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AMA ranked the world 30th for the Best Global Universities for Mathematics in 2025 by US News & World Report's Ranking

AMA is proud to share that it has achieved a new high ranking in the field of mathematics, as recognized by The US News & World Report 2025. PolyU has been ranked 30th in the "Best Global Universities for Mathematics" category, making it the top-ranked institution in Hong Kong for this discipline. This prestigious ranking reflects our commitment to excellence in mathematical research and education. AMA has been at the forefront of groundbreaking research, innovative teaching, and impactful community engagement. This new ranking is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our faculty, researchers, and students. In addition to this new high ranking, PolyU has also maintained its position among the World Top 100 in the QS World University Ranking for "Statistics and Operational Research" for the seventh consecutive year. Furthermore, PolyU has achieved a new ranking of 32nd in the "Data Science & AI" subject, further solidifying its reputation as a leader in these critical fields. PolyU's excellence in mathematics has also been recognized by, which ranked the university as the 5th Best Mathematics University in China. For more information about AMA’s achievement, please visit

16 Jul, 2024


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Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department of Applied Mathematics 2024

We are pleased to announce the 2024 awardees of the Outstanding Alumni Award (OPAA) for the PolyU Department of Applied Mathematics, who were nominated and selected in May. OPAA recognizes successful graduates of PolyU who have excelled in their chosen fields, supported their alma mater, and contributed to the wider community. Since 2022, achievement categories have been established to celebrate considerable accomplishments of our alumni in specific areas, including professional achievement, entrepreneurial achievement, scholarly achievement, and community service achievement. The Award is organized at three levels to engage alumni at the departmental, faculty/school, and university levels. Congratulations to the following awardees on their well-deserved recognition for their outstanding achievements: Scholarly Achievement (Young Alumni) Professor HU Shenglong Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Applied Mathematics, PolyU (2013) Professor HU Shenglong is a Professor at Hangzhou Dianzi University. He earned his Doctoral Degree from PolyU in 2013, and both his Master’s and Bachelor’s Degrees from Tianjin University in 2010 and 2008, respectively.  Prof. Hu is a leading expert in tensor computation in China and globally. He has authored over 60 papers in prestigious journals, including Mathematical Programming and Numerische Mathematik. His research has resolved significant open problems, such as those proposed by SIAM Fellow Yousef Saad and Gene Golub, and has addressed the linear convergence of the higher-order power method (HOPM) for best rank-one approximations of tensors. He was invited speaker at major conferences like ICIAM 2019 and 2023 and has served as a plenary speaker at various academic meetings. Prof. Hu has also organized minisymposia at international conferences, including SIAM ALA. In collaboration with Prof. Liqun Qi, he pioneered spectral hypergraph theory via tensors, establishing the symmetric spectra theorem of uniform hypergraphs and publishing the first monograph on the subject. His work has led to annual workshops and summer schools, promoting over twenty students to professorships. Prof. Hu's research has received over 1300 SCI citations. Scholarly Achievement Professor KONG Kwok Hing Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Mathematics, Department of Applied Mathematics, PolyU (1995) Higher Diploma in Mathematics, Statistics and Computing, Department of Applied Mathematics, PolyU (1993) Professor Albert Kong Kwok Hing is a Distinguished Professor at the Institute of Astronomy, National Tsing Hua University, and President of the Astronomical Society of Taiwan. He earned his PhD in Astrophysics from the University of Oxford in 2000, an MPhil in Physics from The University of Hong Kong in 1997, and a BSc and HD from PolyU in 1995 and 1993, respectively. Prof. Kong is internationally renowned for his multi-wavelength research on compact astrophysical objects like black holes and neutron stars. Over the past 15 years, many of his discoveries have been world-firsts. He has published over 265 refereed papers in leading journals such as Nature, Nature Astronomy, Physical Review Letters, and the Astrophysical Journal, accumulating more than 12,600 citations and an h-index of 54 in the Astrophysics Data System (ADS).Recognized as a dynamic leader in high-energy astrophysics and gravitational wave astronomy, Prof. Kong discovered gamma-ray emission from a globular cluster using data from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. His contributions have earned him prestigious awards, including the Academia Sinica Research Award for Junior Research Investigators (2013) and the Outstanding Research Award from the Ministry of Science and Technology (2015). Prof. Kong is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK and an elected Fellow of The Physical Society of Taiwan (2018). He received the Outstanding Scholar Award in 2022 and the University Industry Collaboration Excellence Award from NTHU in 2023. Entrepreneurial Achievement Mr. TSE Pak Kin Tammy Higher Diploma in Mathematics, Statistics and Computing, Department of Applied Mathematics, PolyU (1981)   Mr. Tse Pak Kin Tammy is the Senior Vice President and Head of the Information Technology Group at Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Limited. He earned his MBA from The University of Western Sydney, Australia, in 2001 and a Higher Diploma in Mathematics, Statistics, and Computing from PolyU in 1981. Mr. Tse is a prominent leader in Hong Kong's Fintech industry, specializing in Portfolio and Program Management, Merger and Acquisitions Initiatives, and Core Banking System Migration. With 25 years of experience in the financial services sector, he has managed numerous initiatives from international mergers and acquisitions, global market and treasury businesses, and regulatory mandates across Asia. He has extensive product knowledge in securities, foreign exchange, and money market activities, as well as global treasury products from a major US corporate and investment bank.Mr. Tse is adept in project and program management, utilizing Six Sigma methodologies and iterative processes to deliver and manage organizational change effectively. His contributions have been recognized with several awards, including the Fintech Talent Development Award (Bank) from Cyberport in 2022 and the Product Innovation Award from Infosys in 2023. In 2024, he served as a Bank Coordinator for Fubon Bank HK, supervising and supporting four project teams in the PolyU x Hong Kong Monetary Authority Industry Project Masters Network (IPMN) Programme. Professional Achievement Professor ZHANG Kai Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Applied Mathematics, PolyU (2006)   Professor ZHANG Kai is a Vice President of The Guangdong University of Finance and Economics. He received a PhD from The Department of Applied Mathematics from PolyU in 2006. Currently, Prof. Zhang is a member of the Financial Business Expert Advisory Committee of the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao Financial Technology Engineer Qualification Examination Proposition Committee. Prof. Zhang is a renowned expert in financial economics, financial derivatives, and financial technology. He has published over 50 academic papers and two monographs, and serves as an associate editor for the international journal NACO. His research has been supported by numerous prestigious projects, including those funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Education, and the State Administration of Taxation. He has also led significant projects for financial institutions such as Bank of China, WeBank, and Guosen Securities.During his postdoctoral research period in Australia, Prof. Zhang participated in two national scientific research projects. Upon returning to China, he continued to lead and contribute to various national, provincial, and municipal research initiatives. Notable projects include research on option pricing, tax revenue analysis, and financial support for innovation-driven development in special economic zones. Prof. Zhang is highly regarded for fostering collaboration between education and industry in financial technology. He founded the Shenzhen Audencia Financial School, a joint venture between Audencia Business School and Shenzhen University, and established the WeBank Institute of Fintech, a collaboration between WeBank, Ping An Bank, and Shenzhen University. He also founded the Global Institute of Fintech (Xiangmihu).   *** END***

9 Jul, 2024


GRF ECS 202425

Result of RGC General Research Fund and Early Career Scheme 2024/25

On June 27, 2024, the Research Grants Council (RGC) announced the results of its General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS) for the 2024/25 academic year. We are delighted to report that AMA has received outstanding success, securing funding support for 20 projects. The RGC GRF/ECS is a highly competitive funding scheme that supports research initiatives at universities across Hong Kong. AMA's successful performance in this round underscores our unwavering commitment to research excellence and our significant contributions to advancing knowledge in various disciplines. With this funding, AMA will continue to pursue groundbreaking research that benefits society. We extend our deepest gratitude to our dedicated faculty members whose hard work and commitment have made this achievement possible. We also offer our heartfelt congratulations to the following colleagues whose projects have been funded in this exercise: Prof. CHEN Xiaojun Prof. DAI Min Prof. HUANG Jian Dr JIANG Binyan Dr JIANG Zhaoli Dr LEE Chun Yin Prof. LI Buyang Prof. LI Xun Prof. LIN Yanping Prof. QI Houduo Prof. QIAO Zhonghua Prof. SUN Defeng Prof. WANG Zhian Prof. YANG Tong Dr YU Xiang Dr YUAN Yancheng Dr ZHANG Zaikun Dr ZHANG Zhu Dr ZHANG Guofeng Dr ZHANG Junyi   -- END --

4 Jul, 2024


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Dr Zhang Zhu won HKMS Young Scholar Award 2024

Our warmest congratulations to Dr ZHANG Zhu, Assistant Professor for winning the 2024 Hong Kong Mathematical Society (HKMS) Young Scholars Award. This award is set to recognize outstanding achievements of young scholars who are working in the institutions in Hong Kong under the age of 45 in the fields of pure and applied mathematics, and statistics. Dr Zhang joined AMA in September 2022 as an Assistant Professor. His research interests include Mathematical Theories for Boundary Layers and Kinetic Theories. Dr Zhang received his Ph. D at The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2019 and worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Mathematics at City University of Hong Kong before joining us.

21 May, 2024



Online Booking for Exam Paper Review, 7- 9 May 2024

The online registration for exam paper review would be scheduled between 7 May and 9 May 2024. Make appointment here

10 May, 2024


QS ranking 2024

AMA Achieves New Global Ranking in Data Science & AI

The Department of Applied Mathematics is proud to share our recent recognition in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024. Our commitment to academic excellence and innovative research in the mathematical sciences has once again garnered international acclaim. In the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024, PolyU is ranked 32nd globally in “Data Science & AI” subject. This ranking not only reflects our commitment to providing a cutting-edge curriculum and research opportunities in this rapidly evolving field but also highlights the strength of our faculty and their unwavering dedication to equipping students with the skills needed to lead in technological advancements. In addition to this new milestone, AMA has successfully maintained its position within the World Top 100 for "Statistics and Operational Research" for the seventh year in a row. This consistent recognition is a testament to our long-standing tradition of excellence in Mathematics and Statistics.  These achievements are a collective achievement, representing the tireless efforts, passion, and perseverance of our faculty, researchers, and students. They signify the collaborative and innovative spirit that defines our department, driving us to to push the boundaries of applied mathematics and its applications in solving complex problems in the real world.  As we celebrate these rankings, we are inspired to continue our pursuit of excellence. We remain dedicated to advancing the frontiers of knowledge in applied mathematics and related disciplines, and to contributing to the betterment of society through our research and educational programs.  For more detailed information on the QS rankings, please visit QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024.

13 Apr, 2024


Prof Yang Tong_Endowed Professorship

Chair Professor Yang Tong Awarded Prestigious Kuok Group Endowed Professorship in Mathematical Science

Congratulations to Professor Yang Tong, Chair Professor of Mathematical Science and Director of the Research Centre for Nonlinear Analysis, on being honored with the Kuok Group Endowed Professorship in Mathematical Science. The Endowed Professorship represents a distinguished acknowledgment of exceptional scholars at PolyU, celebrating their significant contributions to academia and research. The generous support from donors furnishes additional resources, enabling the Endowed Professors to further excel in their research and educational endeavors. This, in turn, serves the broader purpose of advancing societal and global well-being. Professor Yang Tong joined the Department of Applied Mathematics at PolyU in 2022. He has been working in the fields of partial differential equations and kinetic theory. He served as an Editor-in-Chief of Analysis and Applications from 2013 to 2017, and is one of the founding Editors-in-Chief of Kinetic and Related Models launched in 2008. He also serves on several international journals, including the Editorial Advisory Board of London Mathematical Society: Bulletin, Journal, and the SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis.  Professor Yang has been actively contributing to the research and scientific development in mainland China. He is an Honorary Professor, Visiting Chair Professor and Guest Professor of several universities in mainland China. He was elected to be a Foreign Member of the European Academy of Sciences and a member of The World Academy of Sciences in 2018 and 2021, respectively, a Foreign Member of the Academia Europaea in 2022, and a member of The Hong Kong Academy of Sciences in 2021. The awards and distinctions that he has received include the Senior Research Fellow by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong in 2020, the 2nd class State Natural Science Award of China in 2012, the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship in 2011, the Changjiang Chair Professorship by the Ministry of Education of China in 2005, National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2004, and the Morningside Silver Medal of Mathematics in the first ICCM in 1998.

12 Apr, 2024



CAS AMSS-PolyU Joint Laboratory of Applied Mathematics Achieves Grade A in the Sixth RGC-CAS Joint Laboratories Evaluation

The CAS AMSS-PolyU Joint Laboratory of Applied Mathematics has been distinguished with a Grade “A” rating in the sixth RGC-CAS evaluation exercise of joint laboratories, an announcement made on 3 April 2024.   The evaluation was conducted by the Research Grants Council (RGC) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), assessing 30 joint laboratories formed between six UGC-funded universities in Hong Kong and CAS.  Out of these, 22 joint laboratories have successfully met the accreditation criteria, with 4 achieving Grade “A”, 7 receiving Grade “B”, and 11 being recognized with Grade “P” (Passed).    The RGC and CAS have committed to providing five-year funding support to the laboratories awarded Grade “A” and Grade “B”, as well as to the top 3 newly accredited laboratories. This initiative aims to motivate participation in the assessment and to enhance collaboration between the two entities. Specially, each Grade “A” awarded joint laboratory will receive up to RMB 6 million plus HK$3.75 million in funding.     In additional to the five-year funding support for the 11 awarded joint laboratories, the RGC and CAS are also launching a seed funding scheme for young researchers (青年科研人員種子基金). This scheme is designed to foster the development of exchanges and cooperation among promising young scientists under the age of 45 within the joint laboratories, further bolstering the collective efforts between the two sides.

6 Apr, 2024


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Professor Buyang Li Honoured with The President's Award for Outstanding Achievement 2023 - Research and Scholarly Activities

Congratulations to Professor Buyang Li for being honored with The President’s Award for Outstanding Achievement 2023 – Research and Scholarly Activities (Outstanding Young Researcher). The nomination process for these prestigious awards was completed in March of last year. Following a rigorous round of assessments, Professor Li, along with three other staff members, was selected for the Individual Award. Professor Li joined PolyU in 2016 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2020 and Professor in 2023. His research interests lie primarily in numerical analysis and scientific computing. Over the years, he has been the recipient of numerous awards, including The RGC Research Fellowship 2023, The Hong Kong Mathematical Society Young Scholars Award in 2022, an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for 2015/16, and the First Prize for Young Computational Mathematicians from the China Society for Computational Mathematics in 2013. In addition to his research, Professor Li also serves on the editorial boards of esteemed journals, such as the IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, Mathematics of Computation, and the SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis.

28 Feb, 2024


Fanny Prof Lin and Zhaocrop

AMA Team Members Recognized with 2023 Long Service Awards

Hearty congratulations to our colleagues on receiving the Long Service Awards 2023. Their dedication over the past decades has significantly contributed to AMA's success. Length of Service Name Post 35 years Mrs. Fanny Cheung Executive Officer to Head 15 years Prof. Zhao Xingqiu Associate Head & Professor 15 years Prof. Lin Yanping Research Professor 15 years Dr Ho Chor Yin Instructor 15 years Mr. Peter Lo Technical Officer 5 years Dr Guo Shan Research Fellow We wish to thank them for their years of service and here's to many more. Congratulations once again on the well-deserved awards! 

22 Feb, 2024


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