FH New Directions Lecture Series

The FH New Directions Lecture Series provides a forum for the Faculty’s junior scholars at the ranks of Assistant Professor or Research Assistant Professor to present the latest directions of their research to the larger intellectual communities. Five lectures were given by presenters from our three academic departments in the previous season:
- Implications of Speaking More Than a Language for the Linguistic and Cognitive Skills by Dr Mohammad MOMENIAN(CBS), Research Assistant Professor
- Moving Second Language Experiments Online: Challenges and Considerations in Ensuring Data Quality by Prof. John ROGERS(ENGL), Assistant Professor
- Towards a “Synergy” of Text Mining and Critical Discourse Studies: Future Trends and Applications by Prof. LIU Ming(CBS), Assistant Professor
- Ming Daoism: New Directions by Prof. Bony SCHACHTER(CHC), Assistant Professor
- Icon, Sign and Decontextualized Narrative: Rethinking Pensive Bodhisattva in Early Medieval China by Dr ZHAO Yi Joey(CHC), Research Assistant Professor
For more information about the Lecture Series, please visit https://polyu.hk/XOwRM.