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Call for Nomination: PolyU Design Outstanding Alumni Awards 2023

27 Mar 2023

PolyU Design Heritage School of Design


The PolyU Design Outstanding Alumni Awards aim to give recognition to outstanding graduates of PolyU Design for their professional achievements, active support to their alma mater, as well as impactful contributions to the wider community. 

Since 2022, achievement categories have been established to celebrate considerable accomplishments of our alumni in specific areas included:

Four award categories

  1. Professional achievement
  2. Entrepreneurial achievement
  3. Scholarly achievement
  4. Community service achievement

Recognition is now also given to outstanding young alumni. Nominees under the age of 40* will be eligible for the Outstanding Young Alumni Award.
(*Any nominees aged 40 or below on 31 December 2023.)

All awardees may be further nominated by the School for the Outstanding PolyU Alumni Awards in July 2023, an overall selection of nominees among all other PolyU faculties/schools.


Tentative Nomination and Selection Schedule 

  •     Nomination Period: from 1 April 2023 to 30 April 2023 (Deadline: 30 April 2023, 11:59pm HKT)
  •     Judging: late May 2023 (Tentative)
  •     Result Announcement: June 2023 (Tentative)
  •     Award Presentation: June 2023 (Tentative)



The nominated candidate must be a graduate who has successfully completed full-time or part-time programme offered by PolyU School of Design (or the design department of forerunners: Hong Kong Government Trade School, Hong Kong Technical College, and Hong Kong Polytechnic) which led to academic award accredited by the respective Institution.

The proposer can be a PolyU graduate, Honorary Graduate, University Fellow, PolyU staff, current PolyU Council and Court members and current Advisory Committee members. There is no limit to the number of nominations to be submitted by each proposer. However, the proposer cannot be the candidate himself/ herself.


Award Categories and Selection Criteria

The selection is based on the nominee’s accomplishments in his/her personal achievements in the field, contributions to the community, and support and contributions to PolyU.

The selection criteria for each category are listed below.

Award Category Description
Professional Achievement This category recognises alumni who have attained distinguished achievements, demonstrated exemplary leadership, and made a strong impact on their profession/ industry/ society.
Entrepreneurial Achievement This category recognises alumni who have demonstrated outstanding innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as founded or advanced business or technology ventures with impact.
Scholarly Achievement This category recognises alumni scholars who have made notable scholarly or research contributions in their disciplines, with proven track record and excellent reputation in the field.
Community Service Achievement This category recognises alumni who have made impactful contributions to the communities, or demonstrated an extraordinary level of commitment, volunteerism and/or philanthropy for promoting the wellbeing of the communities.

Special recognition to outstanding young alumni awardees is added. Candidates aged 40 or under at the award year can be considered for the Outstanding PolyU Young Alumni stream.

Notes: The bestowal of the award shall be subject to the individual merits of the nomination. There may be no awardee for a category if no candidate is found suitable.


Panel of Judges 

Panel of Judges will be formed to examine the nominations and assess candidates’ qualifications and performance for the awards. 


Submission of Nomination 

Nomination form: Online version | Word file version

Here is a list of the items to prepare the necessary materials for the nomination form.

1. Candidate’s Personal Particulars: Educational Background, Professional Qualifications, Honour(s) and Award(s), Career History and Current Job information

2. Candidate’s Support and Contribution to PolyU in written format

3. Nomination for Award Categories: Professional Achievement/ Entrepreneurial Achievement/ Scholarly Achievement/ Community Service Achievement

4. Candidate’s Achievements/ Accomplishments in profession and industry/ entrepreneurship and technology venture/ scholarly research and impact/ community service and impact, in written format

5. A downloadable drive link included these files:
- Candidate’s Professional Portfolio of 30 pages (< 1GB in PDF format)
- Candidate’s passport photo
- Photocopy of certificate(s), award(s), a portfolio and other supplementary documents, if any, with nomination form

6. Proposer’s Particulars and Signature for attestation



School of Design
Tel: +852 3400 8260

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