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20230718 CLP visit 1

中國激光雜誌社到訪香港理工大學 (只有英文版本)

Ms Lydia YANG, General Manager of the Chinese Laser Press, and Mr Xiao-Feng WANG, chief editor of the Chinese Laser Press, led a group of editors visiting PolyU on 18 July 2023. During their visit, they participated in fruitful discussions and information exchanges with PRI researchers. In addition, the Chinese Laser Press delegation was given a tour showcasing various laboratories.


20230614 interviewed by nature portfolio 1

李剛教授及嚴鋒教授接受國際期刊《自然》(Nature Portfolio)訪問 (只有英文版本)

Two Photonics Research Institute (PRI) scholars, Prof. Gang LI and Prof. Feng YAN, were interviewed by Nature Portfolio to share their research on advanced materials with breakthrough results and major global impacts. For more details, please click HERE.


20230516 PAIR conference 1

光子技術研究院活動已於2023年5月11日成功舉行 (只有英文版本)

The PAIR Conference 2023, themed on “Research Excellence for Societal Impacts”, is the first and largest interdisciplinary research and development conference in Hong Kong. It was successfully commenced at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) on 8-11 May 2023, with some 100 internationally renowned experts as distinguished speakers to share their knowledge and insights.   The PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR) Conference provided an opportunity for stakeholders to engage in closer exchange and collaboration, enriching and expanding interdisciplinary knowledge.   The Photonics Research Institute (PRI) Program was held on 11 May 2023. Besides insightful keynote and technical sessions, the program also comprises laboratory visits and presentations of select research papers. The Best Poster Presentation Awards were presented by Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU at the Closing Ceremony.   Details of the Awards:   Best Poster Presentation Award of Photonics Session Awardee: Dr Jingxian CUI Poster Topic: Optical fiber sensor-assisted cochlear implantation for hearing loss preservation   Best Poster Presentation of Photonics Research Institute - First Runner-Up Award Awardee: Mr Heng JIANG Poster Topic: Learn from butterfly's eyes   Best Poster Presentation of Photonics Research Institute - Second Runner-Up Award Awardee: Dr Zhuo WANG Poster Topic: Plasmonic bound states in the continuum for unpolarized tightly focused light   Thank you all for attending the PRI Program during PAIR Conference 2023.


20230430 Geneva

3名光子技術研究院學者在日內瓦發明展獲獎 (只有英文版本)

Impactful innovations from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) have won a record-breaking number of accolades at the 48th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva (Geneva Inventions Expo), widely regarded as among the most important annual global events devoted exclusively to inventions.   We have the great honour to announce that 3 Photonics Research Institute (PRI) scholars awarded at Geneva Inventions Expo.   To learn more details, please refer to the Appendix and the website at Here.    Project   Principal Investigator(s)   Award(s)   All-in-one Luminescence-based Point-of-care Testing Device for Virus Diagnosis Prof. HAO Jianhua Chair Professor of Materials Physics and Devices, Department of Applied Physics Member of PRI Silver Medal   Durable, High-Selectivity, and Energy Efficient CO2 Electroreduction System   Prof. Daniel LAU Shu-ping Associate Director of PRI, Chair Professor of Nanomaterials, Head of Department of Applied Physics, Director of UMF Gold Medal   High-throughput Microfluidic Platform for CTCs Detection in Cancer Precision Diagnostics   Prof. YANG Mo Associate Head (Research) and Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering Member of PRI Gold Medal   *list in alphabetical order of Surname   Congratulations to Prof. Hao, Prof. Lau and Prof. Yang!


20230316 Prof Zhang XM POC award

Prof. Xuming Zhang’s student received PolyU Student Entrepreneurial Proof-of-Concept (POC) Fund Scheme

PolyU Student Entrepreneurial Proof-of-Concept (POC) Funding Scheme is a funding initiative launched in 2017 as one of the key entrepreneurship education components at PolyU. With the kind support from ‘Dr Winnie S M Tang-PolyU Student Innovation & Entrepreneurship Scholarship’ since 2022, POC Fund aims to instil a problem-driven innovation mindset into young talents through experiential learning and student-initiated research and development.   Dr Winnie S M Tang -  PolyU Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Scholarship (鄧淑明博士-理大學生創新創業獎學金)  Principal applicant: Chi Chung TSOI Supervisor: Prof. Xuming ZHANG PolyU Student Entrepreneurial Proof-of-Concept (POC) Fund Scheme (學生創業概念驗證基金計劃) Project: High-Throughput Digital Microfluidics Platform (POC-23(1)-047), 22 Feb 2023   Single-cell microalgae are among the most efficient photosynthetic systems and have found prosperous applications in biofuels and nutraceuticals. However, two major problems are hindering their big success: (1) breeding of highly-productive strains for specific products and (2) optimization of growth conditions, both strongly affect the productivity and cost. Traditional methods using flask of samples are of low success rate and low efficiency. This project will develop a unique design called electrically-addressable microfluidic XY array (in short, XY array) to control the trap and release of any individual microalgal cell, and the same XY array can used for both strain selection and growth condition optimization. Although microfluidic arrays of mammalian cells have been extensively studied for drug screening, our design is distinctive due to the capability to release any single cell. This microfluidic platform is superior to the traditional methods in several aspects: original and patentable technique, better scalability for high throughput, real-time monitoring of growth status and targeted content of every cell, and high success rate to find optimal seed strains. The XY array examines the cells one by one to select the best few cells from a large number (~10,000) of source microalgae, suggesting high chances to get the best seed strains. Our microfluidic platform is not intended to replace the current methods, instead it can be used to complement them by further screening the cells preselected by the current methods. We have developed the key techniques such as droplet generations and single droplet manipulation and we are now making the prototypes. To our best knowledge, this is the first microfluidic platform for both screening and optimizing microalgal strains with real-time monitoring of grown status and targeted content. It would find broad applications in microalgae industry for advanced nutrients (e.g., EPA), nutraceuticals and biofuels.


20230208 PolyU research project named among top ten innovation


由理大理學院副院長(研究)、應用物理學教授、光子技術研究院成員柴揚教授帶領研發的「模仿人類眼睛適應能力的先進視覺傳感器」獲選為「2022年度香港十大創科新聞」。   是次評選由京港學術交流中心舉辦,並獲本地大學支持提供本地科創及科研新聞素材。由中國科學院與中國工程科學院兩院在港院士組成的顧問小組篩選出30則具影響力的新聞予公眾投票,最終獲3,360名網民投票,選出十大新聞。   了解更多「視覺傳感器」: 閱讀更多:


20230206 promotion to chair prof


恭喜三位光子技術研究院學者晉升為講座教授!   學院 學系 姓名和職銜 工程學院 電子及資訊工程學系 李剛教授 能量轉換技術講座教授 理學院 應用物理學系 嚴鋒教授 有機電子學講座教授 理學院 應用生物及化學科技學系 鄭子劍教授 軟材料及器件講座教授


20230202 prof lau new materials 2


理大應用物理學系納米材料講座教授兼系主任及光子技術研究院副院長劉樹平教授領導的團隊發現,二硫化鉬(MoS2)和二硫化鎢(WS2)合組的納米級雙層堆疊展現出其鐵電物料固有的電極化特性,只要施加電流便可切換其電極。該新型納米鐵電體具有低成本、低耗能和可靠的複製性,可被大規模製造。研究成果有望推動現代電子產品的前沿發展,電子製造商將對此大感興趣。   是項研究由理大團隊聯同中國人民大學、劍橋大學,以及南京大學學者合作進行。有關研究發現已刊載於國際學術期刊《科學》(Science)。   閱讀更多:  


20221229 Dr Dongmei HUANG won 2022 Optoelectronics Global Conference


光子技術研究院成員黃冬梅博士其卓越的學術成就榮獲2022 年 OGC 青年科學家獎。   第七屆全球光電大會(OGC 2022)於2022年12月6日至11日以虛擬方式舉行。OGC 2022由IEEE光子學會廣東分會主辦,南方科技大學電氣與電子工程系承辦。會議旨在促進國內外學術界和工業界各學科專業人士的互動與交流。 此外,它還有助於將技術轉化為工業應用。   在此祝賀黃博士!


20221228 Dr Tsang top paper 2000x1050px

曾遠康博士榮獲2022年Nano Research最佳論文獎

恭喜光子技術研究院成員曾遠康博士獲Nano Research編委會與清華大學出版社聯合選為2022最佳論文獎 (Top Papers Award)   獲獎論文: Highly sensitive solar-blind deep ultraviolet photodetector based on graphene/PtSe2/β-Ga2O32D/3D Schottky junction with ultrafast speed. Di Wu, Zhihui Zhao, Wei Lu, Lukas Rogée, Longhui Zeng, Pei Lin, Zhifeng Shi, Yongtao Tian, Xinjian Li, and Yuen Hong Tsang. Nano Res. 2021, 14(6): 1973–1979.   此最佳論文獎於 2015 年由 Nano Research 編委會和清華大學出版社 (TUP) 共同設立。 該獎項向全球範圍內在前兩年發表過納米研究論文的科學家開放。 每年JCR發布後,由委員會(主編、副主編、TUP代表)根據最近一年的被引情況和論文貢獻情況決定獲獎者。


