduce ways to adapt the pedagogies of writing-to-learn and writing-to-engage in the age of generative artificial intelligence (AI). He will lead participants through a structured process of identifying disciplinary concepts that students struggle to learn, and creating AI-engaged activities that can help students deepen their understanding of those concepts. Participants will leave with a plan for integrating an AI-engaged activity into a course to aid students' learning.
Christopher Basgier is Director of University Writing at Auburn University. An expert in writing across the curriculum, he has extensive experience working with faculty on teaching with writing, and he has consulted with departments about integrating writing throughout undergraduate and graduate curricula. His research, which spans writing across the curriculum, genre, threshold concepts, digital rhetoric, and artificial intelligence, has appeared in venues like Across the Disciplines, The WAC Journal, Composition Forum, The Writing Center Journal, and Studies in Higher Education. His current project is a co-edited volume, Bad Ideas about AI and Writing: Towards Generative Practices for Teaching, Learning, and Communication, which aims to counteract problematic ideas about the capabilities of generative AI and its impact on writing and teaching by introducing evidence-based, theoretically sound, and critically literate ideas about writing in the new technological landscape. Basgier is also active in national organizations like the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum, the Conference on College Composition and Communication, and the WAC Clearinghouse.
English Language Centre