Academic Staff

Dr. Nazeer has earned his PhD from the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Hong Kong during 2016. Currently, he is serving his alma mater (PolyU) as Research Assistant Professor. Previously, he has served in universities in Mainland China, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
His research interests include remote sensing of inland/coastal waters, atmospheric aerosols and atmospheric correction of satellite imagery. His current research is on the health assessment of inland water bodies under changing climate scenarios using earth observation data sets. He is actively looking for collaborators for his current research.
During the last eight years, he has authored/co-authored 33 peer-reviewed journal articles, one book chapter and 9 articles in different international conferences. During 2018, he has completed two funded projects as Co-PI with an accumulative amount of USD 19,000. He is an active reviewer of more than 30 international journals including Remote Sensing of Environment, Remote Sensing, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing and Science of the Total Environment.
Education and Academic Qualifications
- Doctor of Philosophy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University