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Distinguished Speaker Series – Engineering Responsible AI

25 Jan 2022

Events and Activities

Group photo showing (from left) Chair Professor of Visual Computing, VPRI, President, Dr Harry Shum, Dean of GS, Head of Department of Computing, Associate Dean of GS

Prof. Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation), introduced our guest speaker

Prof. Jiannong Cao, Dean of GS, hosted the Q&A session

In our first online lecture of the PolyU Graduate School (GS) Distinguished Speaker Series on 25 January 2022, we are delighted to have invited Prof. Harry Shum, Professor-at-large from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He shared with us on “Engineering Responsible AI”, by navigating the implications of AI and current practice adopted in Microsoft AI and research areas, and responsibilities of industry, academia and the government that need to be stepped up.

Over 200 participants attended the lecture with Prof. Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation), introducing our guest speaker and Prof. Jiannong Cao, Dean of GS, hosting the Q&A session. The President of PolyU, Prof. Jin-Guang Teng, also joined by raising the first question as an attendee.

Our distinguished speaker is also the Founding Chairman of International Digital Economy Academy (IDEA), and the Executive Vice President for AI and Research at Microsoft Corporation until March 2020.

Innovation is in the DNA of PolyU’s Research Postgraduate Education and we have initiated a Distinguished Speaker Series to cover different topics under innovation to explore how we can benefit mankind with social responsibility in infinite possibilities offered by the world.

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