領導研究人員 |
理大高等研究院崗位 |
研究項目(只有英文) |
資助金額 (港幣) |
工程學院 |
張忠偉博士 生物醫學工程學系助理教授(研究) |
體育科技研究院及智齡研究院成員 |
Integrated acoustic and carbon nanotube biosensors with deep-learning algorithms for dysphagia screening: a pilot study |
$495,900 |
醫療及社會科學院 |
鄭競業教授 醫療科技及資訊學系副教授 |
未來食品研究院及中醫藥創新研究中心成員 |
Circulating plasmalogens and their metabolism as biomarkers and therapeutic targets for pancreatic β-cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetes |
$1,499,000 |
任格博士 醫療科技及資訊學系助理教授(研究) |
智能可穿戴系統研究院成員 |
Investigation of a novel AI-empowered pulmonary perfusion imaging technique based on cone beam computed tomography for functional image-guided adaptive radiotherapy of lung cancer |
$1,500,000 |
蕭傑恒教授 醫療科技及資訊學系教授 |
潘樂陶慈善基金智慧城市研究院成員 |
Risk assessment and surveillance of the transmission of foodborne antimicrobial resistance in Hong Kong |
$1,499,500 |
黃宇樂教授 康復治療科學系副教授 |
智齡研究副院長、智能可穿戴系統研究院及體育科技研究院成員 |
Feasibility, effectiveness, and patient experience of an online acceptance and commitment therapy plus exercises versus online education plus exercises for older people with chronic low back pain: a pilot randomized controlled trial |
$499,530 |
黃偉龍教授 康復治療科學系副教授 |
中醫藥創新研究中心成員 |
The efficacy of a specific dance intervention to improve the balance and reduce the risks of falls (SDIIBRF) in older adults: a randomised controlled trial |
$892,214 |
辛美琪教授 康復治療科學系助理教授 |
精神健康研究中心成員 |
Understanding professional help-seeking behaviors for insomnia and the associated factors in the communitydwelling older population having insomnia symptoms |
$499,512 |
雷逸華教授 護理學院副學院主任(深造教育)及教授 |
智齡研究院成員 |
The effects of music-with-movement (simultaneous cognitive-motor dual-task training) on cognitive and physical performance of people with potentially reversible cognitive frailty: a randomized controlled trial |
$1,478,766 |
趙妍教授 護理學院助理教授 |
智齡研究院成員 |
Supporting current home care services with a robot-mediated interactive intervention (RMII) to reduce loneliness in older adults: a feasibility and pilot randomized controlled trial |
$500,000 |
理學院 |
蔡松霖教授 應用生物及化學科技學系助理教授 |
深空探測研究中心管理委員會成員及未來食品研究院成員 |
Developing Juglone as a novel antivirulence agent to eliminate biofilm infections |
$500,000 |
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