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20240802 HKAES young members


熱烈恭賀理學院副院長(研究)及應用物理學系教授柴揚教授,以及建築環境及能源工程學系教授魏敏晨教授,獲香港工程科學院(HKAES)選為2024年度青年分部(YMS)七位新成員之一。   香港工程科學院青年部由45歲或以下的年輕工程專業人士組成,該部為成員提供聯繫及協作平台,為推動香港工程和科學的發展作貢獻。


20240801Prof Zhang Techpreneur


香港青年協會獲羅桂祥基金贊助,推出「創科N世代(Young Techpreneur Project)」。 2023-2024年度,由蔡智聰博士及張需明教授創立的BioFlow Innovation Ltd.從87支隊伍中脫穎而出,成為六支獲獎隊伍之一。   該計畫旨在為青年提供財務支援、商業諮詢、導師指導、全面的配套及人脈網絡,帶領他們開展及拓展其項目,從而可能確保他們獲得進一步的資金。恭喜張教授和蔡博士!   網上報道:信報財經新聞 (只有中文版本)


20240520 PRI Research Seminar Prof Shi

Prof. Kebin Shi delivered a speech during the PRI Research Seminar Series

The PRI Research Seminar was successfully held today, covering the topic of” High Resolution Optical Imaging Enabled by Field Engineering - from Physics to Engineering”. The PRI Research Seminar was graced by the presence of Prof. Kebin Shi, Professor of Institute of Modern Optics, School of Physics, Peking University National Bioimaging Center at Peking University, shared his valuable experience and insight with the participants.   Prof. Shi’s research focuses on developing high resolution photonic systems and devices based on ultrafast/nonlinear optical principles for spectroscopy, imaging and applications.   We would like to extend our gratitude to Prof. Shi for his invaluable contribution to the seminar and our sincere appreciation to all the participants who attended the seminar.


20240506 Dr Huang dongmei YIRA


光子技術研究院成員黃冬梅博士獲選為 2024年理大青年創新研究者獎 (YIRA) 得獎者之一。   理大YIRA評審委員從 53 份提名中選出了 6 名 YIRA 獲獎者。   理大青年創新研究者獎(YIRA)旨在表揚35歲以下的年輕理大研究人員,他們對技術進步做出了貢獻,並推動科研進步,將其轉化為解決社會問題的方案,以期對未來產生積極的改變。   我們藉此機會祝賀黃博士!    得獎者 學系 職銜 研究重點 黃冬梅博士 電機及電子工程學系 助理教授 高性能掃頻雷射器及其應用                                                     


20240426 PRI seminar Prof Qu

Prof. Junle Qu and Prof. Tymish Y. Ohulchanskyy delivered a speech during the PRI Research Seminar Series (只有英文版本)

The PRI Research Seminar was successfully held last week. Prof. Junle Qu, Chair Professor and the Director of the Center for Biomedical Photonics at Shenzhen University, and Prof. Tymish Y. Ohulchanskyy, Distinguished Professor of the College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering at Shenzhen University, shared their valuable experience and insight with the participants.   Covering the topic “Super-Resolution Optical Imaging: In Vivo, In Situ, and Multicolor” for Prof. Qu and “Near Infrared Phototheranostics Using Biocompatible Nanoformulations” for Prof. Ohulchanskyy, we would like to extend our gratitude to Prof. Qu and Prof. Ohulchanskyy for their invaluable contribution to the seminar and our sincere appreciation to all the participants who attended the seminar.


20240425 Prof Wei HKEST Award


香港工程科學院宣佈魏敏晨教授 (建築環境與能源工程系教授及光子技術研究院管理委員會成員) 榮獲為2023年度香港工程科技獎,以表彰他對顏色與影像科學、照明技術與工程方面的傑出成就。   香港工程科技獎是由香港工程科學院於2022年推出的備受推崇的獎項,旨在表彰和肯定香港年輕新一代在工程科技領域的卓越貢獻和優秀成就。是次獎項秉持嚴謹且高水平的評審標準,將表揚來自不同領域並且在研究、開發、創新和創業等方面為社會提供創意解決方案並取得重大進展的年輕科學家、工程師和技術專家。   恭喜魏教授!   欲了解更多詳情,請瀏覽:


20240422 PRI Disting seminar Prof HE

何祖源教授在光子技術研究院的傑出研討會上發表演講 (只有英文版本)

The PRI Distinguished Seminar was successfully held yesterday, covering the topic of” Optical Fiber Distributed Acoustic Sensors: Challenges and Solutions”. The Distinguished Seminar was graced by the presence of Prof. Zuyuan He, Chair Professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, whose invaluable contributions and insights were central to the seminar’s success.   We extend our gratitude to Prof. He for sharing their expertise and enriching the discourse. We would also like to thank all participants for their active engagement.


20240408 PRI Disting Seminar Prof Qiu 1

Prof. Cheng-Wei Qiu delivered a speech during the PRI Distinguished Seminar Series on 8 April 2024 (只有英文版本)

The Photonics Research Institute (PRI) Distinguished Seminar Series “Synthetic Interface Optics: Plasmonic / dielectric, TMDC and van der Waals Metasurfaces” was successfully held on 8 April 2024.   We are delighted to have Prof. Cheng-Wei Qiu, Dean’s Chair Professor of the National University of Singapore, Fellow of APS, Optica, SPIE and The Electromagnetics Academy (US) to share his valuable insights and experiences.   Prof. Qiu’s Research expertise and interest are Metasurface photonics, 2D-materials-based quantum nanophotonics, spin-orbit coupling, van der Waals photonics.   We would like to extend our gratitude to Prof. Qiu for his contribution. His expertise and knowledge were greatly appreciated.   We look forward to hosting more such enriching events in the future. Stay tuned for updates on our website.


20240306 Prof Jin

PRI researcher develops a novel on-chip photothermal gas sensor (只有英文版本)

A joint research team led by Prof. Wei Jin, Associate Director of Photonics Research Institute (PRI) and Chair Professor of Photonic Instrumentation in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of PolyU, and Prof. Chuantao Zheng of Jilin University, has developed a novel on-chip photothermal spectroscopy sensor for high sensitivity gas detection.   On-chip waveguide sensors have attracted considerable attention due to its ultra-compact footprint and potential for large-scale integration. However, existing waveguide gas sensors are primarily based on direct absorption spectroscopy which suffer from limited sensitivity and measurement range. The team demonstrated a new method for high sensitivity on-chip gas measurement by using photothermal spectroscopy. This technique detects photothermal phase change resulting from non-radiative relaxation upon light absorption by gas molecules, presenting itself as an indirect technique capable of circumventing the limitations of direct absorption measurement.   By selecting chalcogenide glass (ChG) as the core-layer material and fabricating thermally-isolated ChG-on-SU8 waveguide for thermal field accumulation, the team has demonstrated a remarkable acetylene detection sensitivity of 4 parts-per-million and a dynamic range exceeding 5 orders of magnitude, which outperform traditional direct absorption sensor by nearly 2 and 3 orders of magnitude, respectively.   The research findings have been recently published in Laser & Photonics Reviews. Further investigation is underway to optimize the waveguide structure, improve thermal accumulation and understand deeper the optical-thermal-phase transfer mechanism. The team looks forward to collaborating with the industry in further development of the integrated on-chip sensors and applications.   For more details, please click Here.


20240301 Prof Li Gang breakthrough 1 rev2

Organic solar cell breakthrough from Prof. Gang LI’s team (只有英文版本)

Prof. Gang LI’s research team published a paper “Rational molecular and device design enables organic solar cells approaching 20% efficiency” on Nature Communications on 28 February 2024, which reported a new efficiency breakthrough of organic solar cells.   Ternary strategy that introduces a guest component into the benchmark host blend is a promising method further to improve the power conversion efficiency of organic solar cells, but how to design a suitable third component remains challenging. Here, the authors systematically investigated the design rules of guest molecules by theoretical simulations and successfully synthesized a new molecule, o-BTP-eC9, contributing to a record organic solar cell with 19.9% (19.5 certified) efficiency.   The paper is available at


