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Website  - Recap PAIR Distinguished Lecture Series 220517 (1)

PAIR Successfully Hosts Its Second Distinguished Lecture Series by Professor David Cardwell of University of Cambridge (只有英文版本)

The PAIR Distinguished Lecture Series was successfully held on 17 May 2022. We were honoured to have renowned scholar, Prof. David Cardwell, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Strategy and Planning), University of Cambridge, UK, as the invited speaker. The webinar was hosted by Prof. Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation) and Chair Professor of Thermal and Environmental Engineering of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). It attracted over 430 participants from 30 countries and regions. Honourable participants include:



Recap PAIR Distinguished Lecture Series 220422

PAIR Hosts Its First Distinguished Lecture by Professor Catherine P. Koshland of UC Berkely a Big Success (只有英文版本)

The PAIR Distinguished Lecture Series was successfully held on 22 April 2022. We are honoured to have renowned scholar Prof. Catherine P. Koshland, Interim Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost at University of California, Berkeley, USA, as the invited speaker. The webinar attracted over 350 participants from over 10 countries and regions. Honourable participants include:



Group Photo_nametag

RCSV-SO 傑出學人講座 「How the Baby Learns to See: Critical Periods Re-visited」圓滿結束

加拿大麥克馬斯特大學特聘教授Daphne Maurer教授主講,她與參加者分享她在兒童視覺範疇的知識及研究成果。理大視覺科學研究中心副主任及眼科視光學院副教授兼署理學院主任紀家樹博士擔任講座主持


website - recap RI-IWEAR Seminar III

網上重溫: “Adoption of Wearable Sensors in Construction Research” 研討會

智能可穿戴系統研究院舉辦的 “Adoption of Wearable Sensors in Construction Research” 網絡研討會於 2022 年 3 月16 日圓滿結束。 研討會由研究院核心成員李恆教授、理大建築及房地產學系徐準旿副教授、香港科技大學土木及環境工程學系于言滔助理教授,以及香港城市大學建築與土木工程系駱曉偉副教授分享他們對智能可穿戴系統傳感器在建築行業的各種應用的看法。



Website - Webinar on Urban Informatics

城市信息學網絡研討會圓滿結束 ​

城市信息學網絡研討會於 2022 年 3 月 7 日在線成功舉辦,吸引了超過 175,000 名來自 Zoom 以及 YouTube 和 Bilibili 直播的参加者。網絡研討會由香港理工大學高等研究院(PAIR)、潘樂陶慈善基金智慧城市研究院(SCRI)、理大土地測量及地理資訊學系(LSGI)、國際城市信息學會(ISUI)及國際攝影測量及遙感探測學會 (ISPRS) 合辦。



