Supporting organisations
As a supporting organisation, the name and logo of your organisation will be put on all our promotion materials and websites. No financial support is required from your organisation. Your assistance is sought to promote the event to your members and encourage their participation in the Award. You are welcome to approach Miss Vivien Shek (email:,Tel: 34003156) for more information.
List of Supporting Organizations
The Association of International Accountants |  | The Association of Knowledge Management Practitioners |  | Bright Hong Kong |  | The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce |  | The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong |  | Federation of Hong Kong Industries |  | Hong Kong Computer Society |  | The Hong Kong Council of Social Service |  | Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce |  | Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants |  | Hong Kong Institute of Patent Attorneys |  | Hong Kong Knowledge Management Society |  | The Hong Kong Management Association |  | Hong Kong Productivity Council |  | Knowledge Management Development Centre |  | Intellectual Property Department |  | Innovative Entrepreneur Association |  |