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MEng in BSE Student Won Second Prize in the 11th National Scientific and Technological Competition

30 Jun 2017

Second prize certificate of Miss NIU

Prof. DENG and Miss NIU

The Department of Building Services Engineering (BSE) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is pleased to announce that our Master of Engineering in Building Services Engineering (MEng in BSE) student, NIU Jiajia, has won second prize in the 11th National Scientific and Technological Competition.

In order to promote the sustainable development of the disciplines of Energy and Power Engineering, Built Environment and Energy Engineering and to encourage the creativity and innovation from college students, China Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Industry Association organized the 11th National Scientific and Technological Competition for college students in the above disciplines from June to July 2017. The theme of the competition was “Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technology in Naturally Harmony’, aiming at encouraging competitors to design innovative refrigeration and air conditioning systems /
products to reduce environmental impacts and save energy. The competition was organized in 6 regions, i.e., North China, East China, Central China, South China, Northeast China and West China. More than 4000 students from all over the country participated in the competition and over 400 students from more than 110 colleges / universities entered the finals in the 6
respective regions. The competition was divided into 2 groups, an undergraduate group and a postgraduate group.

This was the first time that a representative from BSE of PolyU participated in such a high-profiled national event. On 30 June 2017, Miss NIU won second prize in the postgraduate group competition of South China region with her project titled “A PMV based Fuzzy Logic Controller for a Direct Expansion Air Conditioning System and Evaluating Energy Saving Effect Using a Local Fan” which was based on her MEng dissertation supervised by Prof DENG Shiming, Professor of the BSE Department.

Winning a second prize in a national competition reflected the quality of research and teaching of the BSE students and staff.


BSE would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Miss NIU on her academic success and achievement on winning the prize.

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