Academic Staff

- ZS870
- +852 2766 5837
Prof. Cao obtained his Doctor of Science (Technology) degree in April 2014 from the School of Engineering at Aalto University (formerly known as Helsinki University of Technology), Finland. His Master of Science degree was obtained in June 2010 from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, while his Master’s thesis project was conducted at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway. He joined the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2017, and got his tenure position in 2023. Before joining PolyU in 2017, he had been successively employed as a research assistant, doctoral researcher and postdoctoral researcher at Aalto University, Finland, since 2010. Moreover, in January and February 2016, Dr Cao also worked as a Visiting Scientist at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE), Germany, for a joint research between Fraunhofer ISE and Aalto University. His main research expertise is in the fields of low-energy and zero-energy buildings, advanced on-site renewable energy systems, building integrated energy storage solutions, HVAC technologies, and the integrations between buildings, hybrid smart grids and new energy vehicles. He participated in the IEA SHC T44/HPP A38 and IEA EBC A67 as a Finland representative and observer, respectively. So far, he has published more than 70 scientific publications, including 59 high-IF (Impact Factor) international SCI journal papers.
Academic and Professional Qualifications
- Doctor of Science (Technology), 2014: Aalto University, Finland
- Master of Science, 2010: University of Jyväskylä, Finland (Master’s thesis project in Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU, Norway)
- Bachelor of Engineering, 2008: Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
Research and Academic Experiences
- Low-energy and zero-energy buildings;
- Advanced renewable energy systems (Solar heating and cooling, PV, ground/water/air source heat pump, micro-CHP, and micro-wind turbine);
- Building integrated energy storage solutions;
- HVAC technologies;
- The integrations between buildings, hybrid smart grids and new energy vehicles (including electric vehicles and hydrogen vehicles).
Teaching Subjects
- BSE449 Environmental Economics and Policy
- BSE4415 Building Energy Simulation
- BSE5512 Economics for Facility Management
- BSE2202 Air-conditioning II
- BSE2201 Air-conditioning I
- BSE2217 Heat and Mass Transfer
Available Positions under my supervision:
I have been continuously looking for potential PhD candidates, Master graduates, postdocs, and exchange PhD students. If you are interested in conducting zero-energy/zero-emission building/community and renewable energy related researches, please send your CV, transcript of records, and list of publications to me by email:
- (1) Research Associate/Assistant
There will be one position available for a Research Associate/Assistant for the research themes relating to the zero-energy buildings, building energy flexibilities, building integrated renewable energy systems, and advanced energy and storage systems. The initial contract will be one year with an opportunity for a continuation after one year’s appointment. The requirement for the applicant:
(a) With a Master or PhD degree in the field of energy engineering, thermodynamics and heat transfer, building energy technology, mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, or applied physics.
(b) Basic experience in the building energy simulation, preferably TRNSYS.
(c) Good command of English language, especially for the academic writings and presentations.
(d) Good academic and publication records.
For those who are interested in this position, please send your CV, transcript of records, and list of publications to me by email: .
- (2) Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) provides the opportunities for full-time PhD studies under the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme. This scheme is supported by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong. It provides a monthly stipend of HK$20,000 (approximately US$2,600) and Conference and Research related travel allowance of HK$10,000 (approximately US$1,300) per year for awardees for a maximum period of three years. In addition, PolyU will award those with a four-year normal study period the same provision during their fourth year of study and award each PhD Fellowship awardee with a tuition scholarship covering the entire normal study period. Hall accommodation in the first year of study will also be guaranteed. Please refer to the website for more information.
For those who are interested in this Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme and would like to conduct building energy and renewable energy related researches under my supervision, please do not hesitate to contact me (
- (3) PolyU PhD Research Studentship
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) also provides the opportunities for the PhD Research Studentships with a stipend for those who would like to pursue the high-quality PhD studies and researches. The applicants should have good command of English language skills with satisfactory scores of IELTS or TOEFL. For the details, please refer to the website: and
For those who are interested in this PolyU PhD Studentship and would like to conduct building energy and renewable energy related researches under my supervision, please do not hesitate to contact me (
Selected Major Publications
A. The peer-refereed high-impact international SCI journals:
1) Ming Li, Sunliang Cao*, Xiaolin Zhu, Yang Xu. Techno-economic analysis of the transition towards the large-scale hybrid wind-tidal supported coastal zero-energy communities. Applied Energy 2022, Volume 316, 119118. (Applied Energy: Impact Factor=11.446)
2) Haojie Luo, Sunliang Cao*. Advanced energy flexibility enhancement via the novel resources of wave energy converter reservoirs and electric storages for a hybrid wave-wind energy supported hotel energy system. Journal of Building Engineering 2022, Volume 60, 105167. (Journal of Building Engineering: Impact Factor= 7.144)
3) GM Senthil Kumar, Sunliang Cao*. Simulation-based techno-economic feasibility study on sector coupled net-zero/positive energy metro railway system in Hong Kong. Energy Conversion and Management 248, 114786. (Energy Conversion and Management: Impact Factor= 11.533)
4) Shijie Zhou, Sunliang Cao*. Energy flexibility and viability enhancement for an ocean-energy-supported zero-emission office building with respect to both existing and advanced utility business models with dynamic responsive incentives. Energy Reports 2022, Volume 8, 10244-10271. (Energy Reports: Impact Factor= 4.937)
5) M Li, H Luo, S Zhou, GM Senthil Kumar, X Guo, TC Law, S Cao*. State-of-the-art review of the flexibility and feasibility of emerging offshore and coastal ocean energy technologies in East and Southeast Asia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2022, 162, 112404. (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Impact Factor=16.799)
6) Shijie Zhou, Sunliang Cao*, Shengwei Wang. Realisation of a coastal zero-emission office building with the support of hybrid ocean thermal, floating photovoltaics, and tidal stream generators. Energy Conversion and Management 2022, 253, 115135. (Energy Conversion and Management: Impact Factor= 11.533)
7) Haojie Luo, Sunliang Cao*, Vivien Lin Lu. The techno-economic feasibility of a coastal zero-energy hotel building supported by the hybrid wind–wave energy system. Sustainable Energy Grids & Networks 2022, 30, 100650. (Sustainable Energy Grids & Networks: Impact Factor=5.405)
8) Xinman Guo, Sunliang Cao*, Yang Xu, Xiaolin Zhu. The Feasibility of Using Zero-Emission Electric Boats to Enhance the Techno-Economic Performance of an Ocean-Energy-Supported Coastal Hotel Building. Energies 2021, 14(24), 8465. (Energies: Impact Factor= 3.252)
9) GM Senthil Kumar, Sunliang Cao*. State-of-the-Art Review of Positive Energy Building and Community Systems. Energies 2021, 14(16), 5046. (Energies: Impact Factor= 3.252)
10) Yuekuan Zhou, Sunliang Cao*, Jan LM Hensen. An energy paradigm transition framework from negative towards positive district energy sharing networks—Battery cycling aging, advanced battery management strategies, flexible vehicles-to-buildings interactions, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. Applied Energy 2021, Volume 288, 116606 (Applied Energy: Impact Factor=11.446).
11) Jia Liu, Sunliang Cao, Xi Chen, Hongxing Yang, Jinqing Peng. Energy planning of renewable applications in high-rise residential buildings integrating battery and hydrogen vehicle storage. Applied Energy 2021, Volume 281, 116038. (Applied Energy: Impact Factor=11.446)
12) Yuekuan Zhou, Sunliang Cao*. Coordinated multi-criteria framework for cycling aging-based battery storage management strategies for positive building–vehicle system with renewable depreciation: Life-cycle based techno-economic feasibility study. Energy Conversion and Management 2020, Volume 226, 113473. (Energy Conversion and Management: Impact Factor= 11.533)
13) Yuekuan Zhou, Sunliang Cao*, Jan LM Hensen, Ala Hasan. Heuristic battery-protective strategy for energy management of an interactive renewables–buildings–vehicles energy sharing network with high energy flexibility. Energy Conversion and Management 2020, Volume 214, 112891. (Energy Conversion and Management: Impact Factor= 11.533)
14) Yuekuan Zhou, Sunliang Cao*, Risto Kosonen, Mohamed Hamdy. Multi-objective optimisation of an interactive buildings-vehicles energy sharing network with high energy flexibility using the Pareto archive NSGA-II algorithm. Energy Conversion and Management 2020, Volume 218, 113017. (Energy Conversion and Management: Impact Factor= 11.533)
15) Yuekuan Zhou, Sunliang Cao*. Quantification of energy flexibility of residential net-zero-energy buildings involved with dynamic operations of hybrid energy storages and diversified energy conversion strategies. Sustainable Energy Grids & Networks 2020, Volume 21, 100304. (Sustainable Energy Grids & Networks: Impact Factor=5.405)
16) Jia Liu, Meng Wang, Jinqing Peng, Xi Chen, Sunliang Cao, Hongxing Yang. Techno-economic design optimization of hybrid renewable energy applications for high-rise residential buildings. Energy Conversion and Management 2020, Volume 213, 112868. (Energy Conversion and Management: Impact Factor= 11.533)
17) Sunliang Cao*. The impact of electric vehicles and mobile boundary expansions on the realization of zero-emission office buildings. Applied Energy 2019, Volume 251. (Applied Energy: Impact Factor=11.446)
18) Yuekuan Zhou, Sunliang Cao*. Energy flexibility investigation of advanced grid-responsive energy control strategies with the static battery and electric vehicles: A case study of a high-rise office building in Hong Kong. Energy Conversion and Management 2019, Volume 199, Article 111888. (Energy Conversion and Management: Impact Factor= 11.533)
19) Yuekuan Zhou, Sunliang Cao*, Jan L. M. Hensen, Peter D. Lund. Energy integration and interaction between buildings and vehicles: A state-of-the-art review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2019, Volume 114, Article 109337. (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Impact Factor=16.799)
20) Kari Alanne, Sunliang Cao. An overview of the concept and technology of ubiquitous energy. Applied Energy 2019; 238: 284-302. (Applied Energy: Impact Factor=11.446)
21) Reino Ruusu, Sunliang Cao, BM Delgado, Ala Hasan. Direct quantification of multiple-source energy flexibility in a residential building using a new model predictive high-level controller. Energy Conversion and Management 2019; 180: 1109-28. (Energy Conversion and Management: Impact Factor= 11.533)
22) Sunliang Cao*, Kari Alanne. The techno-economic analysis of a hybrid zero-emission building system integrated with a commercial-scale zero-emission hydrogen vehicle. Applied Energy 2018; 211: 639-61. (Applied Energy: Impact Factor=11.446)
23) Jia Liu, Xi Chen, Sunliang Cao, Hongxing Yang. Overview on hybrid solar photovoltaic-electrical energy storage technologies for power supply to buildings. Energy Conversion and Management 2019; 187: 103-121. (Energy Conversion and Management: Impact Factor= 11.533)
24) BM Delgado, Rajesh Kotireddy, Sunliang Cao, Ala Hasan, Pieter-Jan Hoes, Jan LM Hensen, Kai Sirén. Lifecycle cost and CO2 emissions of residential heat and electricity prosumers in Finland and the Netherlands. Energy Conversion and Management 2018; 160: 495-508. (Energy Conversion and Management: Impact Factor= 11.533)
25) BM Delgado, Sunliang Cao, Ala Hasan, Kai Sirén. Energy and exergy analysis of prosumers in hybrid energy grids. Building Research & Information 2018; 46(6): 668-85. (Building Research & Information 5-Yr Impact Factor=5.343)
26) Tian You, Xianting Li, Sunliang Cao, Hongxing Yang. Soil thermal imbalance of ground source heat pump systems with spiral-coil energy pile groups under seepage conditions and various influential factors. Energy Conversion and Management 2018; 178: 123-36. (Energy Conversion and Management: Impact Factor= 11.533)
27) Sunliang Cao*, Konstantin Klein, Sebastian Herkel, Kai Sirén. Approaches to enhance the energy performance of a zero-energy building integrated with a commercial-scale hydrogen fueled zero-energy vehicle under Finnish and German conditions. Energy Conversion and Management 2017; 142: 153-75. (Energy Conversion and Management: Impact Factor= 11.533)
28) BM Delgado, Sunliang Cao, Ala Hasan, Kai Sirén. Multiobjective optimization for lifecycle cost, carbon dioxide emissions and exergy of residential heat and electricity prosumers. Energy Conversion and Management 2017; 154: 455-69. (Energy Conversion and Management: Impact Factor= 11.533)
29) BM Delgado, Sunliang Cao, Ala Hasan, Kai Sirén. Thermoeconomic analysis of heat and electricity prosumers in residential zero-energy buildings in Finland. Energy 2017; 130: 544-59. (Energy: Impact Factor=8.857)
30) Kari Alanne, Sunliang Cao. Zero-energy hydrogen economy (ZEH2E) for buildings and communities including personal mobility. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2017; 71: 697-711. (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Impact Factor=16.799)
31) Sunliang Cao*. Comparison of the energy and environmental impact by integrating a H2 vehicle and an electric vehicle into a zero-energy building. Energy Conversion and Management 2016; 123: 153-73. (Energy Conversion and Management: Impact Factor= 11.533)
32) Sunliang Cao*, Kai Sirén. The influence of simulation time-resolution on the matching between on-site micro-wind generation and building electric demand. Journal of Building Performance Simulation 2016; 9(5): 449-68. (Journal of Building Performance Simulation: 5-Yr Impact Factor=3.493)
33) Sunliang Cao*, Kari Alanne. Technical feasibility of a hybrid on-site H2 and renewable energy system for a zero-energy building with a H2 vehicle. Applied Energy 2015; 158: 568-83. (Applied Energy: Impact Factor=11.446)
34) Sunliang Cao*, Kai Sirén. Matching indices taking the dynamic hybrid electrical and thermal grids information into account for the decision-making of nZEB on-site renewable energy systems. Energy Conversion and Management 2015; 101: 423-41. (Energy Conversion and Management: Impact Factor= 11.533)
35) Antti Alahäivälä, Tobias Heß, Sunliang Cao, Matti Lehtonen. Analyzing the optimal coordination of a residential micro-CHP system with a power sink. Applied Energy 2015; 149: 326-37. (Applied Energy: Impact Factor=11.446)
36) Janne Hirvonen, Genku Kayo, Sunliang Cao, Ala Hasan, Kai Sirén. Renewable energy production support schemes for residential-scale solar photovoltaic systems in Nordic conditions. Energy Policy 2015; 79: 72-86. (Energy Policy: Impact Factor= 7.576)
37) Sunliang Cao*, Kai Sirén. Impact of simulation time-resolution on the matching of PV production and household electric demand. Applied Energy 2014; 128: 192-208. (Applied Energy: Impact Factor=11.446)
38) Sunliang Cao*, Ala Hasan, and Kai Sirén. Matching analysis for on-site hybrid renewable energy systems of office buildings with extended indices. Applied Energy 2014; 113: 230-47. (Applied Energy: Impact Factor=11.446)
39) Sunliang Cao*, Ayman Mohamed, Ala Hasan, and Kai Sirén. Energy matching analysis of on-site micro-cogeneration for a single-family house with thermal and electrical tracking strategies. Energy and Buildings 2014; 68: 351-63. (Energy and Buildings: Impact Factor= 7.201)
40) Ayman Mohamed, Sunliang Cao, Ala Hasan, Kai Sirén. Selection of micro-cogeneration for net zero energy buildings (NZEB) using weighted energy matching index. Energy and Buildings 2014; 80: 490-503. (Energy and Buildings: Impact Factor= 7.201)
41) Sunliang Cao*, Ala Hasan, and Kai Sirén. On-site energy matching indices for buildings with energy conversion, storage and hybrid grid connections. Energy and Buildings 2013; 64: 423-38. (Energy and Buildings: Impact Factor= 7.201)
42) Sunliang Cao*, Ala Hasan, and Kai Sirén, Analysis and solution for renewable energy load matching for a single-family house. Energy and Buildings 2013; 65: 398-411. (Energy and Buildings: Impact Factor= 7.201)
B. The peer-refereed non-SCI journal
- Reino Ruusu, Sunliang Cao, Ala Hasan. Performance Simulations of Different Energy Flexibility Sources in a Building with the Electrical Grid. Renewable Energy and Sustainable Buildings, 2020, 507-516.
- Yuekuan Zhou, Sunliang Cao. Investigation of the flexibility of a residential net-zero energy building (NZEB) integrated with an electric vehicle in Hong Kong. Energy Procedia (also EI/Scopus-indexed), 2019, Vol. 158, 2567-2579.
- Simo Kilpeläinen, Minyan Lu, Sunliang Cao, Ala Hasan, Shuqin Chen. Composition and Operation of a Semi-Virtual Renewable Energy-based Building Emulator. Future Cities and Environment, 4(1), 2018, pp. 1–14.
- BM Delgado, Reino Ruusu, Ala Hasan, Simo Kilpeläinen, Sunliang Cao, Kai Sirén. Energetic, cost, and comfort performance of a nearly-zero energy building including rule-based control of four sources of energy flexibility. Buildings (also Scopus-indexed), 8(12), 2018, 172.
- Huanhuan Feng, Xue Tian, Sunliang Cao, Jun Zhao, Shuai Deng. Match Performance Analysis for a Solar-driven Energy System in Net Zero Energy Building. Energy Procedia (also EI/Scopus-indexed), Vol. 88, 2016, Pages 394-400. [Online]. Available:
C. The peer-refereed Chinese journal
- Huanhuan Feng, Qingsong An, Sunliang Cao, Shuai Deng, Jun Zhao. Exploration and Discussion on Definition Framework and Research Scale of Net Zero Energy Building (in Chinese). Building Science (in Chinese), Issue 10, Vol. 32, 2016, pp. 120-128.
D. Chapter in an International Professional Book
- The outcome of my participated International Energy Agency (IEA) Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (SHC) Task 44/ Heat Pump Programme (HPP) Annex 38 Solar and Heat Pump Systems: Michel Y. Haller, Erik Bertram, Ralf Dott, Thomas Afjei, Daniel Carbonell, Fabian Ochs, Andreas Heinz, Sunliang Cao, Kai Sirén. Chapter 3: Components and thermodynamic aspects. Solar and Heat Pump Systems for Residential Buildings (edited by Jean-Christophe Hadorn), Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, Germany. 2015. Print ISBN: 9783433030400, Online ISBN: 9783433604830. [Online]. Available:
E. International collaborated professional report for IEA SHC/HPP
- Sunliang Cao, Kai Sirén, Andreas Heinz, Sebastian Bonk. Models of Sub-Components and Validation for the IEA SHC Task 44/HPP Annex 38 Part E: Storage models. International Energy Agency (IEA), Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (SHC) Task 44/ Heat Pump Programme (HPP) Annex 38 Solar and Heat Pump Systems. 2013. [Online]. Available:
- Michel Y. Haller, Erik Bertram, Ralf Dott, Thomas Afjei, Fabian Ochs, Sunliang Cao, Kai Sirén, Jean-Christophe Hadorn. Models of Sub-Components and Validation for the IEA SHC Task 44 / HPP Annex 38 Part A: Summary. International Energy Agency (IEA), Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (SHC) Task 44/ Heat Pump Programme (HPP) Annex 38 Solar and Heat Pump Systems. 2013. [Online]. Available:
F. International Conference Papers
- Benjamin Manrique Delgado, Sunliang Cao, Ala Hasan, and Kai Sirén. Energetic Performance and Economic Feasibility of Onsite Generation Technologies in a Nearly Zero Energy Building. Third IBPSA-England Conference, Building Simulation & Optimisation 2016, 12-14 Sep. 2016, Newcastle, UK.
- Minyan Lu, Simo Kilpeläinen, Ala Hasan, Sunliang Cao, Chen Shuqin. Performance analysis of a semi-virtual renewable energy system and building operation. 16th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET2017 Bologna). July 17-20, 2017, Bologna, Italy.
- Benjamin Manrique Delgado, Sunliang Cao, Pekka Tuominen, Ala Hasan, and Jussi Jokinen. Energy generation and matching in a net zero-energy building in Finland. The Proceedings of the 20th CIB World Building Congress 2016, Volume IV, 30 May – 3 June 2016, Tampere, Finland.
- Reino Ruusu, Sunliang Cao, Ala Hasan, Juha Kortelainen, and Tommi Karhela. Developing an Energy Management System for Optimizing the Interaction of a Residential Building with the Electrical and Thermal Grids. CLIMA 2016 - proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress, 22-25 May 2016, Aalborg, Denmark.
- Sunliang Cao, Arild Gustavsen, Sivert Uvsløkk, Bjørn Petter Jelle, Jacques Gilbert and Jussi Maunuksela. The Effect of Wall-Integrated Phase Change Material Panels on the Indoor Air and Wall Temperature – Hot box Experiments. Zero Emission Buildings-Proceedings of Renewable Energy Research Conference 2010, Trondheim, Norway, 2010, pp. 15-26.
Research Overview
Low-energy and zero-energy buildings;
Advanced renewable energy systems (Solar heating and cooling, PV, ground/water/air source heat pump, micro-CHP, and micro-wind turbine);
Building integrated energy storage solutions;
HVAC technologies;
The integrations between buildings, hybrid smart grids and new energy vehicles (including electric vehicles and hydrogen vehicles).
Education and Academic Qualifications
- Bachelor of Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Master of Science, University of Jyvaskyla
- Doctor of Science (Technology), Aalto University