Prof. Henry CHAN Ho-lung
Prof. Henry CHAN Ho-lung (陳浩龍) currently is a Professor in the School of Optometry, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
- HJ504
- +852 2766 7937
- henryhl.chan@polyu.edu.hk
- Prof. Chan's main research area is visual electroretinogram (ERG). He specializes in techniques and experimental planning/setting for the study of visual electrophysiology.
Prof. Henry Ho-lung CHAN (陳浩龍) completed his undergraduate training in Optometry in The Hong Kong Polytechnic and obtained his PhD in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in the area of clinical electrophysiology in vision. His current position is Professor in the School of Optometry, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He also obtained his fellowship of American Academy of Optometry (FAAO).
Research Overview
In 2006, he developed a new paradigm – modified global flash multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) –for early glaucoma diagnosis. This new method has over 90% of sensitivity and specificity for differentiating eyes with glaucoma from normal eyes. This special measurement has been proved to detect the glaucomatous changes at least 4 years before detected by the current clinical tests.
Over the same period, he used the mfERG to investigate the myopia eye. The central inner retinal activities obtained using a specific multifocal ERG measurement is significantly correlated with later myopia progression in children. It is a potential reference for juvenile myopia development.
Recently, he also worked on the area of the environmental influence in myopia progression. It is a new area to explore the mechanism of myopia development. Moreover, he also focuses on the treatment of eye diseases using Lycium Barbarum (LB) which is a commonly used TCM. One of his studies showed that a 12-month LB treatment was able to preserve vision and retinal structure in Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) patients.
Education and Academic Qualifications
- Professor, School of Optometry, PolyU (2022 – present)
- Associate Professor, School of Optometry, PolyU (2005 – 2022)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Optometry and Radiography, PolyU (1999-2005)
- Demonstrator, Department of Optometry and Radiography, PolyU (1997-1999)
- Honorary Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, Hong Kong University (2007 – 2021)
- Honorary Research Fellow, School of Life & Health Sciences, Aston University, UK (2016 – 2018)
- Honorary Associate Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, Hong Kong University (2015 – 2016)
- Honorary Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, Hong Kong University (2005 – 2015)
- Honorary Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, Hong Kong University (2003 – 2005)
- Visiting Optometrist, Department of Ophthalmology, Queen Mary Hospital (2007 – 2009)
- Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor of Optometry, School of Optometry, Indiana University, US (2007 – 2009)
- Member of Education Committee for the Optometrists Board in Hong Kong (Nov 2008 – Oct 2014)
- Director of The Hong Kong Federation of Societies for Prevention of Blindness (Jan 2013 – Dec 2014; Jan 2017 – present)
- Vice-president of The Hong Kong Society of Professional Optometrists (Chairman of the Professional Development Committee) (2003 – 2004)
- Registered Optometrist (Part I) in Hong Kong (1996 – present)
- Credentialed Optometrist and overseas examiner, Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of New Zealand (2006-2008)
- Member of Hong Kong Society of Professional Optometrists (1991 – present)
- Member of The International Society of Clinical Electrophysiology for Vision (ISCEV) (2000 – present)
Professional Qualifications
- Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry
Research Interests
Research Output
- Chan HHL, Lam HI, Choi KY, Li SZ, Lakshmanan Y, Yu WY, Chang RCC, Lai J, So KF. Delay of cone degeneration in retinitis pigmentosa using a 12-month treatment with Lycium barbarum supplement. J Ethnopharmacol 2019;236:336-344
- Lakshmanan Y, Wong FSY, Yu WY, Li SZC, Choi KY, So KF, Chan HHL. Lycium Barbarum Polysaccharides rescue neurodegeneration in an acute ocular hypertension rat model under pre- and post-treatment Conditions. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2019;60:2023-2033.
- Lam C, Li KK, Do CH, Chan H, To CH, Kwong JMK. Quantitative profiling of regional protein expression in rat retina after partial optic nerve transection using fluorescence difference two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Mol Med Rep 2019;20:2734-2742.
- Tse JSH, Lam TC, So KHY, Lam CDM, Cheung JKW, Sze AYH, Wong GTK, Wong ACK, Yee GMC, Chan HHL. Data on Assessment of safety and tear proteome change in response to orthokeratology lens – insight from integrating clinical data and next generation proteomics. Data in brief 2020;29:105186.
- Choi KY, Mok AYT, Do CW, Lee PH, Chan HHL. The diversified defocus profile of the near-work environment and myopia development. Ophthal Physiol Opt 2020;40:463-471.
- Lakshmanan Y, Wong FSY, Zuo B, Bui BV, Chan HHL. Longitudinal outcomes of circumlimbal suture model induced chronic ocular hypertension in Sprague-Dawley albino rats. Graefe’s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2020;258:2715-2728.
- Abokyi S, Shan SW, To CH, Chan HHL, Tse DYY. Autophagy upregulation by the TFEB inducer Trehalose protects against oxidative damage and cell death associated with NRF2 inhibition in human RPE cells. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2020 Jul; doi.org/10.1155/2020/5296341
- Fung MMY, Choi KY, Chan HHL. The effect of simultaneous dual-focus integration on the global flash multifocal electroretinogram in the human eye. Ophthal Physiol Opt 2020;41:171-178.
- Yu WY, Cheong AMY, Chan HHL, Lee MH, Woo G. Importance of Longitudinal Visual Function Assessments after Orbital Cavernoma Removal. Optometry and Visual Performance 2021;9:80-85.
- Wong NK, Lai D, Chan HHL, Lam BYH. Neural and Retinal Characteristics in Relation to Working Memory in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Curr Alzheimer Res 2021;18:185-195.
- Choi KY, Wong HY, Chan HHL. Utilizing Advanced Technology to Facilitate Diagnosis of Rare Retinal Disorders - A Case of Bietti Crystalline Dystrophy. Optom Vis Sci 2021 doi: 10.1097/OPX.0000000000001763
- Abokyi S, Shan SW, Lam CHI, Catral KP, Pan F, Chan HHL, To CH, Tse DYY. Targeting lysosomes to reverse hydroquinone-induced autophagy defects and oxidative damage in human retinal pigment epithelial cells. Int J Mol Sci 2021;22:9042 doi.org/10.3390/imjs22169042
- Tse JSH, Cheung JKW, Wong GTK, Lam TC, Choi KY, So KHY, Lam CDM, Sze AYH, Wong ACK, Yee GMC, Chan HHL. Integrating clinical data and tear proteomics to assess efficacy, ocular surface status, and biomarker response after orthokeratology lens wear. Transl Vis Sci Technol 2021;10:18 https://doi.org/10.1167/tvst.10.11.18
- Choi KY, Chan SSH, Chan HHL. Effect of spatially-related environmental risk factors in visual scenes on myopia. Clin Exp Optom 2021 DOI: 10.1080/08164622.2021.1983400