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20220815 Dr WEI EYSF

光子技術研究院成員獲批2022年國家「優秀青年科學基金項目」資助 (只有英文版本)

Dr Tommy Minchen WEI, PRI management committee member, has been awarded the China's Excellent Young Scientists Fund 2022 (Hong Kong and Macau) for his research “Colour Appearance Model and Colour Space” with a total amount of RMB 2 million.  The awarded project “Colour Appearance Model and Colour Space” aims to investigate colour appearance and difference under complicated conditions. Dr Wei, has carried out research on the fundamentals of colour science and developed advanced algorithms and solutions for various imaging systems to address industrial needs, improving the user experience.   The Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Hong Kong and Macau) aims to support young scholars (under the age of 38 for male or 40 for female) who have attained achievements in basic research and conducted innovative research in their chosen fields, fostering them to be internationally leading scholars.


Prof Li RGC22-23

李剛教授獲頒2022/23研究資助局高級研究學者 (只有英文版本)

PRI Management Committee Member, Prof. LI Gang, has been awarded one of the ten grants under the Research Grants Council's (RGC) Senior Research Fellow Scheme 2022/23.   Prof. Li Gang, Department of Electronic and Information Engineering Research Project: “Printable Organic Solar Cells: Materials and Device Investigations towards Applications”   Organic solar cell (OSC) is an emerging photovoltaic (PV) technology with distinct advantages in many areas, such as flexible/portable PV, building integrated PV and transparent power applications. Aiming at accelerating the OSC technology, this project proposed systematic materials and device structure investigation of new photoactive materials, stable transport materials, innovative ternary OSC active layer engineering, a novel approach for transparent OSC and printing technology. The project will significantly push forward OSC technology in terms of high efficiency, operation stability, compatibility with unique applications and being printing friendly. The proposed research represents a new frontier for OSC technology, which integrates chemistry, physics and material science to generate new perspectives in science and come up with solutions to challenging issues in renewable energy.   The RGC Senior Research Fellow Scheme aims to provide sustained support to exceptionally outstanding researchers at UGC-funded universities in Hong Kong, with a view to facilitating their dedication to research and development and to helping universities attract and retain research talent. The Scheme provides ten grants to scholars from any academic disciplines in each round of the annual exercise. Nominees are assessed based on various criteria that include leadership quality and vision in the chosen area of research, the merit of the research proposal and the support provided by the university.



光子技術研究院成員獲得中國科技產業化促進會科技創新獎(2021-2022 年度)二等獎 (只有英文版本)

PRI Member, Dr TSANG Yuen Hong, won the second prize of 2021-2022 Science and Technology Innovation Award of The China Society for the Promotion of Science and Technology Commercialization (CSPSTC).   Project Title: High beam quality, highly stable output power ultrafast laser (高光束質量、高穩定輸出功率超快激光器)   Name of Collaborating Organisations: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Shenzhen University Shenzhen United Winners Laser Co.,Ltd.   The CSPSTC aims to build a technology service platform in order to optimize the technology development environment and create a good atmosphere to promote the in-depth development of technology finance, also promote the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements and scientific and technological progress, and enhance innovation capacity and business competitiveness.   We take this opportunity to congratulate Dr Tsang for his achievements.   Please click here for more information about the list of awardees. (Chinese Version Only)  


inno open day 1


「理大創科開放日」已在7月16日在香港理工大學校園成功舉行,展示大學在教學、交叉學科研究、知識轉移及創業培育的最新發展及成果,以及如何藉此推動香港、大灣區以至其他地區的創科發展。   香港理工大學高等研究院的成立儀式亦於啟動禮上舉行。理大高等研究院是香港和大灣區內同類型研究平台中最具規模,旨在促進交叉學科研究、與世界知名學者合作,以及向持份者進行技術轉移。理大高等研究院致力透過交叉學科解決方案,解決社會上各種嚴重的問題,並矢志成為世界先驅,其研究重點包括人工智能、碳中和、深空探索、智慧城市、智慧能源等尖端領域。   香港理工大學高等研究院在7 月 16 日的就職典禮上首映的宣傳短片。點擊此處 (只有英文版本)   光子技術研究院在當天設立展位,向公眾展示成員的研究項目。另外,光子技術研究院院長亦在分組會議中發表演講。分組會議為業界從業人員和理大專家研究人員提供了一個絕佳的機會,就技術創新和發展、協作、行業趨勢和應用交換意見。


20220609 Dr Wei YIRA

光子技術研究院成員榮獲2022理工大學青年創新研究學者獎 (只有英文版本)

PRI Member Dr Tommy Minchen WEI has been selected as one of the Awardees of the PolyU Young Innovative Researcher Award (YIRA) 2022.   The YIRA assessment panel has reviewed the submissions, interviewed shortlisted applicants and selected 6 YIRA awardees out of 59 submissions.   The PolyU Young Innovative Researcher Award (YIRA) aims to honor our young PolyU researchers under the age of 35 who have demonstrated novelty, contributed to technology advancement, and propelled transformational innovation into solutions for addressing problems in society with a vision for a positive change to the future.   We take this opportunity to congratulate Dr Wei for his achievements.


20220517 Prof Lau coedit

劉伯濤教授教授合編《Machine Learning for future Optical Communications Systems》(只有英文版本)

PRI core member, Prof. Alan LAU Pak-tao co-edited a book “Machine Learning for future Optical Communications Systems” and it is already available at Here and the e-version will be accessible by any library worldwide that has a subscription with Elsevier. Description Machine Learning for Future Fiber-Optic Communication Systems provides a comprehensive and in-depth treatment of machine learning concepts and techniques applied to key areas within optical communications and networking, reflecting the state-of-the-art research and industrial practices. The book gives knowledge and insights into the role machine learning-based mechanisms will soon play in the future realization of intelligent optical network infrastructures that can manage and monitor themselves, diagnose and resolve problems, and provide intelligent and efficient services to the end users. With up-to-date coverage and extensive treatment of various important topics related to machine learning for fiber-optic communication systems, this book is an invaluable reference for photonics researchers and engineers. It is also a very suitable text for graduate students interested in ML-based signal processing and networking.  


Dr CHEN Wen Associate Editor

陳文博士受邀擔任《光學快訊》副主編 (只有英文版本)

PRI Member, Dr CHEN Wen has been invited to be an Associate Editor for "Optics Express" in OPTICA Publishing Group starting from 1 April 2022. Optica Publishing Group publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed articles in its portfolio of journals, which serve the full breadth of the optics and photonics community. Optics Express is the all-electronic, open-access journal for optics providing rapid publication for peer-reviewed articles that emphasize scientific and technology innovations in all aspects of optics and photonics. Additionally, Optics Express publishes papers dedicated to new developments in the science and engineering of light and their impact on sustainable energy, the environment, and green technologies in its dedicated section, Energy and Environmental Optics Express.   Please click the following links for details:


Prof Alan Pak Tao LAU 1

劉伯濤教授和中文大學研究團隊合作開發出最快的矽光子收發器 (只有英文版本)

Prof. Alan Pak Tao LAU, core member of PRI, and PolyU PhD student Xiong WU in collaboration with Prof. Hon Ki TSANG of CUHK developed the World’s fastest Germanium-Silicon(GeSi) on Silicon Photonics Transceiver at 216 Gb/s for Short-Reach Interconnects.   Abstracts For next generation highly integrated transceivers, silicon photonics (SiP) has attracted widespread interest in using mature CMOS production processes to manufacture high-yield, low-cost photonic integrated circuits (PIC) with the potential for integration with CMOS electronics. SiP now routinely integrate GeSi electroabsorption modulators (EAM) and GeSi waveguide photodiodes which have high responsivity and high bandwidth of over 65 GHz. Their ultra-compact dimensions make it possible for multi-channel transceivers to be realized on a small chip area. In this work, we joined forces with CUHK and combine our expertise in signal processing and device fabrication to demonstrate a world-record 216 Gb/s and 200 Gb/s over 1 km and  1.5 km fiber transmission respectively for GeSi-based modulators.   Please click HERE for more details.


Prof Tam interview 1

譚華耀教授帶領研究團隊研發世界首個以光纖為基礎的數據驅動預測性維修系統 (只有英文版本)

Please check Here for his interview with TVB programme (Chinese Only)   Description:   Tremendous pressure is being imposed on railway operators to enhance service reliability and infrastructure maintenance to reduce disruption arising from train, track and overhead power line failures. This requires condition-monitoring systems that can effectively and continuously monitor mission-critical components to produce big data in respect of railway asset maintenance for the development of advanced fault identification and prediction techniques. PolyU developed the world’s first optical fibre-based data-driven predictive maintenance system that enables railway industry to shift from costly and inefficient scheduled maintenance regimes to predictive maintenance.  The system identifies defects in rail tracks, overhead power lines, wheel flats, and cracks in bogies and carriages. Five systems were installed in MTR Hong Kong and two in SMRT lines in Singapore in 2014, and 2016, respectively. The system monitors developing faults and had successfully predicted broken power line along the Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport Line in 2015, several weeks in advance. The goal is to herald a safer railway industry with reduced maintenance cost, and high quality of service. 


dr chai yang achievement

光子技術研究院研究人員柴揚博士及其團隊開發模擬視網膜的傳感器以提高儀器效率 (只有英文版本)

PRI researchers, Dr Chai Yang and his research teams, developed devices that can perceive objects in a light-intensity range substantially wider than that of state-of-the-art sensors based on silicon. Such instruments could improve the efficiency and reduce the complexity of machine-vision technology.   The research achievement has been published in Nature Electronics and selected as the “Research Highlights” in Nature journal. Please click the following links for details:   Nature Electronics: Nature’s Research Highlights:


