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Central South 2

New Partnership for the Dual PhD Degree Programmes

PolyU has established a new partnership for its Dual PhD Degree Programmes, adding Central South University (CSU) as a collaborating institution. A university-level agreement was signed during the delegation visit from CSU on 13 June 2024. The signing ceremony was officiated by Professor Wing-tak Wong, Deputy President and Provost of PolyU, and Professor Li Jing Sheng, Vice Party Secretary of CSU. Professor Jin-Guang Teng, President of PolyU and Professor Yi Hong, Party Secretary of CSU were in attendance to witness the proceedings. Previously, frequent exchanges and cooperation in the areas of nursing and rail transit have been established between PolyU and CSU. The new partnership on Dual PhD programmes is expected to drive talent development and scientific research between the two universities.

13 Jun, 2024


Research Student Gathering – Experiencing the Attachment Programme

17 May, 2024


Graduate School Transferable Skills Workshop Series – Training Workshop for Three Minute Thesis Competition

With the upcoming PolyU Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition in June, the Graduate School organised a training workshop on 30 April to equip research students with techniques and strategies to master for a successful 3MT presentation. During the workshop, Professor Baochun Li from the University of Toronto delivered his presentation titled "The Art of Technical Presentations in the Era of Generative AI Models" and shared insightful elements for formulating an effective presentation. Professor Li emphasised the importance of structured and logical storytelling, as well as knowing and engaging the audience by simplifying the content and adjusting the delivery pace for improved memory recall. Participants were also reminded to use slides as a visual aid to display clarity. Towards the end, students at the workshop remained interested in acquiring more techniques in the Q&A session. We extend our gratitude to Professor Li for sharing his useful tips and send our best wishes to all the research students as they prepare for the 3MT competition.

30 Apr, 2024


Research Postgraduate Supervisor Induction

Acknowledging the significant impact of quality supervision on the student learning experience, the Graduate School arranged a hybrid-mode induction for research postgraduate supervisors on 19 April. The primary focus of the induction was to provide guidance and support to supervisors who are new to their roles or possess limited expertise, ensuring that they acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively fulfil their responsibilities. Two experienced supervisors, Professor Reynold Cheng, Associate Dean (Student Enrichment) of Faculty of Engineering at the University of Hong Kong and Professor Han Xiaorong, Head of Department of Chinese History and Culture (CHC) at PolyU, were invited to share invaluable insights and best practices in supervision. Their sharing aimed to enhance the understanding of supervision fundamentals, address potential challenges and highlight the support required for different types of candidatures. The event commenced with a warm welcome note and opening remarks by Professor Cao Jiannong, Dean of Graduate School, and Professor Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation), respectively. Later, Professor Cao featured an overview of the research postgraduate study cycle and expectations of an effective supervision role with explanations and guiding tips. Supervisors are pivotal in shaping the next generation of scholars and innovators. The Graduate School is committed to fostering engagement and inspiring excellence in supervision practices.

19 Apr, 2024


Research Student Gathering – Research Student Attachment Programme and International Collaborative Research Fellowship

19 Apr, 2024


Alumni Insight Series – There Is No Place Like PolyU For Researchers

The newly introduced Alumni Insight Series aims to provide a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and mentorship, showcasing the accomplishments of our distinguished research postgraduate (RPg) alumni. The inaugural session on 12 April featured outstanding research postgraduate alumnus Professor Wilson Lu, who obtained his PhD in 2006 from the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE). He is currently the Chair Professor (Digital Construction) and Head of Department of Real Estate and Construction, Faculty of Architecture, at the University of Hong Kong. During the talk, Professor Lu reflected on his time at PolyU and shared his personal experiences on climbing the ladder in academia. He highlighted his progression and struggles, from the eagerness to contribute to the knowledge body and industry as a RPg student, to the worries of job seeking as a postdoctoral fellow, and the pressure of securing tenure as an Assistant Professor. Professor Lu described the process as the making of a “T-shaped individual” - horizontally broadening one’s research discipline and vertically expanding the depth within that discipline. He emphasised the importance of “risk management” during the process by maintaining two different but interrelated research fields. Towards the end of the session, Professor Lu shared a few tips with our students. He advised them to be engaged in both the research and industrial communities, but most importantly, to be independent. He also reminded students the importance of humility in the research community and the high ethical expectations placed on researchers.

12 Apr, 2024


Graduate School Transferable Skills Workshop Series – Doing Scholarship that Endures by Staying F.O.C.U.S.E.D

Perspectives are often shaped by individual’s unique experiences, leading to variations and limitations in their interpretation of the world and their responses to problems, issues, and challenges. By recognising and acknowledging these limitations, the strategic thinking FOCUSED framework aids us to envision alternatives possibilities beyond our limited viewpoints in a complex and volatile world. The Graduate School Transferable Skills Workshop on 10 Apr, facilitated by Dr Robert Wright from the Department of Management and Marketing (MM), introduced the FOCUSED framework as a problem-setting and solving tool for research students to embrace otherness and structure their thinking, emotions and actions. During the workshop, participants engaged in activities within the framework, which, according to previous experiments, have shown to stimulate key brain regions and connectivity associated with higher-order thinking, creativity, complex problem solving, novelty, and more. This stimulation not only enhances learning but also promotes neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to form and reorganise neural pathways. The workshop also featured online sessions led by a lineup of international renowned scholars from academic institutions such as the University of Cambridge and University of Oxford, where participants “unlearnt” and challenged their existing knowledge and perspectives. In challenging moments in the learning process, let us drop our tools, unlearn and re-construe!

10 Apr, 2024


Research Student Gathering – Exploring the Holy Month of Ramadan

The Holy Month of Ramadan, observed by Muslims worldwide, is a sacred time of spiritual reflection and devotion in the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. During this holiest of times, adherents engage in acts of worship, community charity, and bonding, while fasting from dawn to sunset. On 8 April, the Research Student Gathering brought together participants from diverse cultural backgrounds to explore the significance of this sacred religious month. Current students from Palestine, Ghana, and Kazakhstan shared respective practices, including Taraweeh (the special evening prayers in addition to the five daily prayers), spiritual festivals, charity acts, and important communal meals during Ramadan in their countries. The event promoted cultural appreciation through interactive games, authentic Ramadan refreshments, and social networking, providing students a platform to deepen their understanding and embrace diverse traditions.

8 Apr, 2024


Distinguished Speaker Series – Smart City 5.0

On 20 March, the Graduate School had the privilege of inviting Dr Winnie Tang, MH, JP, to deliver a seminar on the topic of “Smart City 5.0”. Dr Tang is a renowned IT entrepreneur, scholar, and expert in the field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). She is the Founder of Esri China (Hong Kong), a leading company specialising in geographic information system (GIS) technology. Additionally, she is the Founder and Honorary President of the Smart City Consortium. Currently, Dr Tang holds the position of Adjunct Professor in multiple departments at the University of Hong Kong, including the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences, and Faculty of Architecture. Building upon the foundations of Smart City 3.0 and 4.0, Smart City 5.0 delves deeply into the challenges of implementing sustainable practices in urban development. During the seminar, Dr Tang discussed with participants the latest advancements in technology, urban planning, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations, citizen engagement, and the transformative possibilities for enhancing urban living. Dr Tang compared the smart city efforts of Hong Kong to various countries worldwide and specifically addressed how Hong Kong can seize the opportunity to achieve Smart City 5.0. She emphasised the importance of creating an ecosystem that enables talents to realise their full potential. Alongside Dr Tang’s sharing, her colleague demonstrated the practical application of technology in simulating various scenarios for building construction and optimizing city planning and development. The seminar left attendees inspired as they contemplated the future of their cities and the potential of digital transformation. The event concluded with a dynamic Q&A session, where participants enthusiastically engaged in dialogue with Dr Tang.

22 Mar, 2024


URIS Information Session 2024/25

Hosted by the College of Undergraduate Researchers and Innovators (CURI), an information session was held on 1 March 2024 to introduce the prestigious Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scheme (URIS). The event had a significant turnout, with over 80 enthusiastic undergraduate students in attendance. URIS offers participants the opportunity to engage in well-rounded research training early in their second year of study, under the supervision of an experienced academic staff, for a duration of two years. During the session, the Head of CURI, Professor Cao Jiannong and Associate Head, Professor Horace Mui, presented attractive features and privileges of URIS. The session also included a Q&A section, providing participants with admissions tips,  updates on the selection criteria for the 2024/25 cohort, and exclusive funding opportunities under CURI. Mr Ivan Lin, a current PhD student from the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology (ABCT), shared his firsthand experience after graduating from URIS. Towards the end of the event, the hosts also shared insights on CURI’s future roadmap for undergraduate research. The application deadline for URIS 2024/25 is 30 April 2024. Seize the opportunity to unleash your intellectual potential and join the vibrant undergraduate research community.   Learn about URIS:

1 Mar, 2024

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