Institute of Hospitality Hong Kong Branch

What do we do?

The Institute of Hospitality

  • is the professional body for managers and potential managers in the hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism industries
  • is an internationally recognised management organisation with UK and international regional branches
  • covers all sectors of the industry including hotels, contract catering companies, restaurants, pubs and clubs, as well as leisure outlets, theme parks and sports venues
  • is a registered charity and has a worldwide membership with a wide range of benefits
  • provides members with designatory letters which confer a respected acknowledgement of an individual's qualifications and specific industry experience
  • enables members to network with industry contacts, to develop professionally and to progress through the membership grades of the Institute
The Institute of Hospitality is a registered educational charity and works closely with all hospitality, leisure and tourism agencies, education and awarding bodies, and government departments, providing an interface between education and industry. The Institute is a recognised and authoritative international body in the field of accreditation for hospitality, leisure and tourism programmes of learning. Notable initiatives of the Institute include:
  • HAVE a work experience development scheme which assists students in gaining more from their employment in the hospitality industry.
  • Hospitality Assured a benchmark for business and service quality.
  • The Business Climate helping the UK hospitality industry reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.


Mission Statement

The primary purpose of the Institute of Hospitality is:
To promote the highest professional standards of management and education in the international hospitality, leisure and tourism industries


  • For every manager in the industry to be a member of the Institute of Hospitality
  • To win greater recognition for managers throughout the hospitality, leisure and tourism industries; to represent their views and lobby on their behalf
  • To help members develop and maintain their knowledge, skills and ability
  • To provide an interface between education and industry
  • To set recognised educational standards and assist in the mobility and recruitment of labour
  • To enhance members' career prospects


For more information please click here.


Institute of Hospitality © 2008 [Head Office] [Hong Kong Branch]