Sustainability Report 2014/15
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Sustainability Strategy and Policies

PolyU’s Campus Sustainability and Environmental strategies and policies prioritize the University’s resource allocation and helps with decision-making in sustainable aspects of campus operations and developments. These policies uphold the values and principles of sustainable development in the University’s Strategic Plan (2012/13 to 2017/18), and guides sustainability advancements in years to come.

As a roadmap advancing long-term sustainability at PolyU, the Strategic Plan is driven by PolyU’s Mission and Vision to set out multidimensional goals based on our core competencies of learning, teaching and research. It is supported by five strategic areas: knowledge transfer, entrepreneurship and service to community; internationalization, branding and marketing; engaging the nation; campus development; and recruitment and retention. These core functions and strategic areas demarcate the University’s institutional priorities and accelerate the development and maintenance of a functional, attractive, sustainable and community-linked campus in support of PolyU’s core functions.

Sustainability Policies and Guidelines

Campus Sustainability Policies

Environmental Policy
