Prof. Seon Ki PARK
Department of Climate and Energy Systems Engineering
Ewha Womans University, South Korea
Presentation Title
Integrated Regional Climate/Weather/Environment Prediction: Opti-Parameterizations and Coupled Data Assimilation
Details of the Seminar
Date: Thursday 27 February 2025
Venue: Y304, PolyU campus
Language: English
Moderator: Prof. Shuo WANG, Associate Professor of LSGI and Member of RILS
Numerical prediction of climate/weather/environment is an important source for adequate policy making in an era of changing climate. It requires a coupled modeling system, e.g., atmosphere-land surface-chemistry; its performance can be improved through better estimation of parameters and initial conditions. Numerical climate/weather/environment models provide not only their future states but also the analysis data at given grid sizes, which are useful in data void areas. Recent efforts to improve regional climate/weather /environment prediction will be introduced as an integrated approach: estimating optimal parameter values, seeking an optimized set of parameterization schemes, combining optimizations of parameterization schemes and parameter values sequentially(i.e., opti-parameterization), and applying a hybrid ensemble-variational data assimilation through the coupled models (e.g., WRF-Noah-MP and WRF-Chem) and satellite data.