Clean Energy and Energy Storage 清潔能源與儲能技術
Grant Date | Patent Name | Author | Patent Number |
2024-04-12 | 一种具有两种表面的复合固体电解质及其制备方法 | 赵天寿; 刘克; 巫茂春 | CN112151859B |
2024-03-26 | Fog-based electrical power generator and self-powered system | Zuankai WANG; Steven Wang; Chen Ling; Xiaoxue YAO; Yat Hei WONG | US11938441B2 |
2024-03-05 | LOSS-FREE LIQUIDS MANIPULATION PLATFORM | Liqiu WANG; Wei Li; Xin Tang | US11919003B2 |
2024-02-23 | 电极及其制备方法、电池 | 姚海民; 郭镇斌 | CN113497217B |
2023-06-23 | 一种宽电化学窗口复合固体电解质及其制备方法 | 赵天寿; 刘克; 巫茂春 | CN111370760B |
2022-12-27 | 燃料电池用气体扩散层及其制备方法 | 赵天寿; 孙静; 巫茂春 | CN113707892B |
2022-04-19 | 一种激光诱导多尺度微通道自组装成形加工方法 | 周伟; 姚海民; 袁丁; 褚旭阳; 连云崧 | CN112676770B |
2022-02-01 | Liquid droplet powered electricity generator | Zuankai WANG; Wanghuai XU; Huanxi ZHENG | US11239768B2 |
2021-06-29 | 用于高粘性流体的快速混合的方法和装置 | 孔湉湉, 刘洲; 岑浩璋; 王立秋 | CN107708848B |
2021-06-25 | 非均匀锂离子电池负极片及锂离子电池 | 姚海民; 郭镇斌; 高阳 | CN110660966B |
2020-11-24 | Method and apparatus for rapid mixing of highly viscous fluids | Tiantian KONG; Zhou LIU; Ho Cheung Shum; Liqiu WANG | US10843147B2 |
2019-07-30 | Method for rapid and precise manipulation of a tiny volume of liquid droplets | Liqiu WANG; Xin Tang | US10365187B2 |
2013-12-25 | 一种电动汽车的动力电池水冷式散热系统 | 洪思慧; 蔡颂恒; 巫茂春; 钟国添; 汪双凤; 饶中浩 | CN203367446U |
Project period | Project Title | Project Coordinator | Funding Scheme | Fund Approved | Supporting Parties |
2025-01-01 – 2026-06-30 | Mass Production of Low-cost High-efficiency Catalysts for Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (AEMFCs) | Prof. ZHANG Xiao | ITSP | HK$ 1,396,100 | Siphone Science and Technology Limited |
2024-01-01 – 2025-06-30 | Integrated Ultrathin Solid Electrolyte/Cathode for Safe, High-performance Li Batteries | Prof. WU Maochun | ITSP | HK$ 1,396,100 | C4 Development Limited |
2023-12-01 – 2025-05-31 | Development of Ultrahigh-Specific-Energy and High-Safety Sodium-based Traction Batteries | Dr YU Xiaoliang | ITSP | HK$ 976,350 | Shenzhen Cubic-Science Co., Ltd., Chan Ching-chuen, Suzhou Dr. Tsing Environment Technology Co., Ltd, Ouyang Chuying |
2023-04-18 – 2026-04-17 | Transition Metal Phosphide-Graphene Aerogel Composite Electrode Enabled Electrocatalytic Production of Green Ammonia with High Efficiency and on a Large Scale from N2-Dissolved Ionic Liquids | Prof. ZHENG Guangping | ITSP | HK$ 3,826,050 | NA |