Institute of Hospitality Hong Kong Branch

Join the Institute of Hospitality Today!

The Institute has members at every level and in every discipline within the industry.  We unite hospitality, leisure and tourism professionals to share best practice and promote professional development.

The need for hospitality businesses to address management gaps, promote staff development and offer excellent service has never been greater!

Click here to find out more about the benefits of membership - or follow the steps below to become a member today!




Submit a Postal Application

Please download the application form below, and return to us at the address on the form.  A step-by-step guide is given below to assist you.

Step 1:  Download and complete the membership form.

Membership Application Form

Step 2:  Enclose evidence of your qualifications and employment experience

Whether you are upgrading or joining for the first time, we ask you to enclose a copy of your current Curriculum Vitae and photocopies of any certificates relating to your qualifications.

Step 3:  Enclose your membership fee

If you are joining for the first time you will be required to pay £120* in your first year of membership, regardless of grade. This includes the first year's membership fees plus an assessment fee. *Please note that once an application has been submitted fees are non-refundable.

If you are upgrading you will be required to pay a £30* upgrade assessment fee.

Step 4:  Membership Assessment Completed

Once your application has been received and assessed, you will be awarded a grade of membership depending upon qualifications and experience, which is either Affiliate, Associate or Member. 

Then we will send you a letter advising you of the grade awarded, along with your membership pack, card and certificate.

For further detail on the categories and criteria for the various grades click on Membership Grades.

Please note that the Fellowship Grade is not normally available to new applicants. Members are able to upgrade to Fellowship once they have met the criteria or by invitation. If you are a current member and wish to upgrade you will need to complete the appropriate upgrade form.

For further information on Membership or Fellowship of the Institute of Hospitality please contact or telephone: +44 (0) 208 661 4927.


More Information

If you have any queries about the benefits of membership, please email IoH Membership Services team.


Institute of Hospitality © 2008 [Head Office] [Hong Kong Branch]