Sustainability Achievements

PolyU Achievements and Targets

PolyU’s social and environmental targets are designed to align with our Strategic Plan 2019/20 – 2024/25 to guide our development and create future achievements.

Aspects Achievements in 2017/18 Targets in 2018/19
  • Engaged in 533 new consultancy projects for 356 clients via our PolyU Technology and Consultancy Company Limited (PTeC).
  • As one of the founders of the University Social Responsibility Network, we joined forces with Times Higher Education to organize a Social Impact Metrics Workshop to explore the use of metrics in assessing work and capturing the engagement of the higher education sector within their own communities.
  • Signed a memorandum of understanding with the State University of New York at Buffalo and Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center to establish the first joint biotechnology and translational medicine collaborative research platform in the United States and the Greater Bay Area.
  • Established the Laboratory for Smart City and Spatial Big Data Analytics to support smart city innovation and development.
  • Over 35 PolyU innovations, technologies and ideas were transferred into real-world applications through over 240 start-up ventures created by students, graduates, and staff. To support these ventures, our people received a number of grants and awards from the Micro Fund, the China Entrepreneurship Fund Schemes, the Tech Incubation Fund, the Teach Launchpad Fund, and the Good Seed schemes.
  • Engage in 530+ consultancy projects for 340+ clients via PTeC.
  • Co-host the USR Summit 2018 with the University of Haifa and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with a theme of “Universities’ Social Responsibility in Shaping a Future of Critical Hope”.
  • Revamp the existing “B.A. (Hons) in Social Policy and Administration” programme and rename it the “B.A. (Hons) in Social Policy and Social Entrepreneurship” programme to equip our graduates with the latest knowledge and skill sets related to social policies and social enterprises.
  • Support 260+ startup ventures and transfer 40+ PolyU innovations, technologies and ideas into real-world applications through start-ups.
  • Hold Hong Kong’s first event on design-led technology for social good including the “Designing Future Techstyle” International Symposium and “Techstyle for Social Good International Competition”
  • The number of service-learning subjects increased to 66. These were pursued by 3,700+ students.
  • Offer 60+ service-learning subjects with 3,700+ service-learning places for students.
  • Launch a social innovation programme to engage academia, non-governmental organizations, professional bodies and the public and prompt them to respond to social challenges.
  • Launch the Jockey Club Smart Ageing Hub.
Aspects Achievements in 2017/18 Targets in 2018/19
  • Annual per capita carbon emissions attributable to electricity consumption were reduced by 10.6% compared with 2005/06.
  • Reduce annual per capita carbon emissions attributable to electricity consumption by 10% compared with 2005/06.
  • Achieve an overall 3% reduction in energy consumption on a university-wide basis by the end of 2019.
  • Launched a paper reduction campaign
  • Discontinued the sale of bottled water (classed as non-sparkling, unflavored drinking water in any single-serving plastic bottle of less than one liter) in vending machines, convenience stores and catering outlets on campus.
  • Removed individual trash bins inside classrooms and lecture theaters on the third and fifth floors of campus buildings and wings, and increased the promotion of UniRe® as a preferable alternative to encourage the campus community to practice waste separation at source.
  • Conducted the first campus-wide waste audit.
  • Introduce our Green Event Assessment requirements for organizing and promoting events and activities on campus.
  • Launch the ResourcesSharing@PolyU online platform
  • Initiate the Reusable Dining Ware Rental Service.
  • Launch the “No Straws Every Day” campaign.
  • Annual printing paper consumption by the University dropped by 30.1% compared with 2009/10.
  • Reduce the University’s annual printing paper consumption by 30% compared with 2009/10.
  • Launched the first-ever on-campus community programme involving a takeaway levy at designated catering outlets on campus.
  • Launched the EC BoZ Rental Scheme
  • Launched the “Plastic Free Friday” movement and a “No Straw Friday” campaign to only offer straws upon request on Fridays.
  • Developed the Fauna@PolyU web-based platform.
  • Launched the campus-wide Green PolyU Awards – Green Office programme Phase 2.
  • Launch the “PolyU GreenCoin” initiative to further engage the University community in pursuing a green lifestyle by offering rewards for certain green actions.
  • Provide lunchbox washing facilities for students and staff.
  • Release new videos to catalyze bring-your-own (BYO) actions.
  • Launch the campus-wide Green PolyU Awards – Green Office programme Phase 3.