Hong Kong Institute members are entitled to receive the Newsletter, so please ensure we have your current e-mail address and personal details, else you may miss out. If your e-mail address has changed or you think we may not have it, e-mail updated contact information to: hmioh@inet.polyu.edu.hk.
Volume 1 Issue 7
- IoH HK Branch Announces Executive Committee positions
- Executive Committee plans Year-end Events in 2011
- Arrangements underway for IoH HK conference
- Announcement for new Secretariat, Miki Takashima
Volume 1 Issue 5
- Chairmans' Message
- News . [Prospect of 2010]
[IoH Member Recruitment Talk at City University]
. [Observations on Mainland Chinese Visitors to Hong Kong]
. [PolyU School of Hotel & Tourism Management’s World Leadership Position Strengthened]
. [PolyU and Meeting Professionals International launch Asia’s first Training Centre]
. [PolyU Signed Memorandum of Understanding with Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority]
. [Evidence and Commitment Demanded by Clients] - Special Report . [Institute of Hospitality Hong Kong Branch Annual Operating Plan] - Calendar of Events
Volume 1 Issue 4
- Chairmans' Message
- Industry News . [What McDonald's Can Teach Us about Recovery]
. [Hotel Pricing in more Challenge time]
. [Never Knowingly Undersold]
. [Colleague Appreciation Week]
. [Incomplete Metamorphosis of a trainee]
. [PolyU Contributes to reviving tourism Sichuan]
. [PolyU Students won Acclaims at World Tourism Forum Lucerne] - Calendar of Events
Volume 1 Issue 3
- Chairmans' Message
- Industry News . [Challenges to Vocational Educators]
. [The Challenges of 2009]
. [I am Troubled Times and Time to Think]
. [PolyU Gears up to Support Further Development of MICE Industry] - IoH News . [Breakfast Meeting with Tourism Commissioner] - Calendar of Events