Prof. Wu Chen

Prof. Wu Chen joined the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2000 and currently is a professor at Department of Land Surveying and Geoinformatics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He has been actively working on GNSS related research for over 30 years and has been working on a large number of research projects funded by universities, governments, and industries. His main research interests are Geodesy and Geodynamics, Seamless positioning technologies, indoor positioning, navigation and integrity, GNSS positioning and applications, system integration, GNSS performance evaluation, regional GPS network, wireless sensor network positioning, and Airborne Lidar applications. He has published over 300 technical papers in different journals and international conferences, submitted over 30 technical reports to various organizations, granted or filed more than 10 patents.
Recent Research Projects
Project Title |
Funding source |
Funding amount (HK dollar) |
Monitoring and Modelling Local Ionosphere Using Regional GPS Networks |
443,000 |
Monitoring Ocean Environment with GNSS |
561,000 |
Analysis of Galileo Performance in Urban Environments |
635,000 |
MitigatingIonosphericScintillation for GNSS Applications |
1,145,000 |
Reliable Network RTK Techniques with Multiple GNSS Systems |
692,894 |
Development of GNSS reflection signal processing algorithms for slope monitoring |
582,000 |
Real-Time High Accuracy Positioning with Multiple GNSS Constellations |
RGC (EC/RGC scheme)
2,000,000 |
Developing a Common Platform of a Software Based Receiver for Multiple GNSS Systems |
PolyU |
300,000 |
Developing a GNSS platform to support urban applications |
1,453.739 |
Development of a Hong Kong Positioning Infrastructure based on GPS,Beidou, and Ground based Augmentation System |
13,715,552 |
Reflection Signal Processing Algorithms of Global Navigation Satellite System for Marine time and Land Incessant Remote Sensing
998,000 (Co-PI) |
Development of a Hong Kong Indoor Positioning Infrastructure based on GPS Technologies |
5,449,625 (Co-PI) |
Seamless Navigation in Urban Environment through Multiple Sensor Fusion and GNSS Multipath Mitigation |
9,100,000 |
Improved Positioning of Land Vehicle in ITS Using Digital Map and Other Accessory Information |
576,424 |
Seamless Positioning and Tracking Systems for Construction Safety and Management
341,210 |
Airborne Lidar and Applications |
China |
RMB 1,000,000 |
Integrity monitoring for GNSS |
China |
RMB 400,000 |
科技部重点研发计划 |
RMB750,000 |
科技部重点研发计划 |
RMB2,800,000 |
Recent Journal Publications
- Lu M., W. Chen, X. Shen, H.C. Lam, J. Liu (2007), Positioning and Tracking Construction Vehicles in Highly Dense Urban Areas and Building Construction Sites, Automation in Construction, 16(5): 647-656
- Zhang L., F. Li, W. Chen (2007), Influence of Gravity Disturbance Resolution on GPS/Gravity Boundary Value Problem, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 32(6): 523-526
- Lu M., F. Dai, W. Chen, (2007) Real-time decision support for planning concrete plant operations enabled by integrating vehicle-tracking technology, simulation and optimization algorithms, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 34(8): 912-922
- Ji S., W. Chen, C. Zhao, X.L. Ding, Y.Q. Chen (2007) Single epoch ambiguity resolution for Galileo with the CAR and LAMBDA methods, GPS Solution, 11 (4): 259-268
- Chen W., S. Gao, C. Hu, Y.Q. Chen, X.L. Ding (2008) Effects of ionospheric disturbances on GPS observation in low latitude area, GPS Solution, 12 (1): 33-41
- Zhong P, X.L. Ding, D.W. Zheng, W. Chen, D. Huang (2008) Adaptive wavelet transform based on cross-validation method and its application to GPS multipath mitigation, GPS solution, 12(2): 109-117
- Shen X., W. Chen and M. Lu (2008) Wireless Sensor Networks for Resources Tracking at Building Construction Sites, Tsinghua Science & Technology, 13(S1): 78-83
- Chen W., Z. Li, M. Yu, and Y.Q. Chen, (2008) An Integrated Map Match Algorithm with Position Feedback and Shape-based Mismatch Detection and Correction, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 12(4): 168 - 175
- Zhang L., F. Li, W. Chen, C. Zhang, (2009) Height datum unification between Shenzhen and Hong Kong using the solution of the linearized fix-gravimetric boundary value problem, J. of Geodesy, 83(5): 411-417
- Lu M., X. Shen; and W. Chen (2009) Automated Collection of Mixer Truck Operations Data in Highly Dense Urban Areas, ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 135(1): 17-23
- Chen W., C. Hu, S. Gao, Y.Q. Chen, and X.L. Ding (2009) Error Correction Models and Their Effects on GPS Precise Point Positioning, Survey Review, 41:238-252
- Yan H., W. Chen, Y. Zhu, W. Zhang, and M. Zhong (2009) Contributions of thermal expansion of monuments and nearby bedrock to observed GPS height changes, Geophysics Research Letters, 36: L13301
- Yuan L. G., X. L. Ding, P. Zhong, W. Chen, D. F. Huang (2009) Estimates of ocean tide loading displacements and its impact on position time series in Hong Kong using a dense continuous GPS network. Journal of Geodesy, 83(11):999-1015
- Yuan L.G., X.L. Ding, H.P. Sun, P. Zhong and W. Chen (2010) Determination of ocean tide loading displacements in Hong Kong using GPS technique, SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 53(7): 993-1007
- Shen X., M. Lu, and W. Chen (2010) Computing Three-Axis Orientations of a Tunnel Boring Machine through Surveying Observation Points, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 1:54
- Shen X., M. Lu, and W. Chen (2010) Tunnel Boring Machine Positioning during Microtunneling Operations through Integrating Automated Data Collection with Real Time Computing, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 1:168
- Ji S., W Chen, X.L. Ding, Y.Q. Chen, C. Zhao and C. Hu (2010) Potential Benefits of GPS/GLONASS/GALILEO Integration in an Urban Canyon-Hong Kong, Journal of Navigation, 63: 681-69
- Ji S., W. Chen, X.L. Ding, Y.Q. Chen; C. Zhao, C. Hu, (2010) Ambiguity validation with combined ratio test and ellipsoidal integer aperture estimator, Journal of Geodesy, 84(10):597-604
- Yan H., W. Chen, Y. Zhu, W. Zhang, M. Zhong, G. Liu, (2010) Thermal effects on vertical displacement of GPS stations in China, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 53(2): 252_260
- Ji, S., W. Chen, X. Ding, and C. Zhao (2011), Equatorial ionospheric zonal drift by monitoring local GPS reference networks, J. Geophys. Res., 116: A08310
- Ding Q., W. Chen, B. King, Y.Q. Chen, Y. Liu, H. Zhang, (2011) Coastal Wetland Investigations by Airborne LiDAR: A Case Study in the Yellow River Delta, China, Marine Technology Society Journal, 45(5): 59-70
- Xu, G., T. Xu, T.K. Yeh, W. Chen (2011) Analytical solution of a satellite orbit disturbed by lunar and solar gravitation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 410(1): 645-653
- Xu, G., T. Xu, W. Chen, T.K. Yeh (2011) Analytical solution of a satellite orbit disturbed by atmospheric drag, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
410(1): 654-662 - Chong Y., W. Chen, Z. Li, W.H.K. Lam (2011) Method for Preceding Vehicle Type Classification based on Sparse Representation". TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD: JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD, 2243: 74-80
- Iz B., Y. Q. Chen, C. K. Shum, X. L. Ding, B. A. King, W. Chen and M. Berber (2012) Assessing consistency of Chang’E-1 and SELENE reference frames using nearly-colocated laser altimetry footprint positions, Journal of Geodesy, 86(2): 109-117
- Chong Y., W. Chen, Z. Li, W. H. K. Lam, C. Zheng and Q. Li (2012) Integrated Real-Time Vision-Based Preceding Vehicle Detection in Urban Roads, Advanced Intelligent Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6838/2012: 270-275
- Prasanna I., W. Chen, (2012) Geoid modeling using a high resolution geopotential model and terrain data: A case study in Canadian Rockies, J. of Applied Geodesy, 6(2): 89-01
- Ji S., W. Chen, X. L. Ding, Y. Q. Chen, C. M. Zhao and C. W. Hu (2013) An improved cascading ambiguity resolution (car) method with Galileo multiple frequencies, survey review, 45(328): 51-58
- Kao S., Y. Tu, W. Chen, D. Weng, S. Ji (2013) Factors affecting the estimation of GPS receiver instrumental biases, Survey Review 45(328):59-67
- Kao S., Y. Tu, S. Ji, W. Chen, Z. Wang, D. Weng , X.L. Dingc T. Hu (2013) A 2-d ionospheric model for low latitude area – Hong Kong, Advances in Space Research 51(9): 1701-1708
- Ding Q., W. Chen, B. King, Y. Liu, G. Liu (2013) Combination of overlap-driven adjustment and Phong model for LiDAR intensity correction, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 75:40-47
- Ji S., W. Chen, D. Weng, Z. Wang, X.L. Ding (2013) A study on cycle slip detection and correction in case of ionospheric scintillation, Advances in Space Research, 51(5): 742-753
- Liu Z., S. Ji; W. Chen; and X.L. Ding, (2013) New Fast Precise Kinematic Surveying Method Using a Single Dual-Frequency GPS Receiver, J. of Surveying Engineering (ASCE), 139(1): 19-33
- Prasanna I., W Chen, HB Iz, (2013) High resolution local Moho determination using gravity inversion: a case study in Sri Lanka, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 74(25):62-70
- Prasanna I. W Chen, D Gomez-Ortiz, (2014) Geophysical Investigation of Lithosphere Structure Beneath Sri Lanka Using Surface and Internal Load Variations. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 171(8): 1951-1962
- Ji S., Y. Xu, W. Chen, Z. Wang, D. Weng, B. Huang, S. Fan and G. Sun (2014) Comparison of standalone performance between COMPASS and GPS, Journal of Navigation, 67(1):37-48
- Weng D., S. Ji, W. Chen and Z. Liu (2014) Assessment and Mitigation of Ionospheric Disturbance Effects on GPS Accuracy and Integrity, Journal of Navigation, 67(3): 371-384
- Xue S., Y.X. Yang, Y. Dang, W. Chen (2014) Dynamic positioning configuration and its first-order optimization, J. of Geodesy, 88:127-143
- Chen Q., Y. Shen, X. Zhang, H. Hsu, and W. Chen (2014) Global Earth’s gravity field solution with GRACE orbit and range measurements using modified short arc approach, Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica 50(2): 173-185
- Ji, SY ; X. Wang ; Y. Xu, Y ; Z. Wang, W. Chen, H. Liu, (2014) First Preliminary Fast Static Ambiguity Resolution Results of Medium-Baseline with Triple-Frequency Beidou Wavebands, J. of Navigation, 67(6): 1109-1119
- Ji, S., D. Weng, Z. Wang, W. Chen, W. Chan (2014) Second-order ionospheric effect on PPP over Hong Kong, J. of Atm. and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 119: 184-192
- Chen, Q., Y. Shen, X. Zhang, H. Hsu, W. Chen, X. Ju, and L. Lou (2015), Monthly gravity field models derived from GRACE Level 1B data using a modified short-arc approach, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120(3):1804–1819
- Xu R., Z. Liu, W. Chen (2015) Improved FLL-assisted PLL with in-phase pre-filtering to mitigate amplitude scintillation effects, GPS Solution, 19(2): 263–276
- Weng D., S. Ji, W. Chen, Z. Li, Y. Xu, L. Ye (2015) Assessing and Mitigating the effects of the ionospheric variability on DGPS, GPS Solution, 19(1): 107–116
- Hung R., B. King and W. Chen (2015) Conceptual Issues Regarding the Development of Underground Railway Laser Scanning Systems, ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf., 4(1): 185-198
- Weng D., S. Ji, W. Chen, Z. Li, Y. Xu, L. Ye (2015) Assessing and mitigating the effects of the ionospheric variability on DGPS, GPS Solutions, 19(1): 107-116
- Xu R., W. Chen, Y. Xu and S. Ji (2015) A New Indoor Positioning System Architecture Using GPS Signals, Sensors 2015, 15, 10074-10087
- Chen Q., Y. Shen, W. Chen, X. Zhang, H. Hsu and X. Ju (2015) A modified acceleration-based monthly gravity field solution from GRACE data, Geophys. J. Int., 202: 1190–1206
- Ji S., W. Chen, D. Weng, Z. Wang (2015) Characteristics of equatorial plasma bubble zonal drift velocity and tilt based on Hong Kong GPS CORS network: From 2001 to 2012, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 120: 7021–7029
- Xu R., Z. Liu and W. Chen (2015) Multi-PLL with two-stage fusion to mitigate ionospheric scintillation effects on GPS receivers, Radio Science, 50(7): 630–641
- Chen Q. Y. Shen, X. Zhang, W. Chen, H. Hsu (2015) Tongji-GRACE01: A GRACE-only static gravity field model recovered from GRACE Level-1B data using modified short arc approach, Advances in Space Research, 56(5): 941–951,
- Xu Y., S. Ji, W. Chen, D. Weng (2015) A new ionosphere-free ambiguity resolution method for long-range baseline with GNSS triple-frequency signals, Advances in Space Research, 56(8): 1600–1612
- Yan H., W. Chen, L.G. Yuan (2016) Crustal vertical deformation response to different spatial scale GRACE and GCMs surface loading, Geophys. J. Int., 204 (1): 505-516
- Wang Z., X. Wang, S. Ji and W. Chen (2016) Optimal cycle slip detection and correction with reliability, Survey Review, 48(349): 233-239
- Chen Q. Y. Shen, W. Chen, X. Zhang, H. Hsu (2016) An improved GRACE monthly gravity field solution by modelling the non-conservative acceleration and attitude observation errors, J. of Geodesy, 90(6): 503-523
- Chen Q. Y. Shen, X. Zhang, W. Chen, H. Xu (2016) GRACE, Data-based High Accuracy Global Static Earth’s Gravity Field Model, Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 45(4):396-403
- Kumar S., W. Chen, Z. Liu, S. Ji (2016) Effects of solar and geomagnetic activity on the occurrence of equatorial plasma bubbles over Hong Kong, JGR Space Physics, 121(9): 9164–9178
- Tang S., Q. Zhu, W. Chen, M. Chen (2016) Enhanced RGB-D Mapping Method for Detailed 3D Indoor and Outdoor Modeling, Sensors 16(10):1589
- Wang Z., X. Wang, S. Ji & W. Chen (2016) Optimal cycle slip detection and correction with reliability, Survey Review, 48:349: 233-239
- Qiao J., and W. Chen (2016) Improving BDS autonomous orbit determination performance using onboard accelerometers, Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 45(S2): 116-131
- Darwish W., S. Tang, W. Li, and W. Chen (2017) A New Calibration Method for Commercial RGB-D Sensors, Sensors 17(6): 1204
- Yang C., W. Shi, W. Chen (2017) Comparison of Unscented and Extended Kalman Filters with Application in Vehicle Navigation, Journal of Navigation, 70(2): 411-431
- Wu Y., Z. Luo, W. Chen and Y.Q. Chen (2017) High-resolution regional gravity field recovery from Poisson wavelets using heterogeneous observational techniques, Earth, Planets and Space, 69:34,
- Zheng Y., Y. Yang, and W. Chen (2017) A Novel Range Compression Algorithm for Resolution Enhancement in GNSS-SARs, Sensors 2017, 17(7), 1496
- Yu W., X.L. Ding, W. Dai, W. Chen (2017) Systematic error mitigation in multi-GNSS positioning based on semiparametric estimation, J Geod (2017). doi:10.1007/s00190-017-1038-6
- Xu R., W. Chen, Y. Xu, S. Ji, J. Liu (2017) Improved GNSS-based indoor positioning algorithm for mobile devices, GPS solution, 2017, DOI 10.1007/s10291-017-0647-0
- Kumar S., W. Chen, M. Chen, Z. Liu, R. P. Singh (2017), Thunderstorm/Lightning induced ionospheric perturbation: An observation from equatorial and low latitude stations around Hong Kong" Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics, DOI: 10.1002/2017JA023914