Messages from Judges and Winners
Messages from the Winners of the HK MAKE Award
Arup is a global firm of designers, engineers, planners and business consultants. Our wide geographic spread and expanding service offerings are well supported by our knowledge management (KM) system. It helps us harvest, find and reuse our best knowledge gathered on projects and through our professional activities. It also enables implementation of creative ideas and facilitates both internal and external collaborations. Our staff and our business have achieved many benefits through application of good knowledge practices. The HK MAKE Award provides a platform for companies devoted to KM to share their experience, learn from others' successful practices and inspire each other to carry on the KM journey. It is our great honour to be one of the winners since 2010 and we hope that more enterprises will recognise the benefit of good KM practice in the near future.
Cafe de Coral Holdings Limited
Pertaining, standardizing, analyzing and sharing operation and management knowledge is of utmost importance towards the company’s sustainability and success. The knowledge management system allows us to transfer, share and retain the intangible assets of an enterprise and enable the Group for achieving its business growth and enhance its business value. We are proud of being recognized as one of the winners in the Hong Kong MAKE Award, sharing the honour with our 15,000 valuable staff in our Company We strongly recommend interested companies and parties in various sectors to participate the“MAKE Award” for gaining recognition and sharing the success of Knowledge Management with all the eligible groups.
CCC Heep Woh College
Our school was awarded the Top Winner of The Hong Kong Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (HK MAKE) Award 2014 and the Best in Knowledge Culture Award. We are also recognized as the winner of the Asian Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (Asian MAKE) Award 2014. Our school has the honour of being awarded the winner for two consecutive years. We are the first school in Hong Kong to receive this award, which recognized our school’s effort in the commitment in Knowledge Management (KM). I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our colleagues for their participation in KM activities within our school.
Through the participation in MAKE award, we have formulated the Knowledge Management strategy to transform ourselves into a learning organization with a knowledge driven culture. We treasure knowledge as the school’s important intangible asset. Knowledge is not only limited to subject knowledge for students’ learning but also for teachers’ professional development and improving practices. We have brought about perceptible improvement in not only school administration but also various aspects of teaching and learning.
CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
This is a meaningful exercise for us to understand our current KM position and acquire good learning points from other companies which execute the KM programme. It helps us much on deciding our way forward in the KM journey to align with the knowledge needs of our company and system users.
Efficiency Unit - Integrated Call Centre, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Citizens need to contact the Government for various reasons. Since the launch of the 1823 service in 2001, a team of nearly 400 full-time and part-time staff handle queries of all kinds round the clock. These Mr and Ms Know-it-alls might not have driver license but are able to tell you the calculation of the license fee. They know which department will take action for air pollution created by caterers and which department you should call about tree management near your home. The computer system housed all the necessary information in its knowledge base to serve the general public with accurate and timely information which touches people's lives. We are glad to be able to serve our citizens and become one of winners of the HK MAKE Award which brings recognition to our service.
Environmental Resources Management (ERM)
It has been a great experience participating and winning the Hong Kong MAKE award 2008. The rigorous process that we have been through has been a great self-reflection exercise to allow ERM to identify gaps. ERM has taken the comments from the various judges seriously which have led to actions items to improve our Knowledge Sharing initiatives both globally and in our Hong Kong office.
Both the Chairman and CEO recognise that knowledge sharing can help to support the continuous growth of the business, to meet the changing market demand, to grow our staff and is committed to seeing this belief develop with the company through a dedicated knowledge sharing program.
As a company we believe that 80% of the knowledge is in our employees' heads and we place much emphasis on linking up employees worldwide to allow this knowledge to be shared at whatever time it is needed. By doing so, any clients who get in touch with our Hong Kong office will have immediate access to both our local and global insights, knowledge and expertise.
The Hong Kong MAKE Award recognises the advancements we have made in knowledge sharing within ERM as a company, and most importantly, it highlights the additional value ERM can give to our clients.
 EY, Hong Kong
EY, Hong Kong is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. Our people are united by shared values and an unwavering commitment to quality. Our services are based on the knowledge and ideas of our people. Our knowledge strategy is to continually enhance people’s ability to create and share knowledge, in our services lines, in our principal industry sectors, or in individual client accounts. By using knowledge resources and technology, EY, Hong Kong professionals can take advantage of the insight of their colleagues every day, whether in the office, on the move, or at client sites.
The Hong Kong Police Force, HKSAR Government
The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) started to implement knowledge management (KM) in 2001. The establishment of an effective KM infrastructure with strong leadership commitment and active support of all members of the Force enable us to capture and successfully retain most, if not all, of the valuable job-related knowledge and experience of our colleagues over the years. Other people-based KM initiatives have also been undertaken in recent years to encourage sharing of tacit knowledge among colleagues. HKPF will pursue continuous KM system development that complements its Training and Development plan in order to maximize intellectual capital and continue to provide quality services to the public in face of a challenging and ever-changing environment.
Hong Kong Productivity Council
As the all-round productivity partner of Hong Kong industry, HKPC’s statutory mission is to help Hong Kong manufacturers, service providers and SMEs achieve excellent productivity and enhance their business competitiveness and sustainability. By recognizing people and their expertise as the cornerstone of our knowledge-based services, we stay focused on knowledge management (KM) to maximize our intellectual capital.
It is our great honour to be the Top Winner of Hong Kong MAKE Award 2012 and winner of the 2012 Asian MAKE Award. It is not only an opportunity for companies to systematically evaluate their KM practices, but also a golden chance to benchmark the best practices of a well-qualified KM community. We highly recommend local companies to participate in this prestigious award and are more than ready to share our humble experience in KM with the business community.
Hong Kong Red Cross
Established in 1950, the Hong Kong Red Cross (HKRC) is a member of one of the world’s largest humanitarian network. We dedicate ourselves to protect human life, care for the health of the vulnerable and respect human dignity. Knowledge Management is one of the pillars for our development strategy to sustain an efficient and effective humanitarian service platform. The participation in the MAKE Award was a driving force to re-capitulate bundles of valuable experiences in a systemic way. It was refreshing to read the report. The recommendations are insightful, thought-provoking and to accord us a fuller picture on the era of Knowledge Management. It is encouraging that we are the first local non-government organization in receiving this Award.
With these knowledge in place, HKRC shall be doing more, doing better and reaching further to promote all forms of humanitarian actions for preventing and alleviating human suffering, thereby contributing to the respect and promotion of human dignity and peace in the world.
Langham Place Mongkok
Langham Place is a 5-star luxury hotel in Mongkok. Our guests are sophisticated and demanding. To serve this clientele, our colleagues need to be highly knowledgeable and confident. In many traditional hotels, workers only need to use their "hands"; we encourage our colleagues to use their "brains." Since opening in 2004, much of our success can be attributed to our strategy of developing knowledge workers, capable of delivering superior service quality. Participating in MAKE (HK) 2008 was an inspiring experience. It helped us objectively evaluate some things which we were doing well, as well as others which needed to be improved. We strongly encourage other companies, interested in improving their business performance through knowledge, to participate in MAKE.
MTR Corporation Limited
With MTR business expansion in Hong Kong and overseas, enhanced requirement for asset management and anticipated generation transition challenges, the cultivation of learning and sharing culture amongst staff through building a Learning Organisation (LO) is crucial to help MTR to achieve organization growth and business expansion. With the cultivation of learning and sharing culture in the workplace, valuable knowledge can be effectively shared and staff can benefit as a whole to enjoy a more efficient and easier work as well as a personal growth. In MTR, there are four main focuses in building a Learning Organization: Learning, Innovation, People and Sharing (LIPS). It is our great honour to be one of the winners of the Hong Kong MAKE Award 2009. We are glad to share our experiences as well as learn from other knowledge management professionals. This is a meaningful experience to help raise the quality of knowledge management in Hong Kong.
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Our mission is to inspire and support the Government to maximize the value of information and communications technology (ICT) in achieving its policy objectives, and work with the ICT industry and the wider community to develop Hong Kong into an inclusive, knowledge-based society where everyone can create, access, utilize and share information and knowledge.
Through establishing a KM framework and a knowledge and information collaborative platform, we aim to use ICT in driving KM, and KM to driving the sustainable IT development in Hong Kong. Participating in the HK MAKE Award provides a golden opportunity for knowledge and experience sharing in developing knowledge enterprises and knowledge-based society.
Pfizer Corporation Hong Kong Ltd
As a global knowledge-based company, capturing and maximizing the knowledge attached to Pfizer's innovation activities is really at the core of the company's success. The MAKE Award offers a pivotal platform for companies in Hong Kong to assess and uphold capabilities in knowledge management, which furthers our knowledge-driven culture to continue to deliver knowledge-based products, services and solutions that ultimately contribute to the advancement and wellbeing of the Hong Kong people.
Print-Rite Holdings Limited
Print-Rite Holdings Limited (“Print-Rite”) is a holding company for operating companies that invest in, develop and manufacture over 4,000 products in the aftermarket printer consumable industry. From components to finished products, they all are produced in modernized and well-equipped plants accredited with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and IECQ HSPM QC 080000 standards. Print-Rite also takes pride in the registration of over 1,350 patents worldwide by its six subsidiary companies, made possible via their substantial investment in R&D.
Print-Rite will concentrate on patent development and knowledge management. Print-Rite has developed effective processes and channels for capturing, organising and sharing of knowledge throughout the organisation. Print-Rite will focus on innovation through inventions and patents. Towards an organization of knowledge and intelligence, we will place more emphasis on the quality of brain-power rather than the quantity of man-power.
It is our great honour to be one of the winners of the Hong Kong MAKE Award 2010. This is a meaningful exercise and it has been a great and an inspiring experience participating and winning the Hong Kong MAKE award.
Message from the Judges of the HK MAKE Award
It was a privilege for me to be one of the judges for the 2008 Hong Kong MAKE Award. In addition to the many good submissions of KM journeys by both government and private sector organizations, I was also impressed by the effective KM implementations of the finalists which clearly showed a deep understanding of KM principles and a pragmatic implementation of the KM projects to bring about culture change and knowledge transfer. For the 2009 Hong Kong MAKE Award, I look forward to equally good if not better submissions. |
Mr. Siew Ning Kan,
Past President, Information & Knowledge Management Society |
The 2009 Hong Kong MAKE Award lifts up the standard and performance ofdelegates to pursuit for excellence. It is the obligation oforganizations to contribute to the society by putting efforts inpromoting knowledge management (KM) and improving its performance. |
Dr. Michael Lam,
Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency |
I am so delighted and honored to become one of the judges in the MAKE Award 2011.As the program approaches its 4th year, it is gratifying to see what KMRC has accomplished in promoting this MAKE Award in Hong Kong. Judges come from varied backgrounds and have rich work experience. But, all share a common interest in Social and Societal Innovations and various KM initiatives in different workplaces. Last year, I had left my 29-year career life in the Hong Kong Aviation Industry and started my two-month knowledge exploring tour at Stanford University and the Silicon Valley in USA. I would like to conclude my observation by applying Steve Job’s philosophy of staying Hungry, staying Foolish and Wow Wow everyday. Furthermore, in next 5 years, a certain percentage of working force will be retired from the industry and each retiree may probably take away 20 to 30 years working experience. So that knowledge retention should be the key strategic driver to steer the local Maintenance & Repair Organizations (MROs) in their competitive directions. Their challenges are to commit in implementing Knowledge Management program with innovative initiatives and enhancing their capabilities to craft and retain their field knowledge. To make it happen, it is simply to participate in this annual MAKE Award Program. Absolutely, through the co-partnership with KMRC, their KM journeys would be easier than ever. | |
Ir Dr Frankie
Law Shek Ming Director, Institute of Systematic Innovation, Hong Kong; PT Lecturer, School of Business, HKU; Deputy Chairman, HKIE MI Division |
The 2008 Hong Kong MAKE Award is the first of its kind in HK. It plays an important role not only in promoting awareness of knowledge management in HK, but also in sharing successful KM stories of those fore-running organizations. It is inspiring to learn from MAKE winners how they transform knowledge into ideas, products and solutions and out-perform their competitors. I am particularly impressed by the experience of my government colleagues in the Efficiency Unit in developing their 1823 Call Centre. Surely there are other equally impressive stories in the public sector and I look forward to hearing them. |
Mr. Dominic Leung,
Former Deputy Commissioner, Census and Statistics Department, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region |
While the approaches and techniques adopted by the participating organizations in KM development varied, leadership and commitment demonstrated by top management was a common key success factor. The top team's belief in KM was not based on some tangible and quantifiable benefits. Rather, it should be attributed to the team's foresight to invest in the organisation's capacity to sustain business growth and improve productivity. |
Mr. Ringo Lo,
Head of Corporate Efficiency, MTR Corporation Limited |
The award offered a platform for organizations from diverse background to share their best practices and facilitate cross fertilization. The standard of knowledge management of the participating organizations this year was exceptionally high. It was most impressive that some organizations had effectively used knowledge management to enhance their productivity and while some organizations had attained their success underpinned by innovative ideas generated by total involvement of their staff through KM activities. The awardees this year had demonstrated that knowledge management was applicable to government departments, professional firm and service sectors. They had successfully embedded KM as a DNA in the corporate culture. |
Mr. Joseph Poon,
Director of Technology Development, Hong Kong Productivity Council |
Launched in 2008, the Hong Kong Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise Award has greatly increased awareness of knowledge management among both the private and public sectors. Knowledge makes organisations successful if it is well-managed. The rapidly-changing economic environment has become further complicated by unprecedented mobility in the labour market. This highlights the importance of the effective knowledge management. As a scientific management tool, intellectual capital management (ICM) harvests the fruit of knowledge management and lays the ground for future success. ICM is a particularly useful tool for SMEs during times of uncertainty. The Intellectual Property Department is running a pilot intellectual capital management free consultancy programme for small enterprises based in Hong Kong. You can visit the following webpage for details: |
Mr. Stephen Selby,
Former Director of Intellectual Property Department,
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. |
As Hong Kong needs to become the leading knowledge-based economy in the region, I am happy to see this year's MAKE award is able to attract a large number of entries, coming from both the public and private sectors, as well as from large corporations and SMEs. It has been my belief that Government should provide leadership in helping the economy to become more knowledge intensive, and should set a good example for the private sector to follow. The government of the future clearly will have to engage more with the general public in an interactive mode. This means that the government has to make more use of hard technologies such as digital technologies on the one hand, and with it a planning and advisory function within the government at an appropriately high level. On the other hand, the government may need to learn how to develop the soft technologies, making the best use of its intangible assets in the form of intellectual capital management and knowledge management, to manage its engagement with the general public in an interactive manner. |
Dr. Samson
Tam Wai Ho JP,
Former Member of
Legislative Council
Competitive advantage of an organization is determined increasingly by its ability to change new and existing enterprise knowledge to deliver superior performance in innovation, product development, operational effectiveness, productivity and excellence in services.
The Knowledge Management Research Centre hosts the Hong Kong MAKE Award to encourage organizations to achieve this knowledge based completive advantage. The Award also brings public recognition to those organizations that have achieved outstanding performance in these practices.
The Judging Panels comprise well-known senior business executives and leading knowledge management experts to assess the competence levels of the competitors against each of the eight knowledge performance dimensions which form the MAKE framework and are the visible drivers of world-class knowledge organizations.
I was deeply impressed by the high level of commitment and achievements of all the participants in 2008. I am sure the 2009 Hong Kong MAKE Award will further inspire innovations and knowledge sharing between organizations in Hong Kong.
Charles Wong, Former Director (Training), Construction Industry Council |