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Academic Staff

Dr Lam Tak Ming

Dr Tak Ming Eric LAM

Teaching Fellow

Research Area: Management

  • M934
  • +852 2766 4059
  • Consulting, Research and Teaching Interests: Entrepreneurship, Mobile Business, Strategic Management, Social Media, Web Advertising and China Business
  • Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Lam is an outstanding entrepreneur. He has established a number of successful new business ventures before joining this University. Dr. Lam is writing two books for business executives in sharing his experience in entrepreneurship and business strategies development: 1. First Bucket of Gold in China and 2. Making Executive Strategies Work. Other than business ventures, he has served for a various local and international prestige organizations including IBM, NEC, Contrad and Cable & Wireless Plc the positions up to Managing Director and CEO. Dr. Lam had carried out consultancy work for organizations including China Mobile, Hong Kong Banks Association, Microsoft Hong Kong and Friends of Earth. He is a professional engineer in full membership of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics, Inc. (MIEEE) and the Institute of Electrical Engineer (MIEE). In this few years, he works in University mainly providing executive trainings for MBA and CMBA programs in focusing on Entrepreneurship, MIS and Strategic Management. Dr. Lam’s strong commercial networking leads him to take up the role of Work Integrated Education Manager in enhancing the quality of internship placement for students.

林博士目前出任MBA课程统筹主任, 创业顾问及校企协作项目主任。

林博士是位出色的企业家。他在大学工作前已有很多成功创立的公司和经历。林博士目前正努力筹备两本新书跟大家分享创业之路和企业战略实施: 1. First Bucket of Gold in China 及 2. Making Executive Strategies Work。除了创业经历,他也曾在本地及国际机构工作,如IBM,NEC,Contrad及英国大东电报局等职位至总裁或首席行政官。林博士亦曾为中国移动,香港银行协会,香港微软及地球之友担任顾问工作。他是位专业工程师有IEE及IEEE会员资格。这几年,他在大学主要负责行政人员培训工作包括本港及内地MBA课程,主要科目包括创业学,信息管理及战略管理等。林博士的商业联系能在校企协作项目主任的角色中直接帮助学生及提升公司实习的素质。

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