Any organisation with an operation in Hong Kong is eligible to apply.
Applicants should complete the application online and enclose a KM report covering its KM activities and outcomes taking place in Hong Kong.
Application Fee
Upon submitting the application, please settle an application fee of $6000 by issuing a crossed cheque made payable to "The Hong Kong Polytechnic University" and send it by post to:
Miss Trista Lai,
Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre,
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
Room CD409, 4/F, Core C, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hung Hom, Kowloon MAKE Award Presentation Ceremony MAKE Award Presentation Ceremony may be held out of Hong Kong including mainland China or overseas countries. Winners are required to bear the relevant costs incurred for receiving the awards (e.g. fees for attending the ceremony). Terms and Conditions 