Stakeholder Engagement
PolyU acknowledges that effective communication is at the heart of great sustainability initiatives and developments. We have identified and opened multiple channels for communication to further engage with our internal and external stakeholders and to understand their concerns. We encourage two-way communication with feedback and comments that will pass on key information to help us become more sustainable.
Stakeholder Groups
- Management
- Staff
- Students
- Alumni
- Suppliers/Contractors
- Industry Partners
- Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs)
- Peer Educational Institutions
- Government
- Community
- Donors / Sponsors
- Media
Communication Channels
- Regular meetings
- President’s Communication Forums
- Open forums
- University-government-industry trilateral forum
- Talks, seminars and international conference
- International Advisory Board
- Joint projects
- Community programmes
- Volunteer activities
- University website
- Newsletters
- Social media
- Press releases
- Annual Report