Distinguished Lectures in Humanities
Four intellectually inspiring Distinguished Lectures in Humanities (DLH) were successfully held during the second half of 2024:
- “Hybrid Agencies in Human - Artificial Agents Interactions” by Dr Anna CIAUNICA, Principal Investigator, Centre for Philosophy of Science, University of Lisbon, and Research Associate, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London
- “Rethinking ‘Cultural Thought Patterns’: Translanguaging and Intercultural Communication” by Prof. LI Wei, Director and Dean, Professor of Applied Linguistics, UCL Institute of Education, Faculty of Education and Society, University College London
- “Revealing Diverse Perceptual and Cognitive Representations in the Human Brain” by Prof. Shinji NISHIMOTO, Professor, Perceptual and Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University
- “Decolonizing English Medium Instruction in Higher Education: Challenging Linguistic Imperialism and Western Curricula through Global Englishes” by Dr Nicola GALLOWAY, Senior Lecturer and Publications Lead, School of Education, The University of Glasgow
The DLH Series is an interdisciplinary forum for eminent scholars to visit the Faculty and deliver a distinguished lecture at PolyU. The lectures showcased world-class innovative ideas in humanities, social science, science and technology, and served as catalysts for potential joint collaborations between the speaker’s group and FH members or among PolyU members. More details can be found at https://polyu.hk/xFFId.