Emeritus and Adjunct Professors

Adjunct Professor
He is an Adjunct Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, co-teaching a course on Climate Change and Society. Mr Leung has retired from government service in 2011 as an assistant director of the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO), having worked at the forefront of climate and weather issues since joining the HKO in 1983.
His responsibilities and interests have focused on examining the impacts of weather on human society and human health, and their mitigation in the Hong Kong context. Furthermore he is committed in promoting public awareness of these important issues through public education and outreach activities, both as a part of his official responsibilities as an assistant director and after his retirement. Mr Leung has also participated in the production and appeared in many television programmes about weather and climate in Hong Kong.
Other current position/membership/advisory positions:
- Vice Chairman, Guangdong Daya Bay Nuclear Plant and Lingao Nuclear Plant Safety Consultative Committee
- Fellow, Executive Committee Member and Spokeperson, Hong Kong Meteorological Society
- Member, Chinese Meteorological Society
- Member, Hong Kong Radiological Protection Society
- Honorary Advisor, Museum Advisory Committee, HKSARG
- Adjunct Professor, Department of Real Estate and Construction, HKU
- Principal Lecturer, Community College, Hong Kong City University
- Member, Board of Directors, The Green Earth, Hong Kong
- Member, Board of Directors, Conservation E3 Foundation