Sound and Vibration 聲學與振動
Grant Date | Patent Name | Author | Patent Number |
2024-04-02 | Wideband vibration suppression device utilizing properties of sonic black hole | Li Cheng; Tong Zhou | US11946523B2 |
2021-05-07 | 利用声学黑洞特征的宽频带振动抑制装置 | 成利; 周桐 | CN110094452B |
2019-10-22 | 局部共振声学黑洞结构 | 季宏丽; 裘进浩; 黄薇; 成利 | CN106023979B |
2019-10-22 | 非完美声学黑洞截面构造 | 季宏丽; 裘进浩; 黄薇; 成利 | CN106023974B |
2019-08-02 | 双层板声学黑洞减振降噪结构 | 季宏丽; 裘进浩; 成利; 黄薇 | CN106023978B |
2018-07-03 | Coated Nanofiller/Polymer Composite Sensor Network for Guided-Wave-Based Structural Health Monitoring | Zhongqing Su; Limin Zhou; Zhihui ZENG; Menglong LIU; Hao Xu | US10012553B2 |
2018-06-12 | 檢測及顯示管道結構破損情況的方案和系統 | 苏众庆; 王强; 成利; 洪铭 | CN104279424B |
2018-01-09 | Resistance-Voltage Transformation System for Sensors in Dynamic Strain Measurement and Structural Health Monitoring | Zhongqing Su; Limin Zhou; Lei Qiu; Hao Xu; Zhihui ZENG; Menglong LIU | US9863824B1 |
Project period | Project Title | Project Coordinator | Funding Scheme | Fund Approved | Supporting Parties |
2025-02-01 – 2028-01-31 | A “Totally-Additive-Manufacturing”-driven New Sensing Technique for Rapid Health Evaluation of Space Systems Under Hypervelocity Impact of Orbital Junks | Prof. SU Zhongqing | ITSP Special Call (Aerospace Technology) | HK$ 4,471,200 | Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering (BISEE), Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) |
2019-12-31 – 2022-06-30 | New Generation Vehicle Seats: Addressing Comfort and Health Issues | Prof. CHOY Yat Sze | ITSP | HK$ 3,156,980 | Novox Limited, Shenzhen u-precision technology limited, China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology |
2019-09-02 – 2023-09-01 | Tunable Sonic Perception Control Headset | Prof. CHOY Yat Sze | UICP | HK$ 6,600,000 | Innovation Technology Company Limited |
2015-09-15 – 2016-07-01 | An Innovative Smart Sensing Network Coating towards in-situ Acousto-ultrasonics-based Health Monitoring for Engineering Structures | Prof. SU Zhongqing | RTH | HK$ 151,741.97 | NA |
2014-11-03 – 2015-05-31 | An Innovative Smart Sensing Network Coating towards in-situ Acousto-ultrasonics-based Health Monitoring for Engineering Structures | Prof. SU Zhongqing | RTH | HK$ 101,920 | NA |
2014-11-03 – 2016-04-30 | An Innovative Smart Sensing Network Coating towards in-situ Acousto-ultrasonics-based Health Monitoring for Engineering Structures | Prof. SU Zhongqing | RTH | HK$ 263,620 | NA |
2014-11-01 – 2016-10-30 | An Innovative Smart Sensing Network Coating towards in-situ Acousto-ultrasonics-based Health Monitoring for Engineering Structures | Prof. SU Zhongqing | ITSP | HK$ 1,221,185 | MTR Corporation Limited |
2013-11-01 – 2016-09-30 | Online Health Diagnosis and Prognosis (Online-HD&P) for Train Structures Using A Large-scale Diagnostic Sensor Network | Prof. SU Zhongqing | PSTS | HK$ 267,293 | Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering, China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) |
2014-07-02 – 2014-10-25 | Novel Acoustic Metamaterial Liner Technology for Low Frequency Ventilation Noise Absorption | Prof. LEUNG Chi Kin, Randolph | RTH | HK$ 47,555 | NA |
2014-01-16 – 2015-03-31 | Novel Acoustic Metamaterial Liner Technology for Low Frequency Ventilation Noise Absorption | Prof. LEUNG Chi Kin, Randolph | RTH | HK$ 182,903 | NA |
2013-10-01 – 2015-07-31 | Novel Acoustic Metamaterial Liner Technology for Low Frequency Ventilation Noise Absorption | Prof. LEUNG Chi Kin, Randolph | ITSP | HK$ 980,000 | NA |