Sustainability Report 2014/15
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PolyU Statistics

This section provides supplementary figures on environmental and social aspects of our sustainability performance.

Environmental Performance Data

Units 2014/15
Energy Consumption1 (G4-EN3)
Electricity MWh (GJ) 88,681 (319,253)
Town gas MJ 16,282
Diesel2 L (GJ) 4,320 (157)
Water Resources Consumption (G4-EN8)
Water Consumption m3 653,159
Treated Wastewater Discharge3 m3 319
Emissions (G4-EN15, 16, 18)
Direct GHG Emissions (Scope 1)4 t CO2-e 2,260
Indirect GHG Emissions (Scope 2) t CO2-e 56,756
GHG Emissions Intensity5 t CO2-e per capita 1.9
Materials Used (G4-EN2)
A4 Paper6 ream (500 sheets) 123,235
A3 Paper ream (500 sheets) 2,379
A4 Paper with 100% Recycled Content ream (500 sheets) 3,175
Percentage of A4 Paper with Recycled Input Materials % 2.5
Waste Disposal To Landfill (G4-EN23)
General Waste7 660L-bin load 71,845
t 1,183
Electrical and Electronic Equipment kg 467
Waste To Treatment Facilities (G4-EN23)
Batteries kg 1,045
Chemical Waste L 16,220
Clinical Waste kg 1,918
Fluorescent Tubes and Lamps kg 16,800
Waste Collected for Recycling (G4-EN23)
Paper kg 26,960
Plastic kg 1,594
Metal kg 131
Glass8 kg 741
Food Waste9 kg 144,232
Electrical and Electronic Equipment kg 18,908
Rechargeable Batteries kg 5.36
  • 1.
  • The calculation involved the use of conversion factors as provided in the GRI G3 Guidelines Indicator Protocols and Towngas bills.
  • 2.
  • Diesel used for emergency generator was included while for vehicle fleet was excluded.
  • 3.
  • Treated water from PolyU’s pre-treatment facilities.
  • 4.
  • CO2, CH4, N2O and HFCs were included in the calculation.
  • 5.
  • A total of 30,772 students and staff members (25,800 FTE students and 4,972 full-time staff) was used to calculate the per capita intensity.
  • 6.
  • A4 paper with recycled content was excluded.
  • 7.
  • Block Z’s data were estimated by the study of actual waste data obtained from the rest of main campus.
  • 8.
  • Estimated based on the weight of 57 kg per 240L collection bin.
  • 9.
  • Block Z started collecting food waste for recycling at the end of 2014.

Social Performance Data

As of 31 October 2014, the University had 31,864 students and 5,849 members of staff, of which 3,534 were permanent staff and 2,315 were temporary staff.

Number of Employees (G4-10)
Type of Staff Total Male Female
Permanent Staff – Academic
Academic Grade 1,217 802 415
Administrative Grade 42 10 32
Technical Grade 193 166 27
General & Ancillary Grade 555 136 419
Permanent Staff – Non-academic
Academic Grade 4 1 3
Administrative Grade 233 95 138
Technical Grade 137 127 10
General & Ancillary Grade 1,153 419 734
Total 3,534 1,756 1,778
Full-time Temporary Staff
Academic 1,320 809 511
Non-academic 118 60 58
Total 1,438 869 569
Part-time Temporary Staff
Academic 730 397 333
Non-academic 147 98 49
Total 877 495 382
Total Number of Training Programs and Training Person-hours
Training Programs Organized by Number of Programs Number of Training Person-hours
Human Resources Office 46 12,662
Health, Safety and Environment Office 32 2,112
Information Technology Services Office 24 5,280
Total 102 20,054
New Hires (Full-time)
Age Male Female Subtotal
Under 30 488 411 899
30-50 462 291 753
Over 50 145 37 182
Total 1,095 739 1,834
Employee Turnover (Full-time)
Age Male Female Subtotal
Under 30 387 339 726
30-50 423 273 696
Over 50 190 68 258
Total 1,000 680 1,680