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Brian Kwok's book is Best of the Best in HK Publishing Biennial Awards

10 Aug 2021

Books & Articles

Congratulations to our Associate Professor Brian Kwok on winning the Best of the Best award of the Social Science category at the Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Award with his publication “City of Scripts – The Craftsmanship of Vernacular lettering in Hong Kong” 《字型城市 —— 香港造字匠》. The book was selected from the 10 best Publishing Books in the category. There were 400 books entered this competition and 9 categories in total.

The Awards is a biannual event organised by the Hong Kong Publishing Professionals Society and sponsored by CreateHK. This year’s award presentation was held at the Hong Kong Book Fair in mid-July, witnessed by a number of judges, guests and members of the general public. 

Furthermore, Brian’s dedicated work to the neon sign projects “Archive of neon sign artworks” funded by ADC’s “Arts go Digital Platform Theme” was launched in July. Click through the links below for the archive and details to learn more:

霓虹招牌手稿資料庫 (Hong Kong Neon Artwork Archive)

保存 700 張霓虹招牌手稿 理大教授建網上資料庫

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