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Dr Nenry Jie XUE CC 2023

Outstanding Young Alumni Award in Entrepreneurial Achievement of PolyU CC 2023

Congratulations to Dr Nenry Jie XUE on receiving the Outstanding Young Alumni Award in Entrepreneurial Achievement of PolyU CC 2023.   Dr Nenry Jie Xue General Representative, Italian Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Government in China Chairman, Canada Nenry Inc. Co-founder, Bòn Italia Inc. Master of Arts in Chinese Culture (2016) Dr Nenry Jie Xue started collaborating with the Italian Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Furniture and Home Association in 2017, focusing on establishing direct connections between Italian furniture manufacturers, Chinese distributors and projects. Additionally, Dr Xue's collaboration with the Port Authority of Trieste and the Central European Initiative (CEI) aimed to promote the integration of the "Chengdu-Europe Express Rail" section within the "China-Europe Railway," enabling efficient transportation of goods from Italy to the Qingbaijiang International Port in Chengdu via train freight. In 2018, Dr Xue became the General Representative of the Italian Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Government in China, representing the Regional Government, the Port Authority of Trieste, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Tourism Board, and the Furniture and Home Furnishing Association of Friuli Venezia Giulia in all relevant business and contacts in the Greater China region. In 2019, Dr Xue established the Bòn Italia brand, introducing authentic Italian aesthetics and high-quality Italian lifestyle to China and Canada through carefully selected products and immersive experiences. In January 2018, he founded the Canadian Nenry Group, which gradually diversified its offerings to include commercial real estate, international trade, business consulting, industry services, and lifestyle solutions.

13 Jun, 2023

News Department of Chinese Culture


理大全港中國歷史論文比賽截止報名日期為2023年6月1日, 有興趣參賽的學校隊伍請盡快遞交報名表

參賽報名表: 已截止報名 網址: 理大全港中國歷史論文比賽   (1)參賽資格: 全日制高中生(中四、中五),以隊際形式參賽  每隊由4至5位學生組成,並須由1位老師負責指導(組員與老師需來自相同學校)  每間學校可派出多於一組隊伍參賽  每位學生不可參與多於一組    (2)參賽主題: 中國歷史上的科學與技術 (*題目不限古代、近代)    (3)參賽形式: 有興趣參加的隊伍請於2023年6月1日或之前,填妥並交回大會網頁的參賽表格(題目、150-200字摘要),主辦機構將在截止報名後的一個月內審核並確認。 參賽隊伍必須圍繞主題撰寫2500-5000字的論文(包括註釋與參考書目) 撰稿格式:詳情請參閱「論文撰稿格式要求」 * 參賽隊伍將獲專家學者指導進行研習(論文工作坊、交流會、報名題目與摘要的評審意見)   (4)比賽獎項—理大青年史學獎 冠軍:每隊總值$10000元書券 亞軍:每隊總值$7500元書券 季軍:每隊總值$5000元書券 殿軍:每隊總值$2500元書券 冠、亞、季、殿軍,連同其餘優異、優秀隊伍將獲贈獎狀、紀念品,並一同參加理大文化體驗營 各得獎隊伍的指導老師將獲頒最佳、傑出指導老師獎項 其他參賽同學均獲授嘉許狀   (5)重要日期: 2023年5月13日:論文工作坊 2023年6月1日:截止報名 2023年7月初:交流會 2023年9月15日:論文截稿 2023年10月中旬:頒獎典禮與理大文化體驗營   (6)學校報名: 參賽報名表: 註:截止報名日期為2023年6月1日   鳴謝  是次活動籌備期間承蒙各界友好惠予支持與協助,謹致謝忱。鳴謝名單將稍後更新。    有關報名、比賽規則、頒獎典禮等安排詳情,將稍後更新  

29 May, 2023



Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU CC 2023

24 Feb, 2023


Opening Ceremony of the Research Centre for Chinese History and Culture

PolyU held the Opening Ceremony of the Research Centre for Chinese History and Culture on 17 January 2023 and signed a memorandum of understanding with the Institute of Humanities of Tsinghua University. The Opening Ceremony was officiated by Mr Kevin YEUNG Yun-hung, Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, and Mr ZHANG Guoyi, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Publicity, Cultural and Sports Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. They were joined by Dr LAM Tai-fai, Council Chairman of PolyU, Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President, Prof. Wing-tak WONG, Deputy President and Provost and Prof. LI Ping, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities. The Research Centre aspires to become an influential academic institution in humanities, endeavours to support the Hong Kong SAR Government’s efforts in promoting Chinese culture. Read more

17 Jan, 2023

News Faculty of Humanities


The FH MOOC – “Humanities in Focus” Is Now Open for Registration

FH Launched a New MOOC – Humanities in Focus The online course “Humanities in Focus", created by top scholars within the Faculty of Humanities, offers an in-depth exploration of various subjects within the humanities and how they can help answer the big questions we face in our world today. Learners will engage in ongoing conversations about social issues in film, challenges and opportunities in art, experience and consciousness in history, and the power of language. This type of humanistic inquiry will allow learners to uncover the many insights that draw from the topics in this course, and more importantly to reflect on the fundamental question: Why does humanities matter? Registration is now open at 

15 Dec, 2022

News Faculty of Humanities


FH Student Shares Experience and Aspiration as The Most Outstanding PolyU Student 2021

Our student Miss Ho Hiu Man, winner of the Most Outstanding PolyU Student Award 2021, shared with the media^ her learning experience and visions for the future, as well as her strong passion for Cantonese Opera. Under the Outstanding Students Award Scheme, each faculty or school selects one excellent student every year for the “Outstanding Student Award”. Among them, one student is selected as the “Most Outstanding PolyU Student” of the year. The Outstanding Student Awards Presentation Ceremony was held virtually on 21 April 2022. Click HERE for the sharing of Hiu Man. ________________________ ^Online coverage:; and

25 Apr, 2022

Faculty of Humanities


Outstanding Student Awards 2021

Congratulations to Miss Li Chak Yi, a student from Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Bilingual Interdisciplinary Chinese Studies (BICS) for receiving the Outstanding Student Award of Department. A virtual Award Ceremony was held on 21 April 2022, Thursday to share the happiness with the awardees.

21 Apr, 2022


Free Online Courses on Chinese Culture

The Department of Chinese Culture, in collaboration with the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, proudly presents a free, self-paced, online Program of Chinese Culture, designed with innovative pedagogy and delivered by 15 experts from the two departments and other collaborating institutions. The online program consists of 3 introductory courses, covering exciting topics such as Chinese philosophy, religion, painting, classical novels, opera, education, gender awareness, food and cuisine, the Silk Road, anti-colonialism, and historical interactions with other countries such as Central Asia, Vietnam, Japan, Russia, and the West. They are suitable for beginners and those who aim to refresh and enrich their knowledge of Chinese Culture. Watch the course trailers and click the URLs below to learn more about them. They are open for free registration until April 20, 2022. You can decide your learning pace, as they are self-paced. You can also opt for the verified path and receive an official edX certificate issued by HKPolyUx to verify your successful completion of the courses and the Program.

17 Feb, 2022


Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU CC 2022

To celebrate PolyU's 85th Anniversary in 2022, the Department of Chinese Culture (CC) is now calling for nominations for the Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU CC 2022. The Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU CC aims to give public recognition to outstanding CC graduates for their professional achievements and significant contributions to the community and their alma mater. To recognize both senior and younger groups of CC alumni, there will be two streams of awards, namely the Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU CC (awardees aged 40 or above) and the Outstanding Young Alumni Award of PolyU CC (awardees aged under 40). Selection will be made to recognise alumni’s accomplishments on the following four award categories: Professional Achievement, Entrepreneurial Achievement, Scholarly Achievement and Community Service Achievement. For details, please visit AADO’s website. Completed nomination forms and CVs shall be emailed to Ms Zoe Cheung by 31 October 2021. Download Nomination Form

10 Sep, 2021


Add Meaning to Your Graduation

16 Sep, 2020


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